Responsable : Olivier Bonami
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Participants : Olivier Bonami (U. Paris-Sorbonne, IUF), Gauthier Caron (U. de la Réunion), Clément Plancq (CNRS)
Description : Flexique was designed as a tool for studying the structure of the French inflection system1. In its current formit consists of three tables of French nouns, adjectives and verbs.
POS | lexemes | words |
nouns | 31,002 | 65,111 |
adjectives | 11,252 | 45,008 |
verbs | 4,987 | 253,174 |
total | 47,241 | 363,293 |
Flexique derives from Lexique2, a lexical database of phonetic, lexical, morphosyntactic, and frequency information on French. Like its predecessor, Flexique is distributed as an open source resource, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
Caractéristiques : Flexique was derived from Lexique version 3.70, a database collecting information of various kinds on 142694 French words, and distributed as an open source resource. Lexique is an extremely useful resource, but can be frustrating for the investigation of inflection, for a number of reasons:
Flexique was designed with the goal of complementing Lexique in these domains. In particular:
1We wish to thank Boris New and Christophe Pallier, whose work on Lexique was an indispensable precondition for the constitution of Flexique, as well as an inspiration for attempting to build it. Boris New has been extremely helpful in sharing his expertise. Gilles Boyé and Delphine Tribout provided crucial help at various points. Flexique was designed at the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle and funded by Olivier Bonami’s IUF grant.
2New B., Pallier C., Ferrand L., Matos R. (2001). – Une base de données lexicales du français contemporain sur internet : LEXIQUE. – L’Année Psychologique, 101, 447-462. http://www.lexique.org