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Article dans des actes
Bonami, Olivier. The aspectual impact of French locative goal PPs In Proceedings of the second ESSLLI student session, Edited by Alice Drewery, Geert-Jan Kruijff and Richard Zuber. Université d'Aix en Provence, 1997.
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Atomistic and holistic exponence in Underspecified Realisational Morphology In 24th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Edited by Stefan Müller. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2017.
Bonami, Olivier. Complémentation et structure du lexique In Travaux linguistiques du CERLICO 15, Edited by Jean Chuquet and Michel Paillard. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2002.
Burnett, Heather, and Olivier Bonami. A Conceptual Spaces Model of Socially Motivated Language Change In Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics., 2019.
Bonami, Olivier, Gauthier Caron, and Clément Plancq. Construction d'un lexique flexionnel phonétisé libre du français In Actes du quatrième Congrès mondial de linguistique française., 2014.
Namer, Fiammetta, Lucie Barque, Olivier Bonami, Pauline Haas, Nabil Hathout, and Delphine Tribout. Demonette2 – A large scale derivational database for French: first results In TALN. Toulouse, France, 2019.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Deriving inflectional irregularity In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on HPSG. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2006.
Mickus, Timothee, Olivier Bonami, and Denis Paperno. Distributional Effects of Gender Contrasts Across Categories In Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics., 2019.
Bonami, Olivier, and Delphine Tribout. Echantinom: a hand-annotated morphological lexicon of French nouns In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology, Edited by Fiammetta Namer, Nabil Hathout, Stéphanie Lignon, Magda Ševčíková and Zdeněk Žabokrtský., 2021.
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Establishing order in type-based realisational morphology In 19th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Edited by Stefan Müller. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2012.
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. Evaluative adverbs and underspecified semantic representations In Proceedings of the ESSLLI'05 workshop on Empirical Challenges and Analytical Alternatives to Strict Compositionality, Edited by Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University, 2005.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. French pronominal clitics and the design of Paradigm Function Morphology In Proceedings of the fifth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting., 2007.
Bonami, Olivier, Daniè le Godard, and Jean-Marie Marandin. French subject inversion in extraction contexts In Proceedings of the joint conference on Formal Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar, Edited by Gosse Bouma, Geert-Jan Kruijff and Richard T. Oehrle. Universität des Saarlandes, 1998.
Lesage, Suzanne, and Olivier Bonami. Gradient constraints on the use of Estonian possessive reflexives In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest 2019). Paris, France: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.
Bonami, Olivier, and Sacha Beniamine. Implicative structure and joint predictiveness In Word Structure and Word Usage. Proceedings of the NetWordS Final Conference, Edited by Vito Pirelli, Claudia Marzi and Marcello Ferro., 2015.PDF icon BonamiBeniamine.pdf (208.46 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. Inflectional periphrasis in Persian In Proceedings of the HPSG 2009 Conference, Edited by Stefan Müller. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2009.
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. Integrating Linguistic Dimensions: The Scope of Adverbs In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on HPSG., 2007.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. La nature morphologique des allomorphies conditionnées : les formes de liaison des adjectifs en français In Actes du troisième forum de morphologie. Lille, 2003.
Bonami, Olivier, and Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie. Metrical phonology in HPSG In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on HPSG., 2006.
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. Morphotactics in an Information-Based Model of Realisational Morphology In 20th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Edited by Stefan Müller. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2013.
Calderone, Basilio, Olivier Bonami, and Nabil Hathout. Not quite there yet: Combining analogical patterns and encoder-decoder networks for cognitively plausible inflection In Proceedings of the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology., 2021.
Juniarta, Nyoman, Olivier Bonami, Nabil Hathout, Fiammetta Namer, and Yannick Toussaint. Organizing and Improving a Database of French Word Formation Using Formal Concept Analysis In Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022)., 2022.
Bonami, Olivier, Robert Borsley, and Maggie Tallerman. On Pseudo-Non-Finite Clauses in Welsh In Proceedings of the HeadLex 2016 Conference. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2016.
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, Hélène Giraudo, and Madeleine Voga. Quels verbes sont réguliers en français? In Actes du premier Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française., 2008.
Bonami, Olivier. Reconstructing HPSG Morphology In 18th International Conference on HPSG. Seattle, 2011.PDF icon Seattle-morphology-v2.pdf (198.19 Ko)
Beyssade, Claire, and Jean-Marie Marandin. The Speech Act Assignment Problem Revisited: Disentangling Speaker’s Commitment from Speaker’s Call on Addressee In CSSP 6, Edited by Olivier Bonami and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr. Vol. Empirical issues in Syntax and Semantics 6., 2005.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Suppletion and stem dependency in inflectional morphology In The Proceedings of the HPSG '01 Conference, Edited by Franck Van Eynde, Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beerman. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2002.
Webelhuth, Gert, and Olivier Bonami. Syntactic haplology and the Dutch proform "er" In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Bucharest, Edited by Stefan Müller and Petya Osenova. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2019.
Bonami, Olivier, and Danièle Godard. On the Syntax of Direct Quotation in French In Proceedings of the 15th International Connference on HPSG. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2008.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. The Syntax of French de-N' Phrases In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Edited by Stefan Müller. CSLI Publications, 2004.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard, and Jesse Tseng. The syntax of French à and de: an HPSG analysis In Proceedings of the ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on the Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions., 2003.
Bonami, Olivier, and Danièle Godard. Syntaxe des incises de citation In Actes du premier Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française., 2008.
Bonami, Olivier. A syntax-semantics interface for tense and aspect in French In The Proceedings of the HPSG '01 Conference, Edited by Lars Hellan and Franck Van Eynde. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2002.
Article de revue
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "Construire le paradigme d'un adjectif." Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 34 (2005): 77-98.
Bonami, Olivier, and Matteo Pellegrini. "Derivation predicting inflection: A quantitative study of the influence of derivational history on inflectional behavior in Latin." Studies in Language 46, no. 4 (2022): 753-792.
Bonami, Olivier. "DI/PL, Linéarisation, Arbres Polychromes : trois approches de l'ordre des mots." LINX 39 (1998): 43-70.
Guzmán Naranjo, Matías, and Olivier Bonami. "A distributional assessment of rivalry in word formation." Word Structure 16 (Sous presse).PDF icon main.pdf (280.74 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. "The diversity of Inflectional Periphrasis in Persian." Journal of Linguistics 51 (2015).PDF icon Persian-periphrases-revised-v4.pdf (344.89 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, Olivier Bonami, and Ana R. Luís. "The fine implicative structure of European Portuguese conjugation." Isogloss 7 (2021).
Lesage, Suzanne, and Olivier Bonami. "Forces et faiblesses des contraintes de liage : une comparaison expérimentale multilingue des possessifs réfléchis et des possessifs emphatiques." Langages 223 (2021): 103-123.
Copot, Maria, Timothee Mickus, and Olivier Bonami. "Idiosyncratic Frequency as a Measure of Derivation vs. Inflection." Journal of Language Modelling 10, no. 2 (2022).
Beniamine, Sacha, Olivier Bonami, and Benoît Sagot. "Inferring Inflection Classes with Description Length." Journal of Language Modelling 5, no. 3 (2017): 465-525.
Bonami, Olivier, and Denis Paperno. "Inflection vs. derivation in a distributional vector space." Lingue e Linguaggio 17, no. 2 (2018): 173-195.PDF icon LeL_BP_final.pdf (634.7 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Sacha Beniamine. "Joint predictiveness in inflectional paradigms." Word Structure 9, no. 2 (2016): 156-182.PDF icon ws-jointprediction.pdf (342.02 Ko)
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. "Les syntagmes nominaux français de la forme de-N'." Travaux de Linguistique 50 (2006): 79-95.
Burnett, Heather, and Olivier Bonami. "Linguistic Prescription, Ideological Structure and the Actuation of Linguistic Changes: Grammatical Gender in French Parliamentary Debates." Language in Society 49, no. 1 (2019): 65-93.PDF icon burnettbonami2019_proofs.pdf (446.67 Ko)
Guzmán Naranjo, Matías, and Olivier Bonami. "Overabundance and inflectional classification: Quantitative evidence from Czech." Glossa 6 (2021).
Bonami, Olivier, and Jana Strnadová. "Paradigm structure and predictability in derivational morphology." Morphology 28, no. 2 (2019): 167-197.
Bonami, Olivier, and Danièle Godard. "Parentheticals in underspecified semantics: the case of evaluative adverbs." Research on Language and Computation 5 (2007): 391-413.
Bonami, Olivier. "Periphrasis as collocation." Morphology 25 (2015): 63-110.PDF icon periphrasis-as-collocation-revised.pdf (363.82 Ko)
Anselme, Rémi, Olivier Bonami, and Heather Burnett. "Polysémie et troncation des noms en -ion en français." Verbum XLIII (2021): 97-118.
Henri, Fabiola, and Olivier Bonami. "Prédire l'agglutination de l'article en mauricien." Faits de langue 49, no. 1 (2018): 113-138.PDF icon agglutination-final.pdf (1.4 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Danièle Godard. "Quelle syntaxe, incidemment, pour les adverbes incidents?" Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris CII (2007): 255-284.
Bonami, Olivier, and Juliette Thuilier. "A statistical approach to rivalry in lexeme formation: French -iser and -ifier." Word Structure 12, no. 1 (2019): 4-41.PDF icon main.pdf (317.6 Ko)
Montermini, Fabio, and Olivier Bonami. "Stem Spaces and Predictibility in Verbal Inflection." Lingue e Linguaggio 12 (2013): 171-190.PDF icon MonterminiBonami2013.pdf (772.45 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "Supplétion et classes flexionnelles dans la conjugaison du fran{\c c}ais." Langages 152 (2003): 102-126.
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Jesse Tseng. "Sur la grammaire des consonnes latentes." Langages 158 (2005): 89-100.
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. "Variable morphotactics in Information-Based Morphology." Journal of Linguistics 52 (2016): 311-374.PDF icon JoL-morphotactics.pdf (455.39 Ko)
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard, and M. Noailly. "Adjectives and adverbs in the grande grammaire du français." In The interface of adjectives and adverbs in Romance . M. Hummel, S. Valera ed. J. Benjamins, 2017.
Bonami, Olivier, Daniè le Godard, and Brigitte Kampers-Manhe. "Adverb classification." In Handbook of French Semantics, edited by Francis Corblin and Henriëtte de Swart, 143-184. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2004.
Bonami, Olivier, Danièle Godard, Alexandra Cuniţă, Coman Lupu, and Lilianne Tasmowski. "Adverbes initiaux et types de phrase en français." In Studii de Lingviistică şi Filologie Romanică, 50-57. Bucarest: Editura Universitāţii din Bucureşti, 2007.
Henri, Fabiola, and Frédéric Laurens. "The complementation of raising and control verbs in Mauritian." In Empirical issues in syntax and semantics 8, edited by Olivier Bonami and P. Cabredo-Hofherr, 195-220. Frankfurt, 2011.
Bonami, Olivier, Daniè le Godard, and Jean-Marie Marandin. "Constituency and word order in French subject inversion." In Constraints and resources in natural language semantics, edited by Gosse Bouma, Erhard Hinrichs, Geert-Jan Kruijff and Richard T. Oehrle, 21-40. Studies in constraint-based lexicalism. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 1999.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "De formes en thèmes." In Foisonnements morphologiques. Etudes en hommage à Françoise Kerleroux, edited by Florence Villoing, Sarah Leroy and Sophie David, 17-45. Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2014.PDF icon BoBo12-rev-v1.1.pdf (628.04 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Matías Guzmán Naranjo. "Distributional evidence for derivational paradigms." In The semantics of derivational morphology: theory, methods, evidence, edited by Sven Kotowski and Ingo Plag. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. "Inflection class systems." In Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Morphology, edited by Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet and Antonio Fàbregas. Wiley-Blackwell, Sous presse.
Abeillé, Anne, Danièle Godard, Annie Delaveau, Pascal Amsili, Gadet Françoise, and Olivier Bonami. "Introduction." In la Grande grammaire du français, XXII-XL. Vol. 1. Arles: Actes Sud, 2021.
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. "Inversion du sujet, constituance et ordre des mots." In Cahier Jean-Claude Milner, edited by Jean-Marie Marandin, 117-174. Paris: Verdier, 2001.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "La morphologie flexionnelle est-elle une fonction ?" In Typologie et comparatisme, hommage offert à Alain Lemaréchal, edited by Injoo Choi-Jonin, Marc Duval and Olivier Soutet, 21-35. Leuven: Peeters, 2010.PDF icon BonamiBoye.pdf (211.74 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Françoise Kerleroux. "L'allomorphie radicale et la relation flexion-construction." In Aperçus de morphologie du français, edited by Bernard Fradin, Françoise Kerleroux and Marc Plénat, 103-125. Saint-Denis: Presses de l'Université de Vincennes, 2009.PDF icon BBK-Vincennes06.pdf (396.81 Ko)
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Anne Zribi-Hertz. "Le verbe." In Grande grammaire du français., 2021.
Bonami, Olivier, and Sacha Beniamine. "Leaving the stem by itself." In All Things Morphology, edited by Marcia Haag, Sedigheh Moradi, Andrija Petrovic and Janie Rees-Miller, 82-98. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2021.
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. "Les adverbes évaluatifs dans une approche multidimensionnelle du sens." In Questions de classification en linguistique: méthodes et descriptions, edited by Injoo Choi-Jonin, Myriam Bras, Anne Dagnac and Magali Rouquier, 19-37. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. "Lexeme and flexeme in a formal theory of grammar." In The Lexeme in Descriptive and Theoretical Morphology, edited by Olivier Bonami, Gilles Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo and Fiammetta Namer, 175-202. Berlin: Language Science Press, 2018.
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. "Lexeme and flexeme in a formal theory of grammar." In The Lexeme in Descriptive and Theoretical Morphology, edited by Olivier Bonami, Gilles Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo and Fiammetta Namer, 175-202. Berlin: Language Science Press, 2018.
Bonami, Olivier, and Danièle Godard. "Lexical Semantics and Pragmatics of Evaluative Adverbs." In Adverbs and Adjectives: Syntax, Semantics, and Discourse, edited by Louise McNally and Chris Kennedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.PDF icon oxford-web.pdf (221.95 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gregory T. Stump. "Paradigm Function Morphology." In Cambridge Handbook of Morphology, edited by Andrew Hippisley and Gregory T. Stump, 449-481. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.PDF icon Bonami and Stump, Paradigm Function Morphology.pdf (362.26 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "Paradigm uniformity and the French gender system." In Perspectives on morphology: Papers in honour of Greville G. Corbett, edited by Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond and Andrew Hippisley, 171-192. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019.PDF icon BonamiBoye19.pdf (702.52 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gert Webelhuth. "Periphrasis and morphosyntatic mismatch in Czech." In One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax and semantics, edited by Berthold Crysmann and Manfred Sailer, 85-115. Berlin: Language Science Press, 2021.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gert Webelhuth. "The phrase-structural diversity of periphrasis: a lexicalist account." In Periphrasis: The role of syntax and morphology in paradigms, edited by Marina Chumakina and Greville G. Corbett, 141-167. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. "Remarques sur les bases de la conjugaison." In Des sons et des sens, edited by Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie and Laurence Labrune, 77-90. Paris: Hermès, 2007.
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. "The role of morphology in constraint-based lexicalist grammars." In Cambridge Handbook of Morphology, edited by Andrew Hippisley and Gregory T. Stump, 609-656. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.PDF icon BoCry-CBLAG.pdf (335.18 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Ana R. Luís. "Sur la morphologie implicative dans la conjugaison du portugais : une étude quantitative." In Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 111-151. Vol. 22., 2015.PDF icon BonamiLuis-final.pdf (2.85 Mo)
Lesage, Suzanne, and Olivier Bonami. "Symmetric but non-complementary: Gradient paradigmatic opposition in binding." In Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 14, edited by Gabriela Bîlbîie, Berthold Crysmann and Gerhard Schaden, 165-187., 2022.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. "The syntax of French à and de: an HPSG analysis." In Dimensions of the Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions, edited by Patrick Saint-Dizier, 147-162. Springer, 2006.
Ackerman, Farrell, and Olivier Bonami. "Systemic polyfunctionality and morphology-syntax interdependencies." In Defaults in Morphological Theory, edited by Andrew Hippisley and Nikolas Gisborne, 233-268. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.PDF icon polyfunctionality-v5.pdf (178.39 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Fabiola Henri. Assessing empirically the inflectional complexity of Mauritian Creole In Formal Aspects of Creole Studies II. Berlin: ZAS, 2010.PDF icon Berlin-BH-slides-v3.pdf (484.15 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. Capturing generalizations about exponence In 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Ljubljana, 2019.PDF icon mmm2019-v2.pdf (795.89 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Ana R. Luís. Causes and consequences of complexity in Portuguese verbal paradigms In 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Dubrovnik, 2013.PDF icon Dubrovnik-sept13.pdf (463.67 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. A comprehensive view on inflectional classification In Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB). York, 2016.PDF icon presentationLAGB.pdf (2.35 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. Degrees of Periphrasis in Persian Conjugation In Sixièmes Décembrettes. Bordeaux, 2008.PDF icon BoSa-decembrettes-ho-v4.pdf (125.46 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Matteo Pellegrini. Derivation predicting inflection The role of families, series and morphotactics In 19th International Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 2020.PDF icon derivation predicting inflection.pdf (359.13 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Jana Strnadová. Derivational paradigms: pushing the analogy In 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Naples, 2016.PDF icon Naples-slides.pdf (123.76 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier. Discovering implicative morphology In Les Décembrettes 8: colloque international de morphologie. Bordeaux, 2012.PDF icon Bordeaux-dec2012.pdf (1.12 Mo)
Guzmán Naranjo, Matías, and Olivier Bonami. Distributional assessment of derivational semantics In 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea., 2020.
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. The diversity of inflectional periphrasis in Persian In 3rd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics. Paris, 2009.PDF icon ICIL-slides.pdf (136.03 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Fabiola Henri, and Ana R. Luís. The Emergence of morphomic structure in Romance-based Creoles In 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Osaka, 2011.PDF icon BonamiHenriLuis-ICHL2011.pdf (184.15 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. Evaluative adverbs at the syntax-semantics interface In Premières Journées Sémantiques et Modélisation. Lyon, 2004.
Bonami, Olivier. French liaison: shape alternation, inflection, or both? In Southeast Morphology Meeting. Guildford, 2011.PDF icon Surrey-liaison-slides.pdf (245.16 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Jesse Tseng. French portmanteaux as simplex elements In Jahrestagung der DGfS. Berlin, 2010.PDF icon bonz-dgfs-ho4.pdf (146.91 Ko)
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. French pronominal affixes: a challenge for theories of morphotactics In Second American International Morphology Meeting. San Diego, 2013.PDF icon french-pres-v3.pdf (284.32 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Gender in French: inflection or flexibility., 2015.PDF icon tonton-pres.pdf (133.08 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. Generalizing patterns in Instrumented Item-and-Pattern Morphology In Structural Complexity in Natural Language(s) (SCNL). Paris, 2016.PDF icon SNCL-slides.pdf (4.48 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Fabiola Henri. How complex is Creole inflectional morphology? The case of Mauritian In 15th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 2010.PDF icon handout-budapest.pdf (215.13 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and René Lacroix. In how many ways can you be morphomic? Person marking in Laz In Perspectives on the morphome. Coimbra, 2010.PDF icon Coimbra-BL-slides-v3.pdf (458.76 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Daniè le Godard. Incidental adjuncts: an overlooked type of adjunction In 10th Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. East Lansing, 2003.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gert Webelhuth. Inflectional periphrasis as collocation In 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Cagliari, 2011.PDF icon Cagliari-BW-slides-2011-08-12.pdf (182.65 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gert Webelhuth. Inflectional periphrasis as collocation In HPSG Workshop. Frankfurt, 2012.PDF icon Frankfurt-BW-slides.pdf (271.08 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, Olivier Bonami, and Benoît Sagot. Information-theoretic inflectional classification In First International Quantitative Morphology Meeting (IQMM1). Belgrade, 2015.
Bonami, Olivier. Information-theoretic measures of inflectional complexity: Empirical challenges and analytic rewards In Southeast Morphology Meeting. Guildford, 2012.PDF icon Surrey-oct2012.pdf (325.19 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Jesse Tseng. An integrated analysis of French liaison In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Formal Grammar, Edited by Paola Monachesi, Gerhard Jäger, Gerald Penn and Shuly Wintner. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2014.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. La construction des paradigmes In Deuxièmes Décembrettes. Toulouse, 2003.
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Daniè le Godard, and Jesse Tseng. L'analyse syntaxique des SN de la forme N$'$ In Deuxièmes journées romanes. Toulouse, 2005.
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Fabiola Henri. Measuring inflectional complexity: French and Mauritian In Workshop on Quantitative Measures in Morphology and Morphological Development. San Diego, 2011.PDF icon SanDiego-BBH-slides-v3.pdf (654.27 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Ana R. Luís. A morphologists perspective on Creole complexity In 19e Congrès International des Linguistes. Genève, 2013.PDF icon CIL.pdf (109.8 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Opaque paradigms, transparent forms: Nepali conjugation In 5th Workshop on Theoretical Morphology. Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 2010.PDF icon Nepali-LL-100620.pdf (271.35 Ko)
Guzmán Naranjo, Matías, and Olivier Bonami. Overabundance as hybrid inflection: Quantitative evidence from {Czech} In Grammar and Corpora 2016. Manheim, 2016.PDF icon mo-overabundance-slides (1).pdf (115.85 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Paradigm shape is morphomic in Nepali In 13th International Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 2008.PDF icon IMM-nepali-ho.pdf (110.66 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. Persian complex predicates: Lexeme formation by itself In Septièmes Décembrettes. Toulouse, 2010.PDF icon decembrettes-final.pdf (39.31 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. A Persian lesson on periphrasis, typology and Formal Grammar In Typology of Periphrasis. Guildford, 2010.PDF icon Surrey-BS-slides.pdf (189 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gert Webelhuth. The phrase-structural diversity of periphrasis: A lexicalist account In Typology of Periphasis. Guildford, 2010.PDF icon Surrey-BW-slides-v5.pdf (325.7 Ko)
Tribout, Delphine, and Olivier Bonami. The polysemy of lexeme formation rules In Semantics of derivational morphology: empirical evidence and theoretical modeling. Düsseldorf, 2014.PDF icon diapos-tribout.pdf (91.39 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier. Predictability in inflection and word formation In ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling., 2017.PDF icon paradigmo-slides.pdf (251.77 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Fabiola Henri. Predicting article agglutination in Mauritian In Formal Approaches to Creole Studies 3. Lisbonne, 2012.PDF icon FACSIII-slides (final).pdf (2.01 Mo)
Lesage, Suzanne, Barbara Hemforth, and Olivier Bonami. (Pseudo-)reflexive possessive binding: crosslinguistic experiments In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Bonami, Olivier. Quantitative evidence for paradigm structure In 18th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 2018.PDF icon imm-slides-v2.pdf (1.62 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. A realisational approach to variable morph ordering In First American International Morphology Meeting. Amherst, 2012.PDF icon aimm-pres.pdf (883.36 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Matías Guzmán Naranjo, and Delphine Tribout. The role of morphology in gender assignment in French In 2nd International Symposium on Morphology (ISMo 2019). Paris, 2019.PDF icon main.pdf (137.58 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. Segmentation in morphology: wh-en, wh-ere, how? In 4th American International Morphology Meeting. Stony Brook, 2019.PDF icon segmentation.pdf (985.78 Ko)
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. Segmentation strategies for inflection class inference In Décembrettes 9. Toulouse, 2015.PDF icon presentation.pdf (1.99 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. A shifting perspective on the stem space for verbs in French In Workshop on Paradigmatic Morphology. Toulouse, 2008.PDF icon EspacesThematiques-123-2.pdf (3.85 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier, and Pollet Samvelian. Sorani Kurdish person markers and the typology of agreement In 13th International Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 2008.PDF icon IMM-sorani-ho-2.pdf (134.07 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Delphine Tribout. Sous-spécification, construction de lexèmes et structure du lexique In Journée de morphologie formelle. Toulouse, 2011.PDF icon diapos-toulouse-v2.pdf (174.98 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Gilles Boyé, and Fran\c coise Kerleroux. Stem selection in lexeme formation: evidence from French In 11th International Morphology Meeting. Vienne, 2004.
Bonami, Olivier, and Fabio Montermini. Stem spaces and regularity in verbal inflection In First NetWordS meeting: Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon. Pisa, 2011.PDF icon WSPisa_def.pdf (340.06 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. Subregular defaults in French conjugation In 12th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 2006.
Ackerman, Farrell, Olivier Bonami, and Irina Nikolaeva. Systemic polyfunctionality and morphology-syntax interdependencies In Defaults in Morphological Theory. Lexington, Kentucky, 2012.PDF icon Lexington-ABN-v3.pdf (508.24 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier. Towards a robust assessment of implicative relations in inflectional systems In Computational approaches to morphological complexity. Paris, 2013.PDF icon Paris-fev2013.pdf (875.29 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, Fabiola Henri, and Ana R. Luís. Tracing the origins of inflection in creoles: A quantitative analysis In Ninth Creolistics Workshop. Aarhus, Denmark, 2012.PDF icon Creolistics-slides-v2.pdf (172.34 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and René Lacroix. Unblurring the inflection/derivation divide in Laz In 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Cagliari, 2011.PDF icon handout-cagliari.pdf (92.06 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Delphine Tribout. Underspecification and the semantics of lexeme formation In 15th International Morphology Meeting. Vienne, 2012.PDF icon diapos-vienne-v5.pdf (208.17 Ko)
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Underspecification in realisational morphology In Analysis of Morphological Systems. Lyon, 2016.PDF icon URM-slides.pdf (165.25 Ko)
Bonami, Olivier, and Berthold Crysmann. Variable morphotactics in a nutshell: the case of French pronominal affixes In Paper presented at the Second European Workshop on HPSG. Paris, 2014.PDF icon french-pres-v2.pdf (273.92 Ko)
Crysmann, Berthold, and Olivier Bonami. Variation and competition in realisational morphology: overabundance in Adyghe and Maay In 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Nikosia, 2017.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. What is realized by realizational morphology? In Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain. Newcastle, 2006.
Beniamine, Sacha, Olivier Bonami, and Joyce McDonough. When segmentation helps. Implicative structure and morph boundaries in the Navajo verb In First International Symposium on Morphology. Université de Lille, 2017.
Bonami, Olivier. La structure fine des paradigmes de flexion. Vol. Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Université Paris Diderot, 2014.PDF icon synthese.pdf (1.98 Mo)
Bonami, Olivier. Les constructions du verbe : le cas des groupes prépositionnels argumentaux. Vol. Thèse de doctorat. Université Paris 7, 1999.PDF icon these.pdf (1.59 Mo)