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Abbou, Julie. Quelles complicités et quelles incompatibilités entre sciences sociales critiques et sciences cognitives ? 
Petite revue autour du cas du genre., 2021.
Abbou, Julie. Tenir sa langue. Les Pérégrines, 2022.
Abbou, Julie. "Abode. Intercolonialisme et femmes-frontières à Hong Kong." In Dans l'épaisseur d'une ligne. Explorer les frontières du genre., 2022.
Abbou, Julie. "Inclusive Writing: Tracing the Transnational History of a French Controversy." Gender and Language (2022).
Abbou, Julie, and Maria Candea. "Féminisation." Langage et Société (2021).
Abbou, Julie. L'écriture inclusive : usages, débats et mobilisations In ÉTAT DES LIEUX DES ENJEUX ET USAGES DE L'ÉCRITURE INCLUSIVE EN SCIENCES SOCIALES. Paris, France, 2021.
Abbou, Julie. The Ideological space of French-speaking contemporary Feminism. First insights on the generational transmission through language. In 11th European Feminist Research Conference. Milano, Italy, 2022.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Alain Kihm. "Le français attend encore sa grande grammaire." Pour la science, no. Dossier 82 (2014).
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. "Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction." Cognition (2020).
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Frédéric Sabio. "The dramatic extraction construction in French." Bucarest working papers in linguistics X (2009): 135-148.
Abeillé, Anne. Les grammaires d’unification. London: Hermès, 2007.
Abeillé, Anne, Berthold Crysmann, and Aoi Shiraishi. Syntactic mismatches in French peripheral ellipsis In Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP) . Christopher Piñón ed. Vol. Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics. Paris: CSSP, 2015.
Abeillé, Anne, Cappeau Paul, and Gadet Françoise. "Les auxiliaires avoir et être." In la Grande grammaire du français, 274-287. Vol. 1. Arles: Actes sud, 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, and François Mouret. "Quelques contraintes sémantiques et discursives sur les coordinations elliptiques." Revue de sémantique et de pragmatique (2010): 177-206.
Abeillé, Anne. Dialoguons en HPSG In Séminaire LPL. Aix-en-Provence, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. The Grande Grammaire du fran{\c c}ais project In LREC. Malte, 2010.
Abeillé, Anne, Juliette Thuilier, and Benoît Crabbé. "Ordering preferences for postverbal complements ." In Ecological and Data-Driven Perspectives in French Language Studies, 77-104. Tyne Henri, André Virgine, Benzitoun Christophe ed., 2015.
Abeillé, Anne, and Benoît Crabbé. Vers un treebank du français parlé In TALN. Les Sables d'Olonnes, 2013.
Abeillé, Anne, Benoît Crabbé, Daniè le Godard, and Jean-Marie Marandin. French Polar Questions : a corpus study In Congrès international des linguistes. Genève, Switzerland, 2013.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject NP island? A case of focus‐background conflict. In TedLab Workshop on Islands. MIT (Virtual Workshop), 2020.
Abeillé, Anne, and François Mouret. L’interprétation des coordinations elliptiques In Sémantique de la coordination. Bordeaux, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, Aoi Shiraishi, and Barbara Hemforth. "Voice mismatch and contrast in French RNR." Journal of Linguistics (2023): 1-28.PDF icon LIN_2200055_FN_final.pdf (1.07 MB)
Abeillé, Anne. The French treebank : applications and extensions. Stuttgart, 2011.
Abeillé, Anne. Les verbes supports dans la GGF. K. U. Leuven, 2010.
Abeillé, Anne, Gabriela Bîlbîie, François Mouret, H. Boas, and Gonzalvez F. Garcia. "A Romance perspective on gapping constructions." In Romance perspectives on construction grammar, 227-267. John Benjamins, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard, and Jesse Tseng. The syntax of French à and de: an HPSG analysis In Proceedings of the ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on the Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions., 2003.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Frédéric Sabio. L’antéposition de l’objet In Analyses linguistiques des fran{\c c}ais parlés. Lyon, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, and Kim Jong-Bok. "Me too fragments in English and French: a direct interpretation approach." The Linguistic review 39, no. 3 (2022): 495-524.PDF icon TLR-2022-2095_proof_v1.2-final.pdf (2.39 MB)
Abeillé, Anne, Benoît Crabbé, and Juliette Thuilier. "La notion d’usage en linguistique : du corpus à l’expérimental." In Les usages de l'usage. Béatrce Godart, Sandra Laugier ed. London: ISTE, 2022.
Abeillé, Anne. Formal grammars and descriptive grammars: the Grande Grammaire du fran{\c c}ais project In Evening Lecture ESSLI. Bordeaux, 2009.
Abeillé, Anne. "Tout, {\c c}a, quoi : remarques sur les mots légers en fran{\c c}ais." In Modèles Syntaxiques, edited by Dan van Raemdonck, 85-111. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne. Le corpus arboré du fran{\c c}ais : construction et évolution. LIPN, université Paris 13, 2010.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Frédéric Sabio. {Deux constructions à SN antéposé In Congrès mondial de linguistique fran{\c c}aise. Paris, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, Lionel Clément, and Loïc Liégeois. "Un corpus annoté pour le français : le French Treebank." TAL 60, no. 2 (2019): 19-43.PDF icon TAL-60-2-1Abeille.pdf (216.05 KB)
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard, and M. Noailly. "Adjectives and adverbs in the grande grammaire du français." In The interface of adjectives and adverbs in Romance . M. Hummel, S. Valera ed. J. Benjamins, 2017.
Abeillé, Anne. Coordination and ellipsis in natural language In Natural Language and Computer Science. Université de Vienne, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne. HPSG et la grammaire du fran{\c c}ais In Table ronde syntaxe, CMLF. Lyon, 2012.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Jean-Marie Marandin. "Questioning declaratives in question." In The core and the periphery. Data-Driven Perspectives on Syntax Inspired by Ivan A. Sag, edited by P. Hofmeister and E. Nordcliffe. CSLI-Publications, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne. Le statut des données dans la GGF In Comment écrire une grammaire ? Montpellier, 2011.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. "Les relatives sans pronom relatif." In Le francais parlé, Normes et variations, edited by Michaël Abecassis, 37-60. Vol. 2. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. "Les interrogatives compléments en fran{\c c}ais." Cahiers de Lexicologie 98 (2011): 161-176.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, Annie Delaveau, Pascal Amsili, Gadet Françoise, and Olivier Bonami. "Introduction." In la Grande grammaire du français, XXII-XL. Vol. 1. Arles: Actes Sud, 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and Frédéric Sabio. Two types of preposed NP in French In 15th HPSG Conference, Edited by Stefan Müller. Keihanna: CSLI on-line Publications, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, and Shrita Hassamal. "Sluicing in Mauritian : a fragment-based approach." Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics, no. 12 (2019).
Abeillé, Anne. Le projet de Grande grammaire du fran{\c c}ais In Conference Lexique-grammaire. Bonifacio, 2007.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject island: PP extraction depends on the construction In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Constraint-based Syntax and Semantics. Papers in Honor of Danièle Godard, Edited by Anne Abeillé and Olivier Bonami. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2020.
Abeillé, Anne. Formal grammar and French grammar In HPSG Conference., 2009.
Abeillé, Anne, Aoi Shiraishi, and Barbara Hemforth. "Voice mismatch and contrast in French Right-Node Raising." Journal of Linguistics (2023).
Abeillé, Anne, and R. Vivès. Light verb constructions in the GGF In 30th Lexicon and Grammar. Cyprus, 2011.
Abeillé, Anne, Berthold Crysmann, and Aoi Shiraishi. "Syntactic mismatches in French peripheral ellipsis." Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics, no. 11 (2016): 1-30.
Abeillé, Anne. Adjectives and adverbs in the grande grammaire du français In The interface of adjectievs and adverbs in Romance and English. Université de Graz, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne. La place de l’oral dans la GGF. université Rennes 2, 2009.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. The subject island as a case of focus-background conflict In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2020.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. "The syntax of French à and de: an HPSG analysis." In Dimensions of the Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions, edited by Patrick Saint-Dizier, 147-162. Springer, 2006.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. La grande grammaire du français. Arles: Actes Sud, 2021.
Abeillé, Anne. Les grammaires génératives: des grammaires formelles aux grammaires de contraintes In Journée Mathématiques et linguistique. université Paris 4, 2007.
Abeillé, Anne. "French Questioning declaratives in question." In Hofmeister, Nordcliffe (eds), The core and the periphery, Data-Driven Perspectives on Syntax Inspired by Ivan A. Sag,, edited by Danièle Godard. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2013.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. The acceptability of extractions from subjects depends on the discourse status of the subject In AMLaP 2020. Postdam (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. "Complex predicates in the Romance languages." In Fundamental issues in the Romance languages, edited by Danièle Godard, 107-170. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2009.
Abeillé, Anne, Benoît Crabbé, Daniè le Godard, and Jean-Marie Marandin. French questioning declaratives : a corpus study In SemDial 2012 - 16th annual workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Edited by Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Jonathan Ginzburg and Staffan Larsson. Paris, France, 2012.
Abeillé, Anne, and Robert Borsley. "Comparative correlatives and parameters." Lingua (2008): 1139-1157.
Abeillé, Anne. "L’accord et l’orthographe dans la Grande Grammaire du français." Le Français Moderne 92, no. 2 (2024): 254-268.
Abeillé, Anne. Les traits dans une grammaire d’unification In Les traits dans la grammaire. Rabat, 2011.
Abeillé, Anne, Benoît Crabbé, and Juliette Thuilier. "La notion d’usage dans une linguistique de corpus." In L’usage de l’usage, edited by B. Godart and Sandra Laugier. ISTE, Soumis.
Abeillé, Anne, and Aoi Shiraishi. Discordances syntaxiques : la mise en facteur droite en français In More than syntax, a tribute to Alain Rouveret. Université Paris-Diderot, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne, Annie Delaveau, and Danièle Godard. "La Grande Grammaire du français : principes de construction." Revue roumaine de linguistique LII (2007): 403-419.
Abeillé, Anne, and Winckel Elodie. "French subject island ? empirical studies of dont and de qui." Journal of French language studies (2020): 1-26 .PDF icon De_qui_and_dont-2.pdf (441.54 KB)
Abeillé, Anne. Le projet de grande grammaire du fran{\c c}ais. Maison fran{\c c}aise d’Oxford, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. The Syntax of French de-N' Phrases In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Edited by Stefan Müller. CSLI Publications, 2004.
Abeillé, Anne. Les grammaires génératives: des arbres aux structures de traits typés In Colloque Les arbres en linguistique. Chicago Center, Paris, 2007.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, and F. Gadet. "La grande grammaire du francais et le statut des données." Langue fran{\c c}aise (2012).
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject-island constraint? The discourse function of the construction matters In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Abeillé, Anne, and Jean-Pierre Koenig. "le verbe." In la Grande grammaire du français, 125-264. Vol. 1., 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. L'analyse syntaxique des SN de la forme N$'$ In Deuxièmes journées romanes. Toulouse, 2005.
Abeillé, Anne, and Aoi Shiraishi. Right peripheral ellipsis in French : a corpus study In COLTA. Hong-Kong, 2015.
Abeillé, Anne, and Benoît Crabbé. {Vers un treebank du fran{\c c}ais parlé In {TALN 2013 - 20ème conférence du Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel}. Sables d'Olonne, France, 2013.
Abeillé, Anne, Aixiu An, and Aoi Shiraishi. "L’accord de proximité du déterminant en français." Discours, no. 22 (2018).
Abeillé, Anne. de FTAG à HPSG In Grammaires électroniques du fran{\c c}ais. Marseille, 2009.
Abeillé, Anne. "La syntaxe des comparatives corrélatives." In Essais de Typologie et de Linguistique Générale, edited by Franck Floricic, 349-360. Lyon: Presses de l’ENS, 2009.
Abeillé, Anne. Une nouvelle grammaire du fran{\c c}ais. university of Mauritius, 2010.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Anne Zribi-Hertz. "Le verbe." In Grande grammaire du français., 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, An Aixiu, and Hu Yingqin. "L’accord de proximité en genre : quelques considérations diachroniques." Discours 31 (2022).
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Abeillé, Anne. "The empirical turn and its consequences for theoretical syntax." Theoretical Linguistics 50, no. 2 (2024): 5-21.
Abeillé, Anne, Van Peteghem Marleen, Philip Miller, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and R. Vivès. "Les constructions verbales fusionnées." In la Grande grammaire du français, 265-364. Vol. 1. Arles: Actes Sud, 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, and Danièle Godard. "Les relatives sans pronom relatif." In Le français parlé au 21ème siècle: Normes et variations dans les discours et en interaction, 37-60. Michaël ABECASSIS, Laure AYOSSO, Elodie VIALLETON ed. Vol. 2. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007.PDF icon AbeilleGodard2007_RC Le-francais-parle-au-XXI-siecle.pdf (5.02 MB)
Abeillé, Anne. Une nouvelle grammaire du fran{\c c}ais. Centre culturel fran{\c c}ais, Constantine, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. "Les syntagmes nominaux français de la forme de-N'." Travaux de Linguistique 50 (2006): 79-95.
Abulimiti, Alafate, Justine Cassell, and Jonathan Ginzburg. ''By the way, do you like Spider Man?'' -Towards A Social Planning Model for Rapport In SemDial 2021 - 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Potsdam / Virtual, Germany, 2021.
Abuoudeh, Mohammad, Jalal Al-Tamimi, and Olivier Crouzet. L'impact du style de parole sur l'opposition de longueur des voyelles en arabe jordanien In 35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP 2024) 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2024) 26ème Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL 2024). Toulouse, France: ATALA & AFPC, 2024.PDF icon 5447.pdf (257.05 KB)
Abuoudeh, Mohammad, Jalal Al-Tamimi, and Olivier Crouzet. Speaking style influence on vowel length opposition in Jordanian Arabic In 13th International Seminar of Speech Production - ISSP2024. Autrans, France, France, 2024.PDF icon Paper_ISSP24.pdf (146.36 KB)
Ackerman, Farrell, and Olivier Bonami. "Systemic polyfunctionality and morphology-syntax interdependencies." In Defaults in Morphological Theory, edited by Andrew Hippisley and Nikolas Gisborne, 233-268. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.PDF icon polyfunctionality-v5.pdf (178.39 KB)
Ackerman, Farrell, Olivier Bonami, and Irina Nikolaeva. Systemic polyfunctionality and morphology-syntax interdependencies In Defaults in Morphological Theory. Lexington, Kentucky, 2012.PDF icon Lexington-ABN-v3.pdf (508.24 KB)
Adams, Oliver, Benjamin Galliot, Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicholas Lambourne, Ben Foley, Rahasya Sanders-Dwyer, Janet Wiles, Alexis Michaud, Séverine Guillaume, Laurent Besacier et al. User-friendly automatic transcription of low-resource languages: Plugging ESPnet into Elpis In ComputEL-4: Fourth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Proceedings of ComputEL-4: Fourth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Hawai‘i, United States, 2021.
Adams, Oliver, Benjamin Galliot, Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicholas Lambourne, Ben Foley, Rahasya Sanders-Dwyer, Janet Wiles, Alexis Michaud, Séverine Guillaume, Laurent Besacier et al. User-friendly automatic transcription of low-resource languages: Plugging ESPnet into Elpis In ComputEL-4: Fourth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Proceedings of ComputEL-4: Fourth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Hawai‘i, United States, 2021.
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Aguila-Multner, Gabrielle, and Berthold Crysmann. "French Clitic Climbing as Periphrasis." Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43 (2020): 23-61.
Aixiu, An, and Anne Abeillé. "L’accord sujet-verbe avec ou et ni." Langages (2021).
Aixiu, An, and Anne Abeillé. "Closest conjunct agreement of attributive adjectives." Journal of French language studies 32, no. 3 (2021): 1-28.
Al Saied, Hazem, Marie Candito, and Matthieu Constant. The ATILF-LLF System for Parseme Shared Task: a Transition-based Verbal Multiword Expression Tagger In The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics EACL 2017. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Al Saied, Hazem, Marie Candito, and Mathieu Constant. "A transition-based verbal multiword expression analyzer." In Multiword expressions at length and in depth, edited by Stella Markantonatou, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary and Veronika Vincze. Language Science Press, 2018.
Al Saied, Hazem, Marie Candito, and Mathieu Constant. Comparing linear and neural models for competitive MWE identification In The 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics. Turku, Finland, 2019.
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Al-Tamimi, Jalal. Rôle de l'activité laryngale dans la production des consonnes d'arrière en arabe levantin In 35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP 2024) 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2024) 26ème Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL 2024). Toulouse, France: ATALA & AFPC, 2024.PDF icon 0977.pdf (1.25 MB)
Al-Tamimi, Jalal, Florian Schiel, Ghada Khattab, Navdeep Sokhey, Djegdjiga Amazouz, Abdulrahman Dallak, and Hajar Moussa. A Romanization System and WebMAUS Aligner for Arabic Varieties In 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022). Marseille, France, 2022.
Al-Tamimi, Jalal. On the contribution of “Fine Phonetic Detail” (FPD) to Gradience in Phonology: Acoustic, Articulatory, Perceptual and Automatic Methods In UFR-Linguistique. Vol. HDR in Phonetics and Phonology. Paris: Université Paris Cité, 2023.PDF icon HDR_Al-Tamimi.pdf (16.97 MB)
Al-Tamimi, Jalal, and Pertti Palo. Dynamics of the Tongue Contour in the Production of Guttural Consonants in Levantine Arabic In Proceedings of the 20th {International Congress of {Phonetic Sciences ({ICPhS), Edited by Radek Skarnitzl and Jan Volín. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 August 2023): Guarant International, 2023.PDF icon 273.pdf (15.32 MB)
Al-Tamimi, Jalal, and Pertti Palo. Retraction of the whole tongue induced by pharyngealisation in Levantine Arabic: A between-subject account using Static and Dynamic PCA and GAMMs In Ultrafest XI - Ultrasound Imaging for Speech and Language. Aizu, Japan, 2024.PDF icon Al-Tamimi_Palo_Ultrafest11_Proc.pdf (498.29 KB)
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