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Lin, Ting-shiu. 汉语电子邮件中请求语言之使用 [Requêtes dans les courriels du chinois] In 第十四届中国当代语言学国际研讨会 [The 14th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics]., 2012.PDF icon 汉语电子邮件中请求语言之使用_提要+全文.pdf (426.72 Ko)
Germain, Aline, and Philippe Martin. WinPitch Language Teaching, Easy Learning (LTEL) In Conférence virtuelle sur les applications des NTIC dans l'enseignement du FLE,., 1998.
Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, Emilia Ellsiepen, and Barbara Hemforth. Why are distributive readings dispreferred? In Going Romance. Lisbonne, 2014.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-topicalization and wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese In 20ème Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France, 2006.
Pan, Victor Junnan, and Paul Boucher. Wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese : an alternative view In 13ème conférence annuelle de l’Association Internationale de la Linguistique Chinoise (IACL-13). l’Université de Leiden, Leiden, Pays bas., 2005.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-in-situ et questions rhétorique en chinois mandarin In Journées d’études organisé par Le Groupe "Types de phrases - cartographie et typologie" (Fed. Typologie et universaux linguistiques, CNRS). Paris, France, 2008.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-fronting in Chinese In The 17e conférence annuelle de l’Association Internationale de la Linguistique Chinoise (International Association of Chinese Linguistics), IACL-17, CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France, 2009.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ : Mapping Between Information Structure and Split CP In The 16th Symposium of Modern Chinese Grammar, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2010.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ and the Left Periphery in Mandarin Chinese In Spring School of European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italie. Rome, Italie, 2014.PDF icon Spring school handout.pdf (426.68 Ko)
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ and Information Structure in Chinese In "Workshop "What the topic is (not) about", 28th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics. CRLAO, INALCO, 2015.
Pan, Victor Junnan. When wh-questions interact with information structure In ‘Information Structure in Non-Assertive Speech Acts’, Workshop at the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), University of Frankfurt, Allemagne. Frankfurt, Allemagne, 7-9 March, 2012.
Beniamine, Sacha, Olivier Bonami, and Joyce McDonough. When segmentation helps. Implicative structure and morph boundaries in the Navajo verb In First International Symposium on Morphology. Université de Lille, 2017.
Fradin, Bernard. What lies at the bottom of morphological oceans? In Décembrettes 8. Université Jean Jaurès Toulouse, 2015.PDF icon Diapos-Decembrettes 2015 (Copie en conflit de Mac Book Air Bernard 2015-11-14).pdf (196.27 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. What is realized by realizational morphology? In Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain. Newcastle, 2006.
Miller, Philip, and Barbara Hemforth. VP Ellipsis beyond syntactic identity: the case of nominal antecedents In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2014.
Shiraishi, Aoi, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. Voice mismatch in Right Node Raising: Evidence from acceptability judgments and an eyetracking reading experiment In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Gras, Doriane, H. Tardieu, P. Piolino, and S. Nicolas. Vieillissement normal et faux souvenirs : Etude de l’effet de modalité avec un nouveau paradigme. In Colloque international sur le vieillissement cognitif. Liège, Belgique, 2010.PDF icon Poster JEV 2010 Liège.pdf (117.48 Ko)
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Vers une bi-grammaire français-coréen. Comment exploiter un corpus bi-langue dans une optique didactique ? Retour sur les expérimentations de l'OIF en Afrique et dans les zones créolophones In Colloque annuel de la SCELLF 2016, « Traduction et enseignement de la langue et littérature françaises » (15 octobre 2016), Université Nationale de Séoul (Corée)., 2016.
Abeillé, Anne, and Benoît Crabbé. Vers un treebank du français parlé In TALN. Les Sables d'Olonnes, 2013.
Fathi, Radwa. Verbs and Nouns with glide-median roots in Egyptian Arabic In Conférence du Réseau Fran{\c c}ais de Phonologie. Paris, 2012.
Zhang, Xiaoqian. Verbal reduplication and event pluractionality in Mandarin Chinese In 9th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics. University of Stuttgart (Germany), 2015.
Hemforth, Barbara, Antoine Heider, Theodor Cucu, Lisa Hemforth, Hugo Techer, Yair Haendler, Joanna Dos Reis, and Doriane Gras. Verbal mismatch in French Right-Node Raising: Speeded grammaticality judgments In ECBAE 2020. Paris (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Liégeois, Loïc. Variation phonologique et interactions parents-enfant : le cas particulier des jeux de rôle In Workshop Junior CLI : Être en interaction. Saint-Denis, 2014.
Chabanal, D, and Loïc Liégeois. Variation phonologique chez l’enfant francophone de 40 mois : développement lexical et impact du bain linguistique parental In Colloque international Adyloc. Paris, 2011.
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French partial interrogatives: social meaning tells us what? In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French Partial Interrogatives: Social meaning as a key factor. In 8th Experimental Pragmatics conference (XPrag 2019). Edinburgh, Scotland, 2019.PDF icon 190618_xprag.pdf (1.11 Mo)
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French partial interrogatives: social meaning as a key factor to understand sociolinguistic norm violations In Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2018. Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon 180907 AMLaP poster.pdf (710.09 Ko)
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French interrogatives, Social Meaning as a key factor to understand sociolinguistic norm violations In Socially Situated Language Processing Workshop 2018. Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon 180905 SSLP.pdf (1.33 Mo)
Santiago Vargas, Fabián. Variation in French and Spanish Interrogative Intonation and L2 Perception In Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, Edited by Paolo Mairano., 2013.
Saillard, Claire. Variation as a contact-induced phenomenon. The case of Truku (Taiwan) In New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia-Pacific 4. Chiayi, Taiwan: National Chung-Cheng University, 2016.PDF icon APLL9_Saillard_Présentation.pdf (3.03 Mo)
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Variation and competition in realisational morphology: overabundance in Adyghe and Maay In 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Nikosia, 2017.
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. Variable morphotactics in a nutshell: the case of French pronominal affixes In Paper presented at the Second European Workshop on HPSG. Paris, 2014.PDF icon french-pres-v2.pdf (273.92 Ko)
Burnett, Heather, Mireille Tremblay, and Hélène Blondeau. The Variable Grammar of Montréal French Negative Concord In New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Edited by Sabriya Fischer. Vol. 21. University of Pennsylvania: Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, 2015.
Liégeois, Loïc, C Etienne, C Benzitoun, C Chanard, and C Parisse. Utilisation d'un format commun pour structurer les métadonnées de corpus oraux : objectifs, enjeux et méthode In Données, métadonnées des corpus et catalogage des objets en sciences humaines et sociales. Poitiers, France, 2016.
Saillard, Claire. Utilisation du Passé Composé comme mise en relief dans les lectes d’apprenants chinois de FLE In Annual Conference of the Association for French Language Studies. Université de Perpignan, 2013.
Liégeois, Loïc, C Etienne, C Parisse, C Chanard, and C Benzitoun. Using the TEI as a pivot format for oral and multimodal language corpora In Annual Members’ Meeting and Conference of the TEI Consortium. Lyon, 2015.
Godement-Berline, Rémi. The use of prosodic focalization in acting., 2014.PDF icon The use of prosodic focalization in acting.pdf (570.45 Ko)
Caudal, Patrick, and Eva Schultze-Berndt. Unusual possibilities? Exploring the Jaminjung modal system In NSIM 2016 (New Ideas in Semantics and Modeling 2016). EHESS, Paris, 2016.
Hassamal, Shrita. Une classification des adverbes en mauricien In Groupe de Recherche sur les Grammaires Créoles. University Paris 8, France. , 2015.
Behrens, Bergljot, Barbara Schmiedtova, Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen, and Barbara Hemforth. Understanding coordinate clauses in Czech, English, German and Norwegian In International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics. Freiburg, Germany, 2012.
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Underspecification in realisational morphology In Analysis of Morphological Systems. Lyon, 2016.PDF icon URM-slides.pdf (165.25 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Delphine Tribout. Underspecification and the semantics of lexeme formation In 15th International Morphology Meeting. Vienne, 2012.PDF icon diapos-vienne-v5.pdf (208.17 Ko)
Huyghe, Richard, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, and Delphine Tribout. {Underived event nouns in French} In {JENom6 - 6th Workshop on Nominalizations}. Verona, Italy, 2015.
Bonami, Olivier, and René Lacroix. Unblurring the inflection/derivation divide in Laz In 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Cagliari, 2011.PDF icon handout-cagliari.pdf (92.06 Ko)
Miller, Philip, and Barbara Hemforth. Unacceptable VPE with identical antecedents: Disentangling the effects of discourse conditions and mismatch on the acceptability of Verb Phrase Ellipsis In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2020.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Un corpus pour le créole mauricien In Stage intensif NooJ. Inalco, Paris, 2011.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two-AND conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In SWL-6 (Syntax of the World’s Languages 6). University of Pavia, Italy, 2014.
Lowenstamm, Jean. Two mysteries in the sound pattern of Maghribi Arabic In North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics. Rutgers NJ, 2012.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Two Corpora Based NooJ Modules for Mauritian Creole and Haitian Creole In International NooJ Conference. Paris, 2012.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two AND-conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In GDRI-SEEPiCLa . University of Westminster, London, England. , 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two AND-conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In CSI Lisbon (Coordination and Subordination in Lisbon). University of Lisbon, Portugal. , 2014.
Fon Sing, Guillaume, and Herby Glaude. Traitement automatique des créoles haitien et mauricien : éléments d’analyse contrastive du lexique et de la sémantaxe des marqueurs TMA In GRGC International Workshop Les grammaires créoles en synchronie et diachronie. Orléans, 2010.
Danlos, Laurence, Takuya Nakamura, and Quentin Pradet. Traduction de VerbNet vers le français In Congrès ACFAS. Rimouski, Canada: {ACFAS}, 2015.
Bonami, Olivier, Fabiola Henri, and Ana R. Luís. Tracing the origins of inflection in creoles: A quantitative analysis In Ninth Creolistics Workshop. Aarhus, Denmark, 2012.PDF icon Creolistics-slides-v2.pdf (172.34 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier. Towards a robust assessment of implicative relations in inflectional systems In Computational approaches to morphological complexity. Paris, 2013.PDF icon Paris-fev2013.pdf (875.29 Ko)
Mazzocconi, Chiara, Ye Tian, and Jonathan Ginzburg. Towards a Multi-layered Analysis of Laughter In SemDial2016, JerSem, the 20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University, 2016.
Donati, Caterina, and Chiara Branchini. Towards a grammar for code blending (and code switching) In TISLR 2013. London. July 2013., 2013.
de la Fuente, Israel, Sarah Schimke, Coralie Vincent, Barbara Hemforth, and Saveria Colonna. Topicality-based vs. exposure-based preferences in pronoun resolution in French: Evidence from questionnaires and eye-movements In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Topicalisation-ATB en chinois mandarin et l’opérateur d’intersection In Journées d’étude de linguistique sur l’Asie Orientale, CRLAO, EHESS, Paris. LCAO, Université Paris 7, 9-10 septembre, 2010.
Zhao, Chen, and Xiaoshi Hu. Topic: a case of internal pair merge? In The second international workshop of syntactic cartography., 2017.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. TMA markers in Haitian and Mauritian creoles: a comparative study In Eight Creolistics Workshop Pidgins and creoles in a comparative perspective. Giessen, 2009.
Seminck, Olga, and Pascal Amsili. The Time Course of Pronoun Resolution in Natural Text Reading In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2018.PDF icon FormatLE2018.pdf (71.63 Ko)
Mazzocconi, Chiara, Ye Tian, and Jonathan Ginzburg. Time alignment between laughter and laughable In The 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal communication,. Centre for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, 2016.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth. Is there phonological constituents at the phrasal level? In 9th Manchester Phonology Meeting . Manchester, 2001.
Saillard, Claire. Is there a continuum from demonstrative to definite and beyond ? The case of nage 那個 in spoken discourse In Conference on Interactional Linguistics and Chinese Language Studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Normal University, 2016.
Bednall, James, and Patrick Caudal. The Tense/Aspect(-Modality) System of Anindhilyakwa: A Preliminary Reanalysis In The 8th Australianists in Europe workshop. SOAS, University of London, 2016.
Caudal, Patrick, and Eva Schultze-Berndt. TAM puzzles in Jaminjung In 7th European Australianists Workshop. SOAS, University of London, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick. T/A(M) in the verbal systems of Australian languages...and French - Some key issues In Modality, aspect and time: model theoretic and discursive aspects. ENS Ulm, Paris, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick. Taking the Australianist perspective : A view of TAM from down under In Chronos 11, 11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014.
Ackerman, Farrell, Olivier Bonami, and Irina Nikolaeva. Systemic polyfunctionality and morphology-syntax interdependencies In Defaults in Morphological Theory. Lexington, Kentucky, 2012.PDF icon Lexington-ABN-v3.pdf (508.24 Ko)
Lin, Ting-shiu. On the syntax of two correlative constructions in Mandarin Chinese In The 10th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics., 2015.
Hu, Xiaoshi, and Wei Xiang. The Syntax of Quantity Expressions in Chinese In International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics., 2015.
YU, Xinyue, and Xiaoshi Hu. The syntax of Gei in Mandarin Chinese In 6th International Conférence Internatioale on Formal Linguistics. Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2014.
Pan, Victor Junnan. On the Syntax and Interpretation of ‘why’-like ‘what’ in Chinese In Journées d’études organisé par Le Groupe "Types de phrases - cartographie et typologie" (Fed. Typologie et universaux linguistiques, CNRS). Paris, France, 13-14 novembre, 2009.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Syntactic representation of discourse-configurationality in Mandarin In 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, (SLE 2012 ), University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Suède. University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Suède, 2012.
Barque, Lucie, and Doriane Gras. A survey on semantic productivity In Workshop Expanding the lexicon. Trier, 2016.
Fradin, Bernard. Sur la corrélation existant entre les suffixes -age et -ment et les distinctions sémantiques observables dans les nominalisations du fran{\c c}ais In Journée d’étude Nominalisations et Corpus (NOMICO). MSH Lorraine, Nancy: Université de Nancy 2, 2012.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Subregular defaults in French conjugation In 12th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 2006.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject-island constraint? The discourse function of the construction matters In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject NP island? A case of focus‐background conflict. In TedLab Workshop on Islands. MIT (Virtual Workshop), 2020.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject island: PP extraction depends on the construction In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Winckel, Elodie, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. Subject island? (Counter)evidence from French dont-relative clauses In CUNY conference on human sentence processing., 2017.PDF icon DRC-CUNY.pdf (375.36 Ko)
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. The subject island as a case of focus-background conflict In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2020.
Garet, Patty. Structure of French a- Prefixed Deadjectival -ir Verbs In Poster at the "Unergative Predicates, Architecture and Variation" workshop. University of the Basque Country, in Bilbao, 2018.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth. Structuration prosodique des syntagmes détachés en Français In Congrès bisannuel de l'Association des Franco-Romanistes allemands: Phonetische Interfaces. Münster, Allemagne, 2014.
Donati, Caterina, and Carlo Cecchetto. Strong islands and cyclic transfer In In Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 9: Phase Theory. KU Leuven (Brussels), 2016. Bruxelles, 2016.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Strict and Sloppy Identity Puzzle --- Differences between Mandarin, Japanese and English In 27th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics-CRLAO. INALCO, Paris, 2014.
Bonami, Olivier, and Fabio Montermini. Stem spaces and regularity in verbal inflection In First NetWordS meeting: Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon. Pisa, 2011.PDF icon WSPisa_def.pdf (340.06 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Fran\c coise Kerleroux. Stem selection in lexeme formation: evidence from French In 11th International Morphology Meeting. Vienne, 2004.
Reintges, Chris. Spontaneous Syntactic Change: An Anti-Inertia Approach In Linguistics in Göttingen: A Platform for Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics., Université de Göttingen., 2017.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Special interrogatives in mandarin Chinese In Journées d’études’ organisé par Le Groupe "Types de phrases - cartographie et typologie" (Fed. Typologie et universaux linguistiques, CNRS). Paris, France, 2008.
Garcia-Marchena, Oscar. Spanish Verbless Clauses and Fragments. A corpus analysis In 9ème Colloque International de Linguistique de Corpus. Malaga: Université de Malaga. 2016, 2016.PDF icon Spanish Verbless Clauses and Fragments. A corpus analysis.pdf (458.26 Ko)
Garcia-Marchena, Oscar. Spanish Deverbal Noun Implementation in Meaning–Text Theory In 43nd Students' Conference of Linguistics (StuTS 43). Université d'Amsterdam, 2008.PDF icon STUTS43_Oscar_Garcia_Marchena.pdf (428.26 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Delphine Tribout. Sous-spécification, construction de lexèmes et structure du lexique In Journée de morphologie formelle. Toulouse, 2011.PDF icon diapos-toulouse-v2.pdf (174.98 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. Sorani Kurdish person markers and the typology of agreement In 13th International Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 2008.PDF icon IMM-sorani-ho-2.pdf (134.07 Ko)
Lobo, Maria, Ana Lúcia Santos, and Carla Soares-Jesel. Some remarks on the acquisition of clefts: spontaneous and elicited production In The Romance Turn V. Lisbon, 2012.
Soares-Jesel, Carla. Some remarks on adjunction in early language acquisition In Going Romance., 2013.
Saillard, Claire. A sociolinguistic perspective on contact-induced language change (从社会语言学角度看语言接触引起的语言演变) In Symposium on Language Contact in Northern China and the Historical Evolution of Chinese. CRLAO (EHESS/CNRS), Paris, 2022.
Geraci, Carlo, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, and Markus Steinbach. The SignGram Blueprint: providing a tool for sign language grammar description In TISLR 12, Melbourne. January 2016., 2016.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. A shifting perspective on the stem space for verbs in French In Workshop on Paradigmatic Morphology. Toulouse, 2008.PDF icon EspacesThematiques-123-2.pdf (3.85 Mo)
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Sentence structure matters: A new account of intra-sentential pronoun resolution In CUNY. Los Angeles, 2015.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Sensibilisation aux constructions non-canoniques In 8e colloque international de l’ADCUEFE-CAMPUS FLE., 2016.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Philippe Ségéral. The Semitic Verb Template: a View from the Mehri Language of Oman In The Form of Structure. The Structure of Form. Three days of Linguistics for Jean Lowenstamm. Université Paris-Diderot, 2015.
Saillard, Claire. The semantics of the syntactic position of adjectives in Truku Seediq In 9th Conference on Austronesian and Papuan Language and Linguistics. INaLCO-LACITO, 2017.
Hemforth, Barbara, and Israel de la Fuente. The semantics of Implicit Causality: Missing explanations and more. In Workshop "Implicit Causality"., 2016.
Pan, Victor Junnan. The semantics of Chinese wh-words, interrogative particles and wh-questions In Third International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics (TCSP 2005). Shanghai, China, 2005.
Brunetti, Lisa, Lucia M. Tovena, and Hiyon Yoo. The semantics and prosody of French comment questions with reason interpretation: expectation disconfirmation and surprise effects In FunExp - FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES AND EXPRESSIVE MEANING., 2019.PDF icon Comment-questions-Lisa.pdf (648.98 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. Segmentation strategies for inflection class inference In Décembrettes 9. Toulouse, 2015.PDF icon presentation.pdf (1.99 Mo)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. Segmentation in morphology: wh-en, wh-ere, how? In 4th American International Morphology Meeting. Stony Brook, 2019.PDF icon segmentation.pdf (985.78 Ko)
Chodaková, Polina. Schwas in Stressed Syllables: The case of French Rap and Reggae In Console XXII. Université Paris-Diderot, 2015.
Fellbaum, Christiane, and Yvette Yannick Mathieu. Scalar Properties of Emotion Verbs and Their Representation in WordNet In The 6th International Conference of the Global WordNet Association GWC-2012. Matsue, Japon., 2012.
Hedier, Antoine, Peiha Su, Fahima Maouche, and Barbara Hemforth. Same sized sisters: Relative clause attachment to conjoined NPs In CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2019.
de la Fuente, Israel, Sarah Schimke, Sascha Kuck, Barbara Hemforth, and Saveria Colonna. Salience-based vs. exposure-based strategies in L2 pronoun resolution in French In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Bartoletti, Corinna, and Guillaume Fon Sing. Sa mem ha : Pronouncing sa [ha] in Mauritian Creole: a peculiar phenomenon In Eight Creolistics Workshop Pidgins and creoles in a comparative perspective. Giessen, 2009.
Crysmann, Berthold. Rules of referral in Information-based Morphology In Décembrettes 9. Toulouse, 2015.
Pan, Victor Junnan. The Root/non-root Distinction and Chinese Sentence Final Particles: Division of Labor Between Syntax and Discourse In 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Universidad de la Rioja, Logroño, Espagne. Universidad de la Rioja, Logroño, Espagne, 2011.
Romanian Correlative Coordination – A contrastive study In WOOS V (Workshop on Syntax and Semantics)., 2007.PDF icon Romanian Correlative Coordination – A contrastive study.pdf (707.71 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Matías Guzmán Naranjo, and Delphine Tribout. The role of morphology in gender assignment in French In 2nd International Symposium on Morphology (ISMo 2019). Paris, 2019.PDF icon main.pdf (137.58 Ko)
Esteve-Gibert, Nuria, Cristel Portes, Amy Shafer, Barbara Hemforth, and Mariapaola D'Imperio. The role of individual empathic skills on the online processing of intonational meaning In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, and Barbara Hemforth. The role of focus in within- and between-sentence pronoun resolution In AMLaP. Marseille, 2013.
Grant, Margaret, Juliette Thuilier, Benoît Crabbé, and Anne Abeillé. The role of conceptual accessibility on word order alternations in French: Evidence from sentence recall Complement order In International Workshop on Language Production. Genève: {Université de Genève}, 2014.
Fradin, Bernard. The role and nature of series in lexeme formation morphology In ParadigMo. Toulouse, Université Jean Jaurès, 2017.
Abeillé, Anne, and Aoi Shiraishi. Right peripheral ellipsis in French : a corpus study In COLTA. Hong-Kong, 2015.
Saillard, Claire, and Carlotta Sparvoli. Revisiting Accomplishments in Chinese In XXXVIIèmes Journées de Linguistique d'Asie Orientale. INALCO, Paris, 2024.PDF icon Présentation Claire et Carlotta JLAO 2024_v3pptx.pdf (966.21 Ko)
Pan, Victor Junnan. Resumptive Chains : Relativization vs. Left-Dislocation In The 6th International Spring Forum, The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ), Tokyo University, Japan. , 2013.
Crysmann, Berthold. Resumption and Case: A new take on Modern Standard Arabic In 24th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Lexington, Kentucky, 2017.
Hu, Xiaoshi. Respectively-interpretation of fenbie and Relativized Minimality In International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road., 2017.
Reintges, Chris. Residual Verb Movement in an Analytic Language In Workshop in Honor of Chris Reintges. Département de linguistique, LLING. l’Université de Nantes., 2020.
Lin, Ting-shiu. Requests in Chinese e-mails: Strategy types, discourse patterns and interpersonal variations In The 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics., 2013.
Crysmann, Berthold. The representation of morphological tone in a computational grammar of Hausa In Workshop on Disentangling the morphological role of tone. Paris-Sorbonne, 2013.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Représentation d’une norme endogène du français de l’Ile Maurice : extraction et analyse des mauricianismes morphosyntaxiques et lexicaux dans un corpus de sketches (2004-2011) de J.C. Antoine (journaliste mauricien) In Colloque de l'AFLS, "Le français à travers le temps: acquisition, changement, variation". Université de Newcastle (G-B), 2012.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Représentation d’une norme endogène du français de l’Ile Maurice : extraction et analyse des mauricianismes morphosyntaxiques et lexicaux dans un corpus de sketches (2004-2011) de J.C. Antoine (journaliste mauricien) In Atelier DIA, La dia-variation en français actuel: des corpus aux ouvrages de référence (dictionnaires/grammaires). Université de Gand, Belgique, 2012.
Fradin, Bernard, Frédéric Isel, and Lisa Rosenfeld. Representation and processing of French verb-noun compounds In 9th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Niagara-on-the-Lake, France, 2014.
Fernandes, Eunice, Paula Luegi, Eduardo Correa Soares, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. Relative Clause-attachment in European (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP): Effects of verb type, tense and variety In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, Jiaying Huang, and Barbara Hemforth. Relative clause processing, structural and linear distance matter - Evidence from Mandarin, Cantonese and English Visual World experiments In The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston , 2017.PDF icon poster_CUNY_2017_HemforthHuangPozniak.pdf (779.55 Ko)
Caudal, Patrick. On the relations between scalarity and event structure - a study in the semantics of French verbal and adjectival predicates In XXXIII. Deutscher Romanistentag - "Zustandsveränderung" workshop. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2013.
Cecchetto, Carlo, and Caterina Donati. A relabeling analysis of reduced relatives In Encuentro de Gramatica Generativa 7, Buenos Aires. July 2015., 2015.
Hemforth, Barbara, Kaja Borthen, Barbara Schmiedtova, Bergljot Behrens, and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. Referring expressions in direct and indirect speech in Czech, English, German and Norwegian In International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics. Freiburg, Germany, 2012.
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