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Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Aspectual Viewpoints, Speech Act Functions and Discourse Structure." In Aspectual Inquiries, edited by Paula Kempchinsky and Roumyana Slabakova, 265-290. Vol. 62. Studies in {Natural} {Language} and {Linguistic} {Theory} 62. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2005.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Brands of perfects : semantics and pragmatics." In Proceedings of the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference: Issues at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, edited by Pascal Denis, Eric McCready, Alexis Palmer and Brian Reese, 13-27. Somerville, MA.: Cascadilla, 2006.
Roussarie, Laurent, and Patrick Caudal. Change-of-stage vs. change-of-individual: the Nyamal usitative In 9th International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality (Chronos 9). Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. Event Structure vs. Stage Structure and Abstract Aspectual Relations In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Aspect (2000). Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2000.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. L’usitatif en Nyamal et la notion de méta-individu In 9h International Conference on Tense, Aspect & Modality (Chronos 9). Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, Carl Vetters, and Laurent Roussarie. "L'imparfait, un temps inconséquent ?" Langue française 32 (2003): 61-74.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Laurent Roussarie. A semantic type-driven account of verb-formation patterns in Panyjima In 10th Australian Languages Workshop. Moreton Bay Research Station, University of Queensland, Stradbroke Island, 2011.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Laurent Roussarie. "A semantic type-driven account of verb-formation patterns in Panyjima." Australian Journal of Linguistics 31 (2012): 119-159.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Sémantique et pragmatique des propositions en SI." In Temporalité et attitude, edited by Arie Molendijk and Co Vet, 51-66. Vol. 12. Cahiers {Chronos} 12. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2005.