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Brunetti, Lisa. "Contrast in a QUD-based information-structure model." In On the place of contrast in information structure: definition, types, encoding and annotation. , 191-224. Jorina Brysbaert & Karen Lahousse ed. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2024.PDF icon Brunetti-Contrast-2024.pdf (546.46 KB)
Brunetti, Lisa, Mathieu Avanzi, and Cédric Gendrot. Entre syntaxe, prosodie et discours : les topiques sujets en français parlé In 3ème Congès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Franck Neveu, Valelia Muni Toke, Peter Blumenthal, Thomas Klingler, Pierluigi Ligas, Sophie Prévost et Sandra Teston-Bonnard ed. Vol. SHS Web of Conferences. Lyon: SHS Web of Conferences, 2012.PDF icon CMLF2012-BrunettiAvanziGendrot-final.pdf (793.89 KB)
Avanzi, Mathieu, Lisa Brunetti, and Cédric Gendrot. Extra-Sentential Elements, Prosodic Restructuring, and Information Structure. A Study of Clitic-Left Dislocation in Spontaneous French In Speech Prosody, 6th International Conference., 2012.
Brunetti, Lisa. Information structure in Romance: from sentence to discourse In Université Paris Cité. Vol. HDR in LInguistics., 2024.PDF icon hdr-March4th2024.pdf (1.3 MB)
Brunetti, Lisa. Information Structure in Romance: from sentence to discourse., 2024.PDF icon HDR-defense-July9th_2024.pdf (1.34 MB)
Brunetti, Lisa, Kordula De Kuthy, and Arndt Riester. "The information-structural status of adjuncts: A QUD-based approach." Discours 28, no. 28 (2021).PDF icon Brunetti-deKuthy-Riester-resubmission-with-figures.pdf (701.84 KB)
Brunetti, Lisa. "Interaction entre topicalisation, structure thématique et discours dans les langues Romane." In Syntaxe, structure informationnelle et organisation du discours dans les langues romanes, 9-27. Peter Lang ed., 2010.PDF icon Brunetti.pdf (202.12 KB)
Brunetti, Lisa, Ioana Chitoran, and Alexandru Mardale. "Introduction to RLLT23, selected papers from LSRL53 in Paris ." In RLLT23, selected papers from LSRL53 in Paris - Special Issue of Isogloss, Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 1-7. Vol. 10(7)., 2024.
Brunetti, Lisa. Italian background: links, tails, and contrast effects In 9th Symposium on Logic and Language. ed. Besenyőtelek, Hungary, 2006.PDF icon BrunettiItalianBackground.pdf (314.43 KB)
Brunetti, Lisa, Stefan Bott, Joan Costa, and Enric Vallduví. "A multilingual annotated corpus for the study of Information Structure." In Grammatik und Korpora 2009. Dritte internationale Konferenz, Mannheim, 22. - 24.09.2009. Grammar & corpora 2009, 305-328. Konopka, M., Kubczak, J., Mair, C., Sticha, F. et Wassner, U.H. ed. Vol. 1. Mannheim: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2011.PDF icon CL09-BrunettiBottCostaVallduvi.pdf (239.63 KB)
Brunetti, Lisa, Ioana Chitoran, and Alexandru Mardale. RLLT23, Selected papers from LSRL 53, Paris In Special Issue of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics . Vol. 10(7)., 2024.