Jalal Al-Tamimi



Statut : Maître de conférences, HDR

Adresse :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Cité
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail : wnyny.ny-gnzvzv@h-cnevf.se

Axes de recherche :
  Linguistique expérimentale
  Linguistique computationnelle
  Corpus, description et terrain

Présentation générale


After completing my PhD in September 2007 at the University Lyon 2, France, I joined Newcastle University, UK, as a Research Associate (2007-2013), then a Lecturer in Phonetics (2013-2019) and then as a Senior Lecturer in Phonetics (2019-2021). I then joined the Université Paris Cité and the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle in October 2021 as an Associate Professor (MCF) in experimental psycholinguistics and phonology. In November 2023, I defended my HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) in Phonetics and Phonology at the Université Paris Cité.

I am interested in the links between production, perception and learning/acquisition (in L2 and L1, respectively). I look at the role of fine-phonetic-detail in defining phonological features and their role in speech perception and processing. My main research interests span multiple areas and the essence of my work is within the Laboratory Phonology framework.

I look specifically at the multiplicity of acoustic correlates and their use to define invariants (or relational invariance to be specific), their relationship with articulatory gestures and their impact on perception. By examining primary correlates and their enhancement by secondary features allows for fine-grained gradience to be quantified within gradient phonology. I work on multiple languages, mainly on Arabic but also on French, English, Thai, Malayalam, Japanese, Mandarin, Tongan, Spanish, etc.


2023: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR in Phonetics and Phonology). Université Paris Cité, Paris, France

2020-2024: Qualification Professeur des Universités, section 7. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur de la recherche et de l'innovation

2015: Newcastle Teaching Award, Descriptor One of the UK Professional Standards Framework, Newcastle University, UK.

2012-2016: Qualification Maître des Conférences, section 7. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur de la recherche et de l'innovation

2012: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Newcastle University, UK

2002-2007: PhD in Language Sciences option Phonetics and Phonology, University Lyon 2, Lyon, France.

2001-2002: MA2 (DEA) in Language Sciences option Phonetics and Phonology, University Lyon 2, Lyon, France.

2000-2001: MA1 (Maîtrise) in Language Sciences option Phonetics and Phonology, University Lyon 2, Lyon, France.

1998-2000: BA in Languages Sciences, University Lyon 2, Lyon, France.

1994-1998: BA in French Language and Literature, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

Previous positions

2019-2021: Senior Lecturer in Phonetics, Speech and Language Sciences, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK

2013-2019: Lecturer in Phonetics, Speech and Language Sciences, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK

2007-2013: Postdoctoral Research Associate (on three projects): an ESRC-funded "Phonological acquisition in multilingual settings: the case of Lebanese Arabic"; an ESRC-funded "Psychological Significance of Production Templates in Phonological and Lexical Advance: A Cross-Linguistic Study" and an ARC-funded Discovery Project entitled "You came TO DIE?! Perceptual adaptation to regional accents as a new lens on the puzzle of spoken word recognition"

2001-2007: Assistant lecturer in Acoustic Phonetics and its` application in voice therapy, at the "Institut des Sciences et Techniques de Réadaptation", Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France.
2001-2007: Research Assistant at the "Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage", CNRS and Lyon 2 University, (several contracts).

Administrative Roles and Responsibilities

2023-...: Director of the Master in Language Sciences - Unité de Formation et Recherches - Linguistique (UFR-L), Université Paris Cité (from September 2023)

2023-...: Invited permanent member of the Board of Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Representing the Unité de Formation et Recherches - Linguistique (UFR-L), Université Paris Cité (from September 2023)

2023-...: Deputy representative of the LLF within the Scientific Council; UFR-Linguistique, Université Paris Cité, France (from January 2023)

2022-…: Co-Director of the Labex EFL Strand 1: “Phonetic and Phonological Complexity”, Université Paris Cité, France (from November 2022)

2022-…: Co-Director of the Experimental Linguistics Strand, within the LLF, leading on the future project of the unit and evaluated by the HCERES, Université Paris Cité, France (from September 2022)

2022-…: Representative of the Phonetics and Phonology (Phi&Phi) Master’s program; Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL), Université Paris Cité, France (from June 2022)

2021-…: Member of the Paris Graduate School for Linguistics Ethics committee, Université Paris Cité, France (from November 2021)

2019-2021: Degree Programme Director (DPD) for the IPhD in Phonetics and Phonology, Newcastle University, UK

2018-2021: ECLS Library Liaison Officer, Newcastle University, UK

2017-2021: Member of the "Athena Swan Self-Assessment" team, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK

2017-2021: UG Admissions Tutor, Speech and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK

2017-2021: SLS Ethics coordinator, ECLS School Ethics Committee, , Newcastle University, UK

2014-2021: Chair of the Speech and Language Sciences section's Ethics committee, Newcastle University, UK

2014-2016: Peer mentoring and Buddy system coordinator, Speech and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK

Projets de recherche

Google scholar;  OSF ; GitHub;   GlobalR meetup ORCID ; Research Gate ; HAL

Current projects

I am currently engaged in the following research activities

  1. Development of a forced-alignment system for Arabic integrated with the WebMAUS services. This is an ongoing collaboration with the MAUS team (The Munich Automatic Segmentation System). We have a first fully working system that was released end of 2021 and integrated within WebMAUS 3.8. The system uses an Arabic variety-independent romanization system integrated within an Arabic variety-independent WebMAUS service. The system can be accessed from here: https://clarin.phonetik.uni-muenchen.de/BASWebServices/interface. See our publication (http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2022/pdf/2022.lrec-1.789.pdf)
  2. Articulatory to acoustic mapping in the production of back consonants in Arabic. I continue working on this project (funding ended 2019). Using Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (UTI), Electroglottography (EGG) and acoustic data, I aim to evaluate the role of the epilaryx in the production of back consonants in Arabic. This project will shed light into the role of this type of articulation in Arabic, and its impact on the categorization of back consonants in Arabic.
  3. Use of automated methods of prosodic profiles in diagnosis. This is an ongoing collaboration with various researchers in the UK and in Spain with the aim to use automated methods to estimate prosodic profiles of participants to allow for differentiation of specific pathologies (schizophrenia and Alzheimer) from controls. We aim to identify analyst-independent tools to allow for an accurate diagnosis.

Listen to a podcast presenting my work (in French):

Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). La voix comme identité [Podcast part of Vox - La linguistique sous toutes ses formes]. Retrieved 2023-05-18, from https://podcast.ausha.co/vox-podcast-labex-efl/la-voix-comme-identite

Research Interests

  • Laboratory Phonology, and the phonetic-phonology interface
  • Auditory representation of speech
  • Role of (multiple) acoustic cues in production and perception
  • Role of the Epilarynx in Back consonants in Arabic
  • Articulatory to acoustic mapping in Feature Specification
  • L1/L2 Phonology
  • Speech classification and recognition
  • Arabic Dialectology

Other Expertise

  • Instrumental techniques
    • Advanced acoustic analyses (including spectral information, Acoustic profiling of consonants and vowels, voice quality metrics)
    • Auditory representation of speech (bark-difference, psychoacoustic representation, equal-loudness contours)
    • Psychoacoustic, speech perception
    • Praat scripting
    • Automated techniques in speech processing (VoiceSauce, Prosogram, etc.)
    • Articulatory and acoustic modeling (Klatt, VocalTractLab, Praat)
    • Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (AAA software)
    • Electroglottography (EGG)
    • Perception studies using Praat (advanced), PsychoPy (intermediate)
  • Quantitative methods in R:
    • (Generalized)Linear-Mixed Modelling (with Gaussian, binomial, multinomial and ordinal data);
    • Generalized Additive Mixed-effects Modelling (GAMMs) on UTI and acoustic data
    • Classification techniques (Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression as prediction tool, Random Forests and Conditional Inference Trees, deep learning),
    • Data reduction techniques, e.g., Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis

Funding and awards

2023: "Système d’alignement forcé et de transcription automatisée de l’arabe dialectal", AAP Aide à la recherche BRIO « Budget Restreint, Impact Optimal » ATRIUM S&H, 1st January to 31 December 2023, France

2023: Funding for an intern to work on the ADDReSS challenge dataset, Labex Strand 1, PHUCS, France

2022: Funding for an intern to work on the ADDReSS challenge dataset, Labex Strand 1, PATH, France

2022: Funding for an intern to work on developing a grapheme-to-phoneme system for dialectal Arabic, Internal funding from the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, France

2020: Funding for an intern to work on developing a grapheme-to-phoneme system for dialectal Arabic, Newcastle University, UK, Individual Research Funding Account

2019: "From articulation to speech recognition in investigating the Arabic sound system", Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship. Start 1 February 2019, end 30 June 2019.

2018: Peter Ladefoged prize for the presentation most in the spirit of the work of the late Peter Ladefoged, BAAP (British Association for Academic Phoneticians), for the oral presentation: Al-Tamimi and Khattab (2018), “Acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in Lebanese Arabic singleton and geminate plosives”, BAAP, 2018, Kent University.

2018-2019: HASS faculty Bid Preparation Fund. Preparation for grant application. Newcastle University, UK

2017-2019: "Articulatory to acoustic mapping of the Epilarynx in the production of back consonants in Arabic", British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grants - SRG 2016 Round. Start 01/01/2017, end 30/09/2019

2016-2018: "Arabic Forced Alignment using PraatAlign and Maus automatic segmentation systems", Faculty Research Fund (FRF), HASS faculty, Newcastle University, UK


2023-....: Member of the Statistics for Linguistics network

2023-....: Member of the International DISCOURSE in Psychosis consortium

2022-.... Member of the DementiaBank research group

2022-...: Member of SIGMORPHON: "Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology"

2022-...: Member of European Language Resources Association

2021-…: Member of the Labex (Laboratoire f’Excellence) “Emperical Foundations of Linguistics”. Strand: 1: Complexity in Phonetics and Phonology (Workpackage 2: “PHUCS: Phonological units: content and structure”; Workpackage 3: “PROVS: Prosodic variation and structuring”; Workpackage 4: “SPEL: Speech Production in Learner Varieties”; Workpackage 6: “PATH: From normal to pathological: variations of voice and speech”); Strand 2: “Experimental Grammar in a cross-linguistic perspective” (Workpackage 4: “ProCue: Experimental and quantitative pragmatics).

2020-...: Member of the "International Phonetic Association" (previously 2015-2016)

2020-...: Member of the "International Speech Communication Association", ISCA (previously 2002-2010)

2020-...: Member of the "Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée", AFCP (previously 2002-2010)

2017-...: Member of the "Association for Laboratory Phonology"

2008-...: Member of the "British Association of Academic Phoneticians", BAAP.

2011-2014: Member of the "International Congress for the Study of Child Language", IASCL.


Current teaching at Université Paris Cité

I lead on teaching on various topics at both BA and Master levels. phonetics, phonology, theoretical and experimental phonology, psycholinguistics and experimental methodologies.

BA :

  • SL15Y040 Méthodes expérimentales et psycholinguistique 
  • SL16Y080 Principes de phonétique et de phonologie du français

Master (part of the Paris Graduate School of Linguistics)

  • SL2AY031 Phonology
  • SL6CY040 Technical skills in Experimental and Computational Phonology
  • SL4AY060: Manipulation of Textual Data
  • SL4BY030 Experimental design
  • SL6BY041 Experimental phonology

Previous teaching experience at Newcastle University, UK (2011-2021)

At BA and Master levels (4 modules), I supported teaching of articulatory, and auditory phonetics and its application to identify speech sound disorder (SSD) based on transcriptions using the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), ear training in producing various sounds and non-sense words to sociophonetic variation. I led on teaching experimental phonetics and its application in clinical contexts, by identifying normal variation in speech and how this differs from SSD. We used acoustic analyses as a first step and looked at a variety of techniques that are useful in identifying place and manner of articulation in consonants and vowels.

At doctoral level (1 module), I led on teaching laboratory phonology and applications of instrumental techniques in providing an empiric evidence for phonological patterns.

Direction de thèses

M1/M2 Internship supervision

  1. 2023-2024: Eric Jordan, "Guiding Alzheimer's diagnosis using Speech processing techniques", (M2 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 27/05/2024-30/08/2024)
  2. 2023-2024: Shuhua Cao, "Alignement forcé de l’arabe dialectal: Whisper and wav2vec automatic transcription and segmentation", (M1 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 18/07/2024-31/08/2024)
  3. 2023-2024: Ludivine Huchin, "Alignement forcé de l’arabe dialectal: Whisper and wav2vec automatic transcription and segmentation", (M1 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 01/06/2024-31/08/2024)
  4. 2023-2024: Younes Maatallaoui, "Alignement forcé de l’arabe dialectal: Whisper and wav2vec automatic transcription and segmentation", (M1 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 01/06/2024-31/08/2024)
  5. 2022-2023: Eric Jordan, "Guiding Alzheimer's diagnosis using Speech processing techniques", (M2 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 30/01/2023-18/07/2023)
  6. 2022-2023: Eric Jordan, "On the use of OpenSMILE to guide diagnosis in Alzheimer disease", (M2 Internship in Computational Linguistics, 1 day per week, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 05/09/2022-31/12/2022)
  7. 2022-2023: Eric Jordan, "On the use of OpenSMILE to guide diagnosis in Alzheimer disease", (M1 Internship in Computational Linguistics, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 01/06/2022-31/08/2022)
  8. 2021-2022: Amina DJARFI (MELOUAH), "Development of a forced-alignment system for Arabic integrated with the WebMAUS services", (M1 Internship in TAL, full time, LLF, Université Paris Cité, 01/06/2022-31/08/2022)

M2 supervision

  1. 2024-2025: Katya Shepel, "A Cross-linguistic Study of Contrastive Velar and Uvular Consonants" (MA in Phonetics and Phonology; sole supervisor; Université Paris Cité)
  2. 2024-2025: Xingfeng Yang, "A Study on the Production and Perception of English Word-Initial Clusters by Mandarin Chinese ESL Speakers" (MA in Phonetics and Phonology; first supervisor, with Ioana Chitoran and Martial Foegel; Université Paris Cité)
  3. 2022-2023: Eric Jordan, "Guiding Alzheimer’s Diagnosis through Speech and Language Processing" (MA in Computational Linguistics; sole supervisor; Université Paris Cité, France)
  4. 2022-2023: Ziqi Zhou, "What makes an utterance ironic? A predictive modelling approach to perceptual judgments of L2 learners of French" (MA in Phonetics and Phonology; first supervisor, with Hiyon Yoo; Université Paris Cité, France)
  5. 2021-2022: Chenyu Li, “Le rôle des facteurs influençant la réalisation des diphtongues en mandarin standard : la modélisation dynamique avec les GAMMs" (MA in Phonetics and Phonology; first supervisor with Yaru Wu, Université Paris Cité, France)

PhD supervision


  1. 2023-ongoing: Ziqi Zhou, "Phonological transfer in L3 acquisition of ironic tone of voice: An acoustic and perceptual study of Mandarin-English bilinguals learning French as a third language" (PhD in Phonetics and Phonology; first supervisor, with Hiyon Yoo, Université Paris Cité, Paris)
  2. 2022-ongoing: Chenyu Li. "The Role of Factors Influencing the Realization of Diphthongs in Mandarin: A Sociophonetic and Phonological Perspective" (PhD in Phonetics and Phonology; Sole supervisor, Université Paris Cité, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, France)

Previous PhD students

  1. 2019-2024: Sarah Alghabban, "Improving the Perception of English Vowels by Arabic-speaking Learners in Saudi Arabia" (second supervisor 50% with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  2. 2019-2023: Bilal Alsharif, "Retraction in Postvelar consonants in Levantine Arabic" (first supervisor 50% with Ghada Khattab, SELLL, Newcastle University, UK)
  3. 2019-2023: Abdulrahman Dallak, "Arabic Obstruents: Laryngeal Contrast and Representation" (second supervisor 50% with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  4. 2017-2022: Nief Al-Gamdi; "Acoustic properties of the voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic". (first supervisor 50% with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  5. 2017-2022: Wael Almurashi, "Dynamic specification of vowels in Hijazi Arabic" (first supervisor 50% with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  6. 2018-2022: Knight Kamphikul, "The Intonation Patterns of Thai Non-Native Speakers of English: Forms and Functions towards Communication" (second supervisor 40% with Martha Young-Scholten and SJ. Hannahs, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  7. 2018-2021: Saleh Ghadanfari, "Syllable weight and perceptual energy: a case study of Kuwaiti Arabic". (second supervisor 30% with Laurence White and Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  8. 2016-2021: Hana Ehbara, "The Impact of Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Teaching on Libyan Child Learners of English" (second supervisor 40%, with Martha Young-Scholten, SLS, Newcastle University, UK) 
  9. 2016-2021: Hajar Moussa, "The phonetics and phonology of Jeddah Arabic prosody" (first supervisor 90%, with Laurence White 10%; previous second supervisor SJ. Hannahs, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  10. 2018-2021: Jasmine Warburton, "Vowel Mergers in Tyneside English: how does sound change affect the relationship between production and perception?" (first supervisor 50%, with Danielle Turton, and Adam Mearns, SELL, ESRC-NINEDTP, Newcastle University, UK)
  11. 2014-2019: Yiling Chen, "The effect of explicit instruction and auditory/audio-visual training on Chinese EFL learners’ acquisition of intonation" (second supervisor, with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  12. 2014-2019: Daniel McCarthy, "The acoustics of place of articulation in English plosives" (first supervisor, with Ghada Khattab, SLS, ESRC-DTC, Newcastle University, UK)
  13. 2013-2016: Patchanok Kitikanan, " L2 English Fricative Production by Thai Learners" (first supervisor, with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)
  14. 2012-2015: Ying Li, "Audio-visual training effect on L2 perception and production of English /θ/-/s/ and /ð/-/z/ by Mandarin speakers", (second supervisor, with S.J. Hannahs, SELLL, Newcastle University, UK)
  15. 2009-2013: Wasan AlSiraih, "Voice Quality Features in the Production of Pharyngeal Consonants by Iraqi Arabic Speakers" (second supervisor, with Ghada Khattab, SLS, Newcastle University, UK)

PhD examination:

  1. 2024: Valeria Lucarini: "The autism-schizophrenia continuum: prosodic and conversational patterns as new endophenotypes" (Invited jury member, examination); PhD in "Développement", Université Paris Cité, Paris, France
  2. 2024: Hammal Al Balushi, "The Phonetics and Phonology of Ḥarsūsi: An Instrumental Phonetics Study", External Examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Language Sciences, The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  3. 2022: Natalja Ulrich: “Variation, Change and Complexity in Linguistic and Health-Related Bahaviour”, External examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Language Sciences, option Phonetics and Phonology, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France
  4. 2020: Azza Al-Kendi: "Foreigner-Directed-Speech and L2 Speech Learning Model in An Understudied Interactional Setting: The Case of Foreign-Domestic Helpers in Oman", Internal examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); IPhD in Linguistics and English Language, SELLL, Newcastle University
  5. 2019: Maha Jasim: "Tafxi:m in the Qəltu and Gilit dialects of Iraqi Arabic", Internal examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); IPhD in Phonetics and Phonology, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK
  6. 2018: Ammar Zeineb: "Perception et production des voyelles orales françaises par des enfants tunisiens néo-apprenants du français", External examiner (examination and post-viva report); PhD in Phonetics and Phonology, Sorbonne Paris 3 University, Paris, France
  7. 2018: Mohammad Abuoudeh: "De l'impact des variations temporelles sur les transitions formantiques", External examiner (examination and post-viva report); PhD in Phonetics and Phonology, Nantes University, France
  8. 2018: Aisha Mohdar: "Vowel-to-Vowel coarticulation in Yemeni Arabic Dialects: Impact of vowel space and pharyngealized consonants", External examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Phonetics and Phonology, University Hyderabad, India
  9. 2016: Amin Alshangiti: "Lexical borrowings in immigrant speech: A sociolinguistic study of Hassaniyya Arabic speakers in Medina (Saudi Arabia)". External examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Phonetics and Phonology, Durham University, UK
  10. 2015: Hisham Alkadi: "English speakers’ common orthographic errors in Arabic as L2 writing system: An analytical case study", Internal examine (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Applied Linguistics, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK
  11. 2013: Isao Hara: "An Acoustic Analysis of Vowel Sequences in Japanese", Internal examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Speech Sciences, ECLS, Newcastle University, UK
  12. 2012: Muhammad Kamal Khan: "Pashto Phonology: The relationship between syllable structure and word order". External examiner (pre-viva report, examination and post-viva report); PhD in Phonetics and Phonology, The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan


Articles in peer reviewed journals

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2024). Dynamic specification of vowels in Hijazi Arabic. Phonetica, 81(2), 185–220. https://doi.org/10.1515/phon-2023-0013

He, R., Al-Tamimi, J., Sánchez-Benavides, G., Montaña-Valverde, G., Domingo Gispert, J., Grau-Rivera, O., Suárez-Calvet, M., Minguillon, C., Fauria, K., Navarro, A., & Hinzen, W. (2024). Atypical cortical hierarchy in Aβ-positive older adults and its reflection in spontaneous speech. Brain Research, 1830, 148806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2024.148806

He, R., Chapin, K., Al-Tamimi, J., Bel, N., Marquié, M., Rosende-Roca, M., Pytel, V., Tartari, J. P., Alegret, M., Sanabria, A., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., Valero, S., & Hinzen, W. (2023). Automated classification of cognitive decline and probable Alzheimer’s dementia across multiple speech and language domains. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(5), 2075–2086. https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_AJSLP-22-00403

Coretta, S., Casillas, J. V., Roessig, S., Franke, M., Ahn, B., Al-Hoorie, A. H., Al-Tamimi, J., Alotaibi, N. E., AlShakhori, M. K., Altmiller, R. M., Arantes, P., Athanasopoulou, A., Baese-Berk, M. M., Bailey, G., Sangma, C. B. A., Beier, E. J., Benavides, G. M., Benker, N., Benson-Meyer, E. P., … Roettger, T. B. (2023). Multidimensional Signals and Analytic Flexibility: Estimating Degrees of Freedom in Human-Speech Analyses. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6(3), 25152459231162570. https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459231162567

Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). Discussion in: Lara, Andres Felipe & Pillot-Loiseau, Claire (auth.) “Phonetic convergence and vowel overlap”. Radical: A Journal of Phonology, 3, 270–279.

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2020). Static and dynamic cues in vowel production in Hijazi Arabic. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America: Special Issue on the “Phonetics of Under-Documented Languages”, 147(4), 2917–2927. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0001004

Heyne, M., Derrick, D., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). Native Language Influence on Brass Instrument Performance: An Application of Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) to Midsagittal Ultrasound Images of the Tongue. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2597. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02597

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2018). Acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in Lebanese Arabic singleton and geminate stops. Journal of Phonetics, Invited Manuscript for the Special Issue of Journal of Phonetics, “Marking 50 Years of Research on Voice Onset Time and the Voicing Contrast in the World’s Languages" (Eds., T. Cho, G. Docherty & D. Whalen), 71, 306–325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2018.09.010

Khattab, G., Al-Tamimi, J., & Alsiraih, W. (2018). Nasalisation in the Production of Iraqi Arabic Pharyngeals. Phonetica, 75(4), 310–348. https://doi.org/10.1159/000487806

Al-Tamimi, J. (2017). Revisiting acoustic correlates of pharyngealization in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: Implications for formal representations. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 8(1), 1–40. https://doi.org/10.5334/labphon.19

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2015). Acoustic cue weighting in the singleton vs geminate contrast in Lebanese Arabic: The case of fricative consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(1), 344–360. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4922514

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2014). Geminate timing in Lebanese Arabic: The relationship between phonetic timing and phonological structure. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 5(2), 231–269. https://doi.org/10.1515/lp-2014-0009

Punnoose, R., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). The contested fifth liquid in Malayalam: A window into the lateral-rhotic relationship in dravidian languages. Phonetica, 70(4), 274–297. https://doi.org/10.1159/000356359

Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). Articulatory Phonetics Edited by Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson and DonaldDerrick (Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2013) [Pp. 272], ISBN 978-1-4051-9321-4. £60.00 (hbk), ISBN: 978-1-4051-9320-7. £24.99 (pbk). International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 48(5), 597–598. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12029

Kitikanan, P., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). The Earliest Stage of Voiceless Fricative Acquisition among Thai Learners of Mandarin Chinese. The Annual Review of Education, Communication, and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, 9, 91–114 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234036658_THE_EARLIEST_STAGE_OF_VOICELESS_FRICATIVE_ACQUISITION_AMONG_THAI_LEARNERS_OF_MANDARIN_CHINESE)

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2008). Durational Cues for Gemination in Lebanese Arabic. Language and Linguistics, 22, 39–55 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295296_Durational_Cues_for_Gemination_in_Lebanese_Arabic)


Articles in peer reviewed conference proceedings

Li, C., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). Impact of the tonal factor on diphthong realizations in Standard Mandarin with Generalized Additive Mixed Models. Interspeech 2024, 1555–1559. https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2024-303

Abuoudeh, M., Al-Tamimi, J., & Crouzet, O. (2024). L’impact du style de parole sur l’opposition de longueur des voyelles en arabe jordanien. Actes Des 35èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole (JEP). 35èmes journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP), Toulouse 8-12 juillet 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04623111)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). Rôle de l’activité laryngale dans la production des consonnes d’arrière en arabe levantin. Actes Des 35èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole (JEP). 35èmes journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP), Toulouse 8-12 juillet 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04623113)

Zhou, Z., Al-Tamimi, J., & Yoo, H. (2024). Une comparaison de l’intonation ironique en français et en mandarin. Actes Des 35èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole (JEP). 35èmes journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP), Toulouse 8-12 juillet 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04623109)

Zhou, Z., Al-Tamimi, J., & Yoo, H. (2024). Predictive Modelling of perceptual strategies: Exploring the perception of ironic tone of voice by L2 learners of French. Proceedings of Speech Prosody. Speech Prosody, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea (27-29 June 2024). (https://hal.science/hal-04644037)

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2023). Dynamic and static features of English monophthongal vowels production by Hijazi Arabic L2 learners. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (pp. 2562–2566). Guarant International. (https://hal.science/hal-04230618)

Al-Tamimi, J., & Palo, P. (2023). Dynamics of the tongue contour in the production of guttural consonants in Levantine Arabic. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (pp. 2095–2099). Guarant International. (https://hal.science/hal-04230615)

Dallak, A., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). Obstruent Voicing and Laryngeal Features in Arabic. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (pp. 2154–2158). Guarant International. (https://hal.science/hal-04230623)

Li, C., Al-Tamimi, J., & Wu, Y. (2023). Tone as a factor influencing the dynamics of diphthong realizations in Standard Mandarin. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (pp. 1876–1880). Guarant International. (https://hal.science/hal-04230607)

Al-Tamimi, J., Schiel, F., Khattab, G., Sokhey, N., Amazouz, D., Dallak, A., & Moussa, H. (2022). A Romanization System and WebMAUS Aligner for Arabic Varieties. Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), © European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Licensed under CC-BY-NC-4.0, 7269–7276. http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2022/pdf/2022.lrec-1.789.pdf

Al-Ghamdi, N., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2019). The acoustic properties of laryngeal contrast in Najdi Arabic initial stops. In M. T. & P. W. Sasha Calhoun Paola Escudero (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (ISBN: 978-0-646-800069-1) (pp. 2051–2055). (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334965210_The_Acoustic_Properties_of_Laryngeal_Contrast_in_Najdi_Arabic_Initial_Stops)

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2019). Static and dynamic cues in vowel production in Hijazi Arabic. In M. T. & P. W. S. C. P. Escudero (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (ISBN: 978-0-646-800069-1) (pp. 3468–3472). (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335017406_Static_and_dynamic_cues_in_vowel_production_in_Hijazi_Arabic)

Chen, Y., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). The effect of explicit instruction and auditory/audio-visual training on Chinese learners’ acquisition of English intonation. In M. T. & P. W. Sasha Calhoun Paola Escudero (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (ISBN: 978-0-646-800069-1) (pp. 2286–2290). (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335016177_The_effect_of_explicit_instruction_and_auditoryaudio-visual_training_on_Chinese_learners'_acquisition_of_English_intonation)

McCarthy, D., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). F2R: A Technique for collapsing F2 onset and F2 mid into a single acoustic attribute. In M. T. & P. W. Sasha Calhoun Paola Escudero (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (ISBN: 978-0-646-800069-1) (pp. 3777–3781). (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335018542_F2R_A_Technique_for_Collapsing_F2onset_and_F2mid_into_a_Single_Acoustic_Attribute)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2015). Spectral tilt as an acoustic correlate to pharyngealisation in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic (Article: 0436). The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280715904_Spectral_tilt_as_an_acoustic_correlate_to_pharyngealisation_in_Jordanian_and_Moroccan_Arabic)

Best, C., Shaw, J., Mulak, K., Docherty, G., Evans, B., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., & Wood, S. (2015). Perceiving and adapting to regional accent differences among vowel subsystems (Article 0964). The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280716113_Perceiving_and_adapting_to_regional_accent_differences_among_vowel_subsystems)

Kitikanan, P., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2015). An acoustic investigation of the production of English /s/ by L2 Thai learners (Article: 0655). The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280716178_The_production_of_English_s_by_L2_Thai_learners)

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2015). The acquisition of gemination in Lebanese Arabic Children (Article: 0870). The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280716101_The_acquisition_of_gemination_in_Lebanese_Arabic_Children)

Best, C. T., Shaw, J. A., Docherty, G., Evans, B. G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., Mulak, K. E., & Wood, S. (2015). From newcastle MOUTH to Aussie ears: Australians’ perceptual assimilation and adaptation for Newcastle UK vowels. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299340499_From_Newcastle_MOUTH_to_Aussie_ears_Australians'_perceptual_assimilation_and_adaptation_for_Newcastle_UK_vowels)

Shaw, J. A., Best, C. T., Mulak, K. E., Docherty, G., Evans, B. G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., Peek, M., & Wood, S. (2014). Effects of short-term exposure to unfamiliar regional accents: Australians’ categorization of London and Yorkshire English consonants. 15th Australasian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, 72–75. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270897401_Effects_of_short-term_exposure_to_unfamiliar_regional_accents_Australians'_categorization_of_London_and_Yorkshire_English_consonants)

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2011). Multiple cues for the singleton-geminate contrast in Lebanese Arabic: Acoustic investigation of stops and fricatives. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 212–215. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295420_Multiple_cues_for_the_singleton-geminate_contrast_in_Lebanese_Arabic_acoustic_investigation_of_stops_and_fricatives)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2008). L’espace vocalique perceptif dépend de la densité des systèmes vocaliques : Étude translinguistique en arabe marocain, en arabe jordanien et en français. Actes Des 27èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole (JEP), Avignon, France, 1–4. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295426_L'espace_vocalique_perceptif_depend_de_la_densite_des_systemes_vocaliques_Etude_translinguistique_en_arabe_marocain_en_arabe_jordanien_et_en_francais)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). Static and Dynamic cues in vowel production: A cross dialectal study in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbrücken, Germany, 541–544. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295422_Static_and_Dynamic_cues_in_vowel_production_a_cross_dialectal_study_in_Jordanian_and_Moroccan_Arabic?)

Dodane, C., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). An acoustic comparison of vowel systems in Adult-Directed-Speech and Child-Directed-Speech: Evidence from French, English & Japanese. Proceedings of 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbrücken, Germany, August, 1573–1576. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228593556_An_acoustic_comparison_of_vowel_systems_in_adult-directed_speech_and_child-directed_speech_Evidence_from_French_English_Japanese)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2006). Analyse dynamique de la réduction vocalique en contexte CV à partir des pentes formantiques en arabe dialectal et en français. Actes Des 26èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole (JEP), 357–360. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237341111_Analyse_dynamique_de_la_reduction_vocalique_en_contexte_CV_a_partir_des_pentes_formantiques_en_arabe_dialectal_et_en_francais)

Al-Tamimi, J., & Ferragne, E. (2005). Does vowel space size depend on language vowel inventories? Evidence from two Arabic dialects and French. Interspeech, 2465–2468. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221489776_Does_vowel_space_size_depend_on_language_vowel_inventories_Evidence_from_two_Arabic_dialects_and_French)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2004). L’équation du locus comme mesure de la coarticulation VC et CV : Étude préliminaire en Arabe Dialectal Jordanien. Actes Des 25èmes Journées d’Études Sur La Parole, 9–12. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295418_L'equation_du_locus_comme_mesure_de_la_coarticulation_VC_et_CV_Etude_preliminaire_en_Arabe_Dialectal_Jordanien)

Barkat-Defradas, M., Al-Tamimi, J., & Benkirane, T. (2003). Phonetic variation in production and perception of speech: A comparative study of two Arabic dialects. Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 857–860. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/253927754_Phonetic_variation_in_production_and_perception_of_speech_a_comparative_study_of_two_Arabic_dialects)

Al-Tamimi, J., Girard, M., & Marsico, E. (2002). Variabilité inter-langue et inter-individuelle en production et en perception : Étude préliminaire en arabe dialectal et en français. 24ème Journée d’Études Sur La Parole, 169–172. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295189_Variabilite_inter-langue_et_inter-individuelle_en_production_et_en_perception_Etude_preliminaire_en_arabe_dialectal_et_en_francais)


Chapters in peer reviewed books

Ehbara, H., Young-Scholten, M., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2021). The Role of Delayed Output on Second/Foreign Language Pronunciation in Children. In C. N. Giannikas (Ed.), Teaching Practices and Equitable Learning in Children’s Language Education (the-role-of-delayed-output-on-secondforeign-language-pronunciation-in-children; pp. 23–44). IGI Global. Retrieved 18 December 2021, from https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-6487-5.ch002

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). Influence of geminate structure on early Arabic templatic patterns. In M. Vihman & T. Keren-Portnoy (Eds.), The Emergence of Phonology: Whole-word Approaches and Cross-linguistic Evidence (pp. 374–414). https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511980503.018

Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). La palatalisation en coréen comme exemple de coarticulation : Données ciné-IRM stroboscopiques et acoustiques des mouvements graduels de la langue, de ” (translation to French from: ”, Hyunsoon KIM, Korean Palatalization as Coarticulation: Stroboscopic cine-MRI and acoustic data on gradual tongue movements). In Ch. Embarki, M. & Dodane (Ed.), La coarticulation. Des indices à la représentation (pp. 253–270). L’Harmattan.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Barkat-Defradas, M. (2003). Inter-dialectal and inter-individual variability in production and perception: A preliminary study in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic. In I. Ferrando & J. J. S. Sandoval (Eds.), Proceedings 5th AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe), Cádiz, Spain (pp. 171–186). (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256295295_Inter-dialectal_and_inter-individual_variability_in_production_and_perception_a_preliminary_study_in_Jordanian_and_Moroccan_Arabic)


Invited speaker at seminars

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022). On the contribution of automatic methods at quantifying the impact of pathologies on speech [Symposium Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics)]. Paris, France (June 2022).
Al-Tamimi, J. (2020a). LingLab Methods Fair: Ultrasound Tongue Imaging, Electroglottography, Electropalatography, and acoustics [Workshop Delivered to Researchers and Doctoral Students in Linguistics and Phonetic Sciences, Newcastle University (January 2020)]

Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). The role of the epilarynx in the production of guttural consonants in Levantine Arabic. Speech Science Forum, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences – University College London, UK, November 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). The role of the epilarynx in the production of gutturals in Levantine Arabic. Seminar of the Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology (LPP), Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, March 2019.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). The role of the epilarynx in male/female and dialect discrimination in dialectal Arabic/Le rôle de l’épilarynx dans la discrimination entre locuteurs hommes/femmes et entre dialectes arabes. Séminaire de Recherche : Traitement du Langage Parlé (TLP), Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l’Ingénieur (LIMSI) - Université Paris-Sud, France, May 2019.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Gradient epilaryngeal constriction in Levantine Arabic ‘gutturals’: A Generalised Additive Modelling approach to ultrasound tongue surface. Atelier « Temporalité et séquentialité dans les formes sonores », Nantes, France, June 2018.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2016). Experimental issues surrounding data collection/analyses in Arabic and statistical designs: Tutorial. Arabic Linguistic Forum (ALiF), York University, UK, December 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313882160_Experimental_issues_surrounding_data_collectionanalyses_in_Arabic_and_statistical_designs_Tutorial

Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). The role of multiple acoustic cues in the perception, production and learning of language-specific phonological patterns. Research seminar in Linguistics, York University, UK, April 2012.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2010). Aspects phonétiques et phonologiques de la gémination en Arabe Libanais. Séminaire du Laboratoire Dynamique du Language (DDL), Lyon, France, May 2010.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). Rôle des indices dynamiques dans la caractérisation des voyelles en arabe dialectal et en français : De la production à la perception. Séminaire de Recherche : Traitement du Langage Parlé (TLP), Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l’Ingénieur (LIMSI), Orsay, France, September 2007

Al-Tamimi, J. (2005). The Locus Equation : Un indice du lieu d’articulation et/ou du degré de coarticulation. Séminaire de recherche de l’équipe identification, laboratoire dynamique du langage (DDL), Lyon, France, June 2005.


Presentations in peer reviewed conferences (proceedings of abstracts)

Al-Tamimi, J., & Palo, P. (2024). Retraction of the whole tongue induced by pharyngealisation in Levantine Arabic: A between-subject account using Static and Dynamic PCA and GAMMs. Proceedings of Ultrafest XI. Ultrafest XI, University of Aizu - 24-25 June 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04621766)

Khattab, G., Xing, K., Turton, D., Al-Tamimi, J., & Alsharif, B. (2024). Syllabic and emphatic conditioning of /l/ in Levantine Arabic: An auditory, acoustic and articulatory analysis. Proceedings of Ultrafest XI. Ultrafest XI, University of Aizu - 24-25 June 2024.

Al-Gamdi, N., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2024). Final laryngeal neutralization in Najdi Arabic stops. Proceedings of the 19th LabPhon Conference. 19th LabPhon Conference, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea (27-29 June 2024).

Chenyu, L., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). A new model for tonal-segmental interaction in Standard Mandarin. Proceedings of the 19th LabPhon Conference. 19th LabPhon Conference, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea (27-29 June 2024).

Abuoudeh, M., Al-Tamimi, J., & Crouzet, O. (2024). Speaking style influence on vowel length opposition in Jordanian Arabic. Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France (13-17 May 2024). (https://hal.science/hal-04600234)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). Laryngeal changes associated with Guttural consonants in Levantine Arabic. Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France (13-17 May 2024).

Li, C., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). Tonal-segmental interaction in diphthong realization in Standard Mandarin. Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France (13-17 May 2024).

Ulrich, N., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2024). Palatalisation in Russian fricatives. Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France (13-17 May 2024).

Alghabban, S., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J., (2024). The next step for HVPT training: A case for using L1 and L2 varieties. Proceedings of BAAP (The British Association of Academic Phoneticians). BAAP (The British Association of Academic Phoneticians), Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (25 - 27 March 2024).

Khattab, G., Xing, K., Turton, D., Al-Tamimi, J., & Alsharif, B. (2024). Syllabic and emphatic conditioning of /l/ in Levantine Arabic: An acoustic and articulatory analysis. Proceedings of BAAP (The British Association of Academic Phoneticians). BAAP (The British Association of Academic Phoneticians), Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (25 - 27 March 2024).

Lucarini, V., Grice, M., Al-Tamimi, J., Rasmi, F., Amorosi, S., Fascendini, N., Marchesi, C., Scoriels, L., Tonna, M., & Krebs, M.-O. (2024). Prosodic Cues Are Linked to Peculiar Subjective Experiences in schizophrenia: A Combined Acoustic and Phenomenological Analysis. Proceedings of the Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society. Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society, Florence, Italy (3-7 April 2023).

Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). Différents stades d’Alzheimer: Rôle des méthodes automatisées de traitement de la prosodie et de la qualité de la voix. Actes Des 9èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC2023): ‘Prendre La Mesure de La Parole’. 9èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC2023): ‘Prendre la mesure de la Parole’, Toulouse 15-17 juin 2023.

Ghadanfari, S., White, L., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2023). Effects underlying hierarchical speech timing in Kuwaiti Arabic dialects. Proceedings of SPaB2023: Speech Prosody and Beyond. SPaB2023: Speech Prosody and Beyond, Seoul, South Korea, (20-22 June 2023).

Jordan, E., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). Classification d’Alzheimer à partir de paramètres acoustiques et prosodique avec de l’apprentissage automatique. Actes Des 9èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC2023): ‘Prendre La Mesure de La Parole’. 9èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC2023): ‘Prendre la mesure de la Parole’, Toulouse 15-17 juin 2023.

Al-Gamdi, N., Al-Tamimi, J. and Khattab, G. (2022). Voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic stops: Implications for Laryngeal realism. Proceedings of the 18th LabPhon (Laboratory Phonology) Conference, Online Conference, June 2022.

Al-Gamdi, N., Al-Tamimi, J. and Khattab, G. (2022). Voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic stops: Implications for Laryngeal realism. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2022.

Ghadanfari, S., White, L., Al-Tamimi, J. and Khattab, G. (2022). Hierarchical timing in two varieties of Kuwaiti Arabic. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2022.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2021). Acoustic correlates of epilaryngeal constriction in Levantine Arabic guttural consonants. Proceedings of the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Barcelona, Spain, June 2021.

Al-Tamimi, J., Jones, W., & Hinzen, W. (2021). The role of automatic acoustic profiling of prosody in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Barcelona, Spain, June 2021.

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2021). Acoustic Analysis of the Acquisition of English Vowels by Hijazi Arabic Learners. Proceedings of the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 June 2021.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Palo, P. (2020). Quantifying gradience of epilaryngeal constriction in Levantine Arabic “gutturals”: A Generalized Additive Modelling approach to ultrasound tongue contours. Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Providence USA, (online), December 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J., Heyne, M., & Derrick, D. (2020). From SS-ANOVA to GAMMs: Accounting for within and between-subject variation using generalized additive mixed models on ultrasound tongue contours. Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Providence USA, (online), December 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Ferragne, E. (2020). The phonetic basis of the guttural natural class in Levantine Arabic: Evidence from coarticulation and energy components using Deep Learning and Random Forests. LabPhon17 - Laboratory Phonology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Ferragne, E. (2020). Deep Learning and Random Forests show acoustic-phonetic evidence supporting the guttural natural class in Levantine Arabic. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J., Heyne, M., & Derrick, D. (2020). Accounting for within and between-subject variation using Generalized Additive Mixed Models: Application on Ultrasound Tongue contours with and without normalization. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2020.

Almurashi, W., Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2020). Acoustic Cues in Production of English Vowels by Hijazi Arabic Learners. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, York University, UK, 1-3 April 2020.

Jones, W., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Using Prosogram’s automatic prosodic profiling in diagnosing schizophrenia. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2020.

Turton, D., Khattab, G., Alsharif, B., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Syllabic and emphatic conditioning of /l/ in Levantine Arabic: An auditory, acoustic and articulatory analysis. Proceedings of the British Association for Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), York University, UK, April 2020.

Heyne, M., Al-Tamimi, J., Derrick, D. (2019). Using Generalized Additive (Mixed) Models to uncover novel patterns of speech production and account for by-group random patterns of variation. Proceedings of the Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, USA, June 2019.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). A Generalised Additive Modelling Approach to Ultrasound Tongue Surface: Quantifying Retraction in Levantine Arabic Back Consonants. Proceedings of the 16th LabPhon (laboratory phonology) satellite workshop: New developments in speech sensing and imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2018. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325976740_A_Generalised_Additive_Modelling_approach_to_ultrasound_tongue_surface_Quantifying_retraction_in_Levantine_Arabic_back_consonants)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Gradient epilaryngeal constriction in Levantine Arabic “gutturals”: A Generalised Additive Modelling approach to ultrasound tongue surface. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2018). Acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in Lebanese Arabic singleton and geminate plosives. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Al-Ghamdi, N., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic initial stops. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Almurashi, W., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Static and Dynamic Cues in Vowel Production in Hijazi Arabic Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Ehbara, H., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). The Impact of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training on Libyan Child Learners of English. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

McCarthy, D., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). The Role of Frequency and Magnitude Scales for Identifying Plosives’ Place of Articulation. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Moussa, H., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Focus and F0 patterns in Jeddah Arabic. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Kent University, UK, April 2018.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2017). Contact-induced constraints on the acquisition of phonological length contrast by Lebanese Arabic-speaking children. Proceedings of the IASCL (International Association for the Study of Child Language), Lyon, France, July 2017

Al-Tamimi, J. (2017). Acoustics of constricted epilarynx: The case of voiced coronal pharyngealized consonants in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic. Proceedings of the 2nd PaPE (Phonetics and Phonology in Europe), Cologne, Germany, June 2017.

McCarthy, D., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2017). Place of Articulation in Plosives: A Light on the Mapping between Phonetics and Phonology. Proceedings of the 2nd PaPE (Phonetics and Phonology in Europe), Cologne, Germany, June 2017.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2016). Is pharyngealization associated with an epilaryngeal constriction? An acoustic investigation in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic. Arabic Linguistic Forum (ALiF), York University, UK, December 2016.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2016). When lenis and fortis properties collide: The case of voiced geminates in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the 16th LabPhon (Laboratory Phonology), Lisbon, Portugal, June 2016.

Chen, Y., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2016). Auditory or audio-visual feedback in EFL intonation training. Proceedings of the New Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech. Aarhus University, Denmark, June 2016.

Chen, Y., Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2016). Comprehension of English intonation by EFL Chinese learners. BAAP (British Association of Academic Phoneticians) Colloquium, April 2016.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2015). Spectral properties of vowels surrounding singleton and geminate sonorants in Lebanese Arabic. GemCon2015 - ICPhS 2015 Satellite Workshop on ‘Geminate Consonants across the World’, Glasgow, UK, August 2015.

Khattab, G., Vihman, M., Al-Tamimi, J., Nakai, S., & Kunnari, S. (2014). A comparison of long consonant acquisition in Arabic, Finnish, Japanese and Welsh. 14th Laboratory Phonology Conference (LabPhon14), Tokyo, Japan, July 2014.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2014). An acoustic investigation of pharyngealisation effects on vowels: A cross-dialectal investigation in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Oxford, UK, April 2014.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2014). Disentangling phonetic from phonological length: The effect of multilingual input on Lebanese-Arabic-learning children’s production. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Oxford, UK, April 2014.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). The role of French loan word adaptation in the acquisition of consonant length in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the International Child Phonology Conference 2013, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, June 2013.

Patchanok, K., Al-Tamimi, J., & Young-Scholten, M. (2012). The earliest stage of fricative acquisition among Thai learners of mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of the second language acquisition of phonology conference, university of York, UK, July 2012.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). Learning to control phonetic timing for phonological purposes: The acquisition of gemination by Lebanese-speaking children. Proceedings of the international child phonology conference (ICPC), Minneapolis, UK, June 2012.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). Learning to control phonetic timing for phonological purposes: The acquisition of gemination by Lebanese-speaking children. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Leeds, UK, April 2012.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). Phonological templates in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the 12th International Association of the Study of Child Language Conference (IASCL), Montreal, Canada, July 2011.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). Phonological patterns in early word production by Lebanese-Arabic speaking children. Proceedings of the Child Language Seminar, Newcastle University, UK, June 2011.

Al-Tamimi, J., & Khattab, G. (2010). Multiple cues for the singleton-geminate contrast in Lebanese Arabic: The role of non-temporal characteristics. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, London, UK, April 2010.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2010). Static and dynamic cues in vowel production and perception: Cross-linguistic investigation of Moroccan Arabic, Jordanian Arabic and French. Proceedings of the british association of academic phoneticians (BAAP) colloquium, London, UK, April 2010.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2009). Effect of pharyngealisation on vowels revisited: Static and Dynamic analyses of vowels in Moroccan and Jordanian Arabic. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pharyngeals & Pharyngealisation, Newcastle University, UK, September 2009.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2009). Phonetic cues to gemination in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the 17th Manchester phonology meeting, Manchester, UK, May 2009.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2008). Phonetic cues to gemination in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the 11th Laboratory Phonology Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, July 2008.

Khattab, G., & Al-Tamimi, J. (2008). Phonetic patterns of gemination in Lebanese Arabic. Proceedings of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP) Colloquium, Sheffield, UK, April 2008.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). Rôle des indices statiques et dynamiques dans la classification des voyelles en arabe marocain et arabe jordanien : Étude acoustico-perceptive. Actes de la conférence “Typologie des Parlers Arabes Modernes”, Montpellier, France, 14-15 May 2007.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). Production et perception des voyelles en arabe marocain et arabe jordanien : Pertinence des indices statiques et dynamiques. Actes de la 1ères Journées des Sciences de la Parole, Charleroi, Belgique, 30-31 March 2007.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2006). Indices dynamiques et perception des voyelles : Étude translinguistique en arabe dialectal et en français. Actes de l’école d’été : Voix, Parole & Langues, Cargèse, France 4-9 June 2006.

Al-Tamimi, J., Carré, R., & Marsico, E. (2004). The status of vowels in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: Insights from production and perception. Proceedings of the 148th meeting of the acoustical society of America, San Diego, November 2004; JASA, vol. 116, no. 4, p. 2629.



Al-Tamimi, J. (2023). On the contribution of “Fine Phonetic Detail” (FPD) to Gradience in Phonology: Acoustic, Articulatory, Perceptual and Automatic Methods [HDR in Phonetics and Phonology]. Université Paris Cité. (https://hal.science/tel-04459537

Al-Tamimi, J. (2007). Indices dynamiques et perception des voyelles : Étude translinguistique en arabe dialectal et en français. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Université Lyon 2, Lyon, France. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2007/al-tamimi_je

Al-Tamimi, J. (2002). Variabilité phonétique en production et en perception de la parole : Le cas de l’arabe jordano-palestinien. Université Lyon 2, Lyon, France.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2001). Description linguistique de 6 parlers jordaniens : Étude des interférences en production entre l’arabe dialectal jordanien et l’arabe classique ; une approche phonético-phonologique et acoustique [Master’s Thesis]. Unpublished Masters Dissertation, Université Lyon 2, Lyon, France.


Workshops, training, etc.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2021). Session 4: Techniques in data analyses. Workshop adventure in R: training in using R delivered to PhD students in humanities and social sciences, Newcastle university, June 2021. 

Al-Tamimi, J. (2021). Introduction to Random Forests. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group at Aarhus University, June 2021.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Session 4: Techniques in data analyses. Workshop adventure in R: training in using R delivered to PhD students in humanities and social sciences, Newcastle university, June 2020. 

Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Introduction to Praat: Voice analysis. Workshop delivered to the voice forum, Newcastle university, January 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Introduction to high power computing (HPC). Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group at Newcastle University, November 2020.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). Session 4: Techniques in data analyses. Workshop adventure in R: training in using R delivered to PhD students in humanities and social sciences, Newcastle university, June 2019. 

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). Praat scripting. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, November 2019.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). Introduction to voice sauce. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, November 2019.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019). Introduction to R. Workshop adventure in r: training in using R delivered to PhD students in humanities and social sciences, Newcastle University, June 2019. 

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Session 4: Techniques in data analyses. Workshop adventure in R: training in using R delivered to PhD students in humanities and social sciences, Newcastle university, June 2018. 

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018). Praat scripting—Video tutorials. Video tutorials delivered to PhD students on the IPhD in Phonetics and Phonology, Newcastle University, February-June 2018.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). Praat scripting. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, February-March 2013.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2013). An introduction to acoustic analyses with Praat - Video tutorials. Video tutorials delivered to UG and PG students, Newcastle University, September to December 2013.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). Introduction to Praat and Phon for non-specialists. Workshop delivered to PGR students as part of the training offered by the Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences (CRiLLS), Newcastle University, March 2012.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2012). Praat scripting. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, February-March 2012.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). Introduction to Praat and Phon for non-specialists. Workshop delivered to PGR students as part of the training offered by the Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences (CRiLLS), Newcastle University, March 2011.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). Normalisation techniques: Vowels, nasalisation and phonation measures. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, March 2011.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2011). Introduction to acoustic phonetics and praat for beginners. Workshop delivered to the researchers and PGR students, York University, July 2011.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2009). From field recordings to statistical analyses - Various sessions. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, October and November 2009.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2008-09). Praat Scripting Tutorial: How to automate computations using Praat. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, November 2008 to May 2009.

Al-Tamimi, J. (2008). Praat labelling tutorial: How to label data using praat. Workshop delivered to the Phonetics and Phonology research group, Newcastle University, October 2008


Open source online material (software, Praat scripts, R notebooks, etc.)

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022a). Praat-Spectral-Analyses-fricatives-stops [Open Source Online Material - Praat Script for Computing Spectral Measurements for Fricatives and Stops]. Retrieved 2022-07-18, from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-Spectral-Analyses-fricatives-stops/

Al-Tamimi, J., Derrick, D., & Heyne, M. (2022). R-SSANOVAs-vs-GAMs-vs-GAMMs-UTI [Open Source Online Material - Supplementary Material for the Paper on Comparing between SSANOVAs, GAMs and GAMMs on UTI Data]. OSF. Retrieved 2022-07-04, from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-SSANOVAs-vs-GAMs-vs-GAMMs-UTI/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022b). Praat-Spectral-Tilt [Open Source Online Material - Praat Script for Computing Spectral Tilt Measurements for Voice Quality]. Retrieved 2022-07-18, from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-Spectral-Tilt/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022c). R-GAMM-LabPhon18 [Open Source Online Material - Supplementary Material as an Introduction to GAMMs (Generalized Additive Mixed-effects Modelling) on UTI (Ultrasound Tongue Imaging) Data. First Release in 2018; Updated in 2022]]. Retrieved from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-GAMM-LabPhon18/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022d). Praat-f0-Accurate-Estimation [Open Source Online Material -Praat Scripts to Accurately Estimate F0 Curves, Using the Two-Pass Method and Then Smoothing (Original Version 2018)]. Retrieved from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-f0-Accurate-Estimation/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022e). Praat-Measurement-points [Open Source Online Material - Praat Script to Allow for an Accurate Measurement Point (Original Version 2018)]. Retrieved from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-Measurement-points/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022f). Praat-Silence-Detection [Open Source Online Material – Praat Script for Silence/Speech Detection Using the Two-Pass Method for F0 Estimation and Intensity Adapted to Each Speaker]. Retrieved 2022-07-18, from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-Silence-Detection/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022g). Praat-Voicing-detection [Open Source Online Material - Praat Script for Voicing Detection Using the Two-Pass Method (Original Version 2018)]. Retrieved from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-Voicing-detection/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022h). Praat-VQ-Measurements [Open Source Online Material – Praat script for Computing Many Acoustic Measurements for Voice Quality]. Retrieved 2022-07-18, from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Praat-VQ-Measurements/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2022i). R training [Open Source Online Material Aimed as a Self-Introduction to Using R: Introduction, Tidyverse, Visualisation, Inferential Statistics (LM, GLM, CLM, LMM), PCA, Decision Trees, Random Forests]. Retrieved from https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Training/

Al-Tamimi, J., Caillol, C., Ferragne, E., & Pélissier, M. (2022). Many Speech Analyses: Team linckia_nattereri [Full Analyses of the Many Speech Analyses Project by the Team Members; Contains Processing Files, Praat Scripts to Extract Acoustic Measures, Exploratory and Confirmatory Statistical Analyses]. OSF. Retrieved 2022-07-04, from https://osf.io/8r6x7/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2021a). Techniques in data analyses [Open source online material - advanced analyses usings R: Linear, logistic, cumulative and mixed-effects models]. Techniques in Data Analyses - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Techniques-in-Data-Analyses/Session_4-AnalysingData062021.nb.html

Al-Tamimi, J. (2021b). Introduction to Random Forests [Open source online material - Introduction to Decision trees and Random Forests]. Introduction to Random Forests - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/Intro-Random-Forests/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2020). Techniques in data analyses [Open source online material - advanced analyses usings R: Linear, logistic, cumulative and mixed-effects models]. Techniques in Data Analyses - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Techniques-in-Data-Analyses/Session_4-AnalysingData062020.nb.html

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019a). Techniques in data analyses [Open source online material - advanced analyses usings R: Linear, logistic, cumulative and mixed-effects models]. Techniques in Data Analyses - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Techniques-in-Data-Analyses/Session_4-AnalysingData062019.nb.html

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019b). Introduction to R [Open source online material as an introduction R: Introduction, visualisation]. Introduction to R - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Introduction-to-R/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2019c). GAMM-Trombone-2019 [Open source online material - Supplementary Material as an introduction to GAMMs (Generalized Additive Mixed-effects Modelling) on UTI (Ultrasound Tongue Imaging) data on trombone vs vowel production]. GAMM-Trombone-2019 - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/GAMM-Trombone-2019/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018a). Techniques in data analyses [Open source online material - advanced analyses using R: Linear, logistic, cumulative and mixed-effects models]. Techniques in Data Analyses - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Techniques-in-Data-Analyses/Session_4-AnalysingData062018.nb.html

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018b). R-Voicing-Gemination-VOT [Open source online material - Supplementary Material for the statistical analyses of mixed-effects models and random forests]. R-Voicing-Gemination-VOT - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Voicing-Gemination-VOT/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018c). R-Rating-data [Open source online material - Supplementary material as an Introduction to Cumulative Logit Regression]. R-Rating-Data - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-Rating-data/

Al-Tamimi, J. (2018d). R-GAMM-LabPhon18 [Open source online material - Supplementary Material as an introduction to GAMMs (Generalized Additive Mixed-effects Modelling) on UTI (Ultrasound Tongue Imaging) data]. R-GAMM-LabPhon18 - Notebook. https://jalalal-tamimi.github.io/R-GAMM-LabPhon18/