I am an associate professor (Maitresse de conférences, habilitée à diriger des recherches) at the Université Paris Cité. My research interests mainly concern Information Structure (notions like topic, focus, contrast) and its relationship with syntax (non-canonical constructions such as dislocations or focus fronting) as well as prosody. I am also interested in the interaction between Information Structure and discourse, and more specifically, how the Information Structure can be derived from the structuring of discourse into Questions Under Discussion.
I'm recently working on the pragmatics-prosody interface of pragmatically non-canonical questions in French, Spanish, and in English, and more in general on the linguistic encoding of expressivity.
My study is primarly applied to oral speech and to Romance languages. I have collected spoken corpora and worked at the development of annotation schemes for non-canonical constructions, Information-Structure categories, and for the annotation of Questions Under Discussion.
Research interests
Interface between Information Structure and syntax (non-canonical constructions)
Interface between Information Structure and prosody
Information Structure and discourse, discourse structure, QUDs
Annotation of informational categories in written and oral corpora
Projets de recherche
At present:
Projet Emergence TransQuest, La transmission du savoir en questions (PI: Agnès Celle)
Projet LABEX Empirical Foundations of Linguistics (http://www.labex-efl.org):
Co-coordinator with Evangelia Adamou of the work package MarCoof Axe 2 (Experimental grammar):Marked constructions and information structure
Past projects:
Programme Hubert Curien Parrot(Estonie) and Procope (Allemagne): Surprise Questions from a Comparative Perspective, PIs: Agnès Celle (France), Anu Treikelder (Estonie), Andreas Trotzke (Allemagne)
La interpretación de las categorías funcionales. Funded Research Project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain), PIs: M.Teresa Espinal & Xavier Villalba (http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/intcat/en)
Projet COMPOSING-2Compositionality of meaning (http://blogs.uab.cat/composing2/). Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Funded Research Project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain). PIs: Maria Teresa Espinal and Xavier Villalba.
OTIM (ANR BLAN08-2_349062) Outils de Traitement de l'Information Multimodale, U. de Toulon, Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (Orsay), U. d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, U. de Nantes, U. Paris 3, Labor. Parole et Langage (UMR 6057) ; PI: Philippe Blache.
Action intégrée OntoRef: Natural Language Ontology for Reference to Facts and Eventualities, STL (UMR 8163), U. Osnabrück, Allemagne and U. Pompeu Fabra, PI: Louise McNally.
NOCANDO: Construcciones no-canónicas en el discurso oral : un estudio transversal y comparativo ‘Constructions non canoniques dans le discours oral : une étude transversale et comparative’, U. Pompeu Fabra, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain. PI: Enirc Vallduví.
At present:
M1-M2 Sciences du Langage
Romance linguistics (cours "orange")
Prosodic analysis (cours "rouge", with Hiyon Yoo)
L3 Sciences du Langage
L1/L2 Bilicence Lettres/Sciences du Langage
Les idées reçues sur le langage (avec Guillaume Fon Sing)