Giuseppina Turco

Chercheur CNRS

Statut : Chargée de recherches

Adresse :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Cité
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail :

Domaines :
  Le mot

Axes de recherche :
  Linguistique expérimentale

Présentation générale


Intonational meaning

L1/L2 Acquisition


Projets de recherche

A bio-inspired geometrical model for speech sound reconstruction (BioSpeech). Emergence en Recherche. IDEX. Université de Paris 2019. (Funding period: 1/10/2019-1/10/2020)


Gemination Harmony (GeHA) Marie Curie Individual Fellowship grant - EU Project 661530. (Funding period: 01/09/2015 - 01/09/2017.


Long-distance effects. Young Scholar Fund - Universität Konstanz, Germany (Funding period: 2014 – 2015).


The L2 acquisition of phonology and phonetics. Ausschuss für Forschungsfragen (AFF) - Universität Konstanz, Germany (Funding period: 2013 – 2014).


Grillo, N., Santi, A., Turco, G., (in press) Shaping rhythm to keep balance: The structural implications of temporal modulation. In Rhythms of Speech and Language: Culture, Cognition, and the Brain (the “Work”), Meyer L.; Strauss A. (eds.). Cambridge University Press.


Mertz, J., Pagel, L., Turco, G., Mücke, D. (2024) Coarticulation in sign language: A kinematic study on French Sign Language (LSF) using Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA). The 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024). Autrans, France from 13th to 17th May 2024.


Nakamura, C., Yoo, H., Turco, G. (2024) Incremental Processing of Prosody in L2: A Visual World experiment on French learners of English. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.


Mertz, J., Pagel, L., Turco, G., Mücke, D. (2024) Gradiency and categoriality in the prosodic modulation of French Sign Language: A kinematic approach using Electromagnetic Articulography. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, The Netherland (02–05 July 2024).


Guo, B., Grillo, N., Mattys, S., Santi, A., Sloggett, S., Turco, G. (2024) The prosody of Clefted Relatives: A new window into prosodic representations. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.


Turco G., Yoo, H., Nakamura, C. (2024) Traitement incrémental de la prosodie en L2. JEP TALN RECITAL 2024, 8-12 July 2024 Toulouse (France).


Liu, Z., Chitoran, I., Turco, G., (2024) Perceptual salience of tonal speech errors. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.


Bevivino, D., Huygevelde, M., Hemforth, B., Turco, G. (2024) Priming Boundaries in Production: Data from French. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.


Bevivino, D., Hemforth, B., Turco, G. (2023) Data from online production experiments and challenges for collecting good-quality recordings for prosodic analyses. In: Radek Skarnitzl and Jan Vol.n (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3452–3456). Guarant International. Prague, Czech Republic.


Noveck, I., Fogel, M., Van Voorhees, K., Turco, G. (2022) When eleven does not equal 11: Investigating exactness at a number’s upper bound. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266920.


Mertz, J. & Annucci, C. & Aristodemo, V. & Giustolisi, B. & Gras, D. & Turco, G. & Geraci, C. & Donati, C., (2022) “Measuring sign complexity: Comparing a model-driven and an error-driven approach”, Laboratory Phonology 24(1). doi:


Noveck, I., Petit, N., Tian, Y., Turco, G. (2021) Revealing pragmatic processes through a one-word answer: When the French reply Si. Journal of Memory and Language 120, 104245.


Guitard-Ivent, F., Turco, G., Fougeron, C. (2021). Domain-initial effects on C-to-V and V-to-V coarticulation in French: A corpus-based study. Journal of Phonetics, (87) 101057.


Turco, G., Zerbian, S. (2021) Processing of Prosody and Semantics in Sepedi and L2 English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(3), 681-706. 


Boscain, U., Prandi, D., Sacchelli, L., Turco, G.. (2021) A bio-inspired geometric model for sound reconstruction. ⟨hal-02531537⟩ The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 11(1)​ 


Asswad, R., Boscain, U. Turco, G., U., Prandi, D., Sacchelli, L. (2021) An auditory cortex model for sound processing. Proceeding of the 5th Conference of Geometric Science of Information (GSI'21), Paris (21 July – 23 July 2021).


Boscain, U., Prandi, D., Sacchelli, L., Turco, G. (2021) A bio-inspired geometrical model for sound reconstruction. IFAC World Conference 2020, Jul 2020, Berlin / Virtual, Germany.


Chitoran, I., Yoo, H., Turco, G. (2020) Durational effects of boundaries in Italian fricatives. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production ISSP, Tiede M., Whalen, D., Gracco, V. (eds). Haskins Laboratories. 14-18 December, 2020.


Zerbian, S., Turco, G. (2019) Processing focus and accent across dialects. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 2272-76). 


Delais-Roussarie, E., Turco, G., (2019) Intonation of Alternative Constructions in French: Which cues allow distinguishing statements from questions? In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15 - Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 30, Frankfurt - I. Feldhausen, M. Elsig, Kuchenbrandt, I., Neuhaus, M. (eds). John Benjamins. (ch. 7) pp. 136-156


Ridouane, R., Turco, G. (2019) Why is gemination contrast prevalently binary? Radical: A Journal of Phonology.


Ridouane, R., Turco, G., Meyer, J. (2018) Length contrast and co-varying features: Whistled speech as a case study. Proceedings of Interspeech 2018, 1843-1847, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1060.


Pillot-Loiseau, C., Schweitzer, C., Dodane, C., Romeo, A., Turco G. (2018) Doubler les consonnes en chant baroque français : un cas de gémination expressive ? Proc. XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, 19-27, DOI: 10.21437/JEP.2018-3.


Grillo, N., Aguilar, M., Roberts, L., Santi, A., Turco, G. (2018) Prosody of classic garden path sentences: The horse raced faster when embedded. In: Speech Prosody 2018, 13-17 Jun 2018, Adam Mickiewicz University.


Turco, G., Ivent, F., Fougeron, C. (2018) Speech style-based effects on local vs. non-local coarticulation. In: Studies on Speech Production, Q. Fang, J. Dang, P. Perrier, J. Wei, L.Wang, N. Yan (Eds.). The 11th International Seminar, ISSP 2017, Tianjin China, October 16-19, Revised Selected Papers. Springer,pp. 121-133. 


Dimroth, C., Schimke, S., Turco, G. (2017) Focusing functional elements in first language acquisition of German. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, pp 1-16.


Turco, G., Shoul, A., Ridouane, R. (2017) How are four-level length distinctions produced? Evidence from Moroccan Arabic. Proceedings of the 18th Interspeech Conference 2017. August 20-24. Stockholm, 215-218.


Turco, G., Braun, B. (2016) An acoustic study on non-local anticipatory effects of Italian length contrast. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140(4), 2247-2256.


Turco, G., Fougeron, C., Audibert, N. (2016) The Effects of Prosody on French V-to-V Coarticulation: A Corpus-Based Study. Proceedings of the 17th Interspeech Conference 2016, September 8-12, San Francisco, 998-1001.


Turco, G., Fougeron, C., Audibert, N. (2016) Que nous apprennent les gros corpus sur l'harmonie vocalique en français. Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 (volume 1: JEP), July 4-8. Paris, 571-579.


Raborife, M., Turco, G., Zerbian, S. (2016) The prosody of focus and emphasis in Sepedi. Proceedings of PRASA-RobMech International Conference, At Stellenbosch, South Africa.


Grillo, N., Turco, G. (2016) Prosodic disambiguation and attachment height. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2016. May 31-June 3. Boston, 1176-1180.


Zerbian, S., Turco, G., Shauffler, N., Zellers, M., Riester, A. (2016) Contrastive topic constituents in German. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2016. May 31-June 3, Boston, 345-349.


Trotzke, A., Turco, G. (2015) The grammatical and phonetic reflexes of emphasis: New evidence from German wh-questions. Lingua 168, 37-55.


Turco, G., Dimroth C., Braun, B. (2015) Prosodic and lexical marking of L2 Italian. Second Language Research 31(4), 465-491.


Andorno, C., Turco, G. (2015) Embedding additive particles in the sentence information structure: what L2 learners do (not) learn. In De Cesare, A. M. and Andorno, C. (eds.), Focus Particles in the Romance and Germanic Languages. Corpus-based and Experimental Approaches. Linguistik online 71 (second issue of 2015), pp. 57-79.


Quaglia, S., Turco, G. (2015) Prosody in Italian particle verbs: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). August 10-14, Glasgow.


Schauffler, N., Turco, G., Augurzky, P. (2015) Producing multiple contrastive accents in German: Rhythmic and syntactic factors. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). August 10-14, Glasgow.


Turco, G., Braun, B., Dimroth, C. (2014) When contrasting polarity, Germans use intonation, the Dutch particles. Journal of Pragmatics 62, 94-106.


Turco, G., Braun, B. (2014) Non-local duration differences caused by consonantal length contrasts. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP). May 5-8, Cologne, 437-440.


Turco, G., Delais-Roussarie, E. (2014) A crosslinguistic and acquisitional perspective on French intonational rises. Proceedings of the 15th Interspeech Conference. September 14-18, Singapore, 2553-2557.


Turco, G., Dimroth, C., Braun, B. (2013) Intonational means to mark verum focus in German and French. Language and Speech 56(4), 460-490.


Turco, G., Gubian, M. (2012) L1 Prosodic transfer and priming effects: A quantitative study on semi-spontaneous dialogues. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody Conference. May 22-25, Shangai, 386-389.


Turco, G., Gubian, M., Schertz, J. (2011) A quantitative investigation of the prosody of Verum Focus in Italian. Proceedings of the 12th Interspeech Conference. August 28-31, Florence, 961-964.


Schimke, S., Verhagen, J., Turco, G. (2010) The different role of additive and negative particles in the development of finiteness in early adult L2 German and L2 Dutch. In M. Watorek, S., Benazzo, Hickmann, M. (eds.),Comparative Perspectives to Language Acquisition: Tribute to Clive Perdue. UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 73-91.