Karen De Clercq

Chercheur CNRS

Statut : Chargée de recherches

Adresse :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université de Paris
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail : xnera.qr-pyrepd@paef.se

CV : Karen De Clercq_fr.pdf (297 Ko)

Domaines :
  Le mot

Axes de recherche :
  Formalismes linguistiques

Présentation générale

PhD, 2013: A unified syntax of negation. Ghent University (supervisor: Liliane Haegeman)

HDR, 2024: Form-meaning mismatches in Nanosyntax. Université Paris Cité. 



Projets de recherche

ANR JCJC: Sentential Negation Across the Globe (Nov 2022- 2026)


Check out the project's website for more information: https://parissnag.com/


Direction de thèses

Sergienko, Alexander. Negation in interaction with Tense, Aspect and Mood: a typological approach. Université Paris Cité. (2023-)

Bucci, Giacomo. Onset and (De)Grammaticalization of Genitive of Negation in Germanic: A Historical and Typological Analysis/ FWO/ Ghent University. Belgium. Directeur: Prof. Anne Breitbarth. Co-directeur: Karen De Clercq


Click here for an exhaustive overview of publications and talks


Under review

De Clercq, Karen and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. The semantics of negation. Contribution to Handbook of Linguistic Semantics, Springer Nature.

De Clercq, Karen, Pavel Caha, Michal Starke, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Nanosyntax. Entry for the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, edited by Hilary Nesi and Petar Milin, Elsevier. 


Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Nanosyntax and the Lexicalization Algorithm. Oxford University Press.

Karen De Clercq, Pavel Caha, Michal Starke and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Nanosyntax: state of the art and developments." In: Nanosyntax and the Lexicalization Algorithm. Oxford University Press.

Vanden Wyngaerd, Guido, Pavel Caha and Karen De Clercq. "The rich internal structure of gradable adjectives: Evidence from diminutive adjectives in Czech" In:  Cavirani, Edo and Vyshnevska, Anastasiia (eds.): On degrees: decomposing the semantics and morphosyntax of scalarity. Mouton de Gruyter. 

Karen De Clercq and Liliane Haegeman. “Inside or outside the clause: the syntax of V3”. In: Canadian Journal of Linguistics.



Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. “The split-comparative hypothesis and the morphology of comparative adverbs in Czech”. In: Journal of Slavic Linguistics Special Issue FASL.

Karen De Clercq. Negative Concord and TAM: a new perspective. In: J. Van der Auwera and C. Gianollo (eds.), A hundred years of negative concord, De Gruyter.

Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Allomorphy without Context Specification: A Case study of Czech Adjectival Stems." Morphology 


Anne-Li Demonie and Karen De Clercq. “The Addressee in the present imperative in Latin”. In: RGG 45.3, pp. 1–24.

Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd). “Zero-morphology and change-of-state verbs”. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42.1, pp. 35–62. url: https:// ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/005902.

De Clercq, Karen, Pavel Caha, Guido Vanden Wyngaerd and Michal Starke. "Degree Morphology." In Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulalia Bonet & Antonio Fabregas (eds.), Wiley Blackwell companion to morphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. 

De Clercq, Karen, Liliane Haegeman, Terje Lohndal, and Christine Meklenborg), eds. Adverbial resumption in verb second languages. Oxford/ New York: OUP.

De Clercq, Karen and Liliane Haegeman. “A generalized resumptive in the Ghent variety of East Flemish?” In: Adverbial resumption in verb second languages. Ed. by De Clercq et al, Oxford/New York: OUP.

Liliane Haegeman, De Clercq, Karen, Terje Lohndal, and Christine Meklenborg. “Adverbial resumption in V2 languages: the background”. In: Adverbial resumption in verb second languages. Ed. by De Clercq et al. 


Guido Vanden Wyngaerd, De Clercq, Karen and Pavel Caha. “A nanosyntactic approach to Dutch deadjectival verbs”. Linguistics in the Netherlands.

De Clercq, Karen and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd.  “Bevrijd de dialectologie!” In Marc van Oostendorp and Simone Wolff. Dialectendoeboek. De Schatkamer van 90 jaar Meertensinstituut. 55-58. Sterck & De Vreese. 

Karen De Clercq and Chris Reintges. “Polarity focus in a cross-dialectal grammar of Coptic Egyptian”. In: Quaderni di lavoro ASIt 24, pp. 117–154. http://asit.maldura.unipd.it/documenti/ql24/7_QLASIt_24_DeClercq_Reintges.pdf.



Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Late Insertion and Root Suppletion. ReVEL 19: 18. http://www.revel.inf.br/files/b355ec37b80c7933e398df009e9aa756.pdf

De Clercq, Karen. The importance of being irregular. Isogloss. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/isogloss.188

De Clercq, Karen, and Liliane Haegeman. "Invariant `die' and adverbial resumption in the Ghent dialect." In Current Issues in Syntactic Cartography: a crosslinguistic perspective. John Benjamins, 2021

Armstrong, Grant, Arregi, Karlos, De Clercq, Karen, Donati, Caterina, Fábregas, Antonio, Rizzi, Luigi, Saab, Andrés, & Schifano, Norma (2021). The Romance Inter-Views: Syntax. Isogloss. Open Journal Of Romance Linguistics, 7, 1-11. doi:https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/isogloss.112



De Clercq, Karen. Taalkunde: een vloot in vele richtingen. Verslagen en Mededelingen 130:1. https://verslagenenmededelingen.be/index.php/VM/article/view/203 

De Sutter, Gert and De Clercq, Karen. De verwerving van de groene en rode woordvolgorde in Vlaanderen. Een descriptieve, methodologische en theoretische aanvulling bij Meyer & Weerman (2016). Nederlandse taalkunde (2020): 213-224.

De Clercq, Karen. "Tense and sentential negation: a typological perspective." Linguistics in the Netherlands (2020): 71-89.

Wyngaerd, Guido Vanden, Michal Starke, Karen De Clercq, and Pavel Caha. "How to be positive." Glossa 5 (2020): 23.

De Clercq, Karen. The Morphosyntax of Negative Markers. A Nanosyntactic Account. Mouton de Gruyter, 2020.

De Clercq, Karen. "Negation in morphology." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of morphology, edited by Rochelle Lieber. Oxford University Press, 2020.

De Clercq, Karen. "Types of negation." In The Oxford Handbook of Negation, edited by Viviane Depréz and Teresa M. Espinal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.


Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "On the difference between a $\sqrt\phantom.$ and a root." lingbuzz/004391 (2019).

Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "The Fine Structure of the Comparative." Studia Linguistica 73 (2019): 470-521.

De Clercq, Karen. "French negation, the Superset Principle and feature conservation." In Cycles in Language Change, edited by Miriam Bouzouita, Anne Breitbarth, Lieven Danckaert and Elisabeth Witzenhausen, 199-227. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Siegal, Elitzur Bar- Asher, and Karen De Clercq. "From negative cleft to external negator." In Cycles in Language Change, edited by Miriam Bouzouita, Anne Breitbarth, Lieven Danckaert and Elisabeth Witzenhausen, 228-248. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "On the idiomatic nature of unproductive morphology." In Linguistics in the Netherlands, edited by Janine Berns and Elena Tribushinina, 99-114. John Benjamins, 2019.

Mapping linguistic data. Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman, Edited by Metin Bagriacik, Anne Breitbarth and Karen De Clercq., 2019.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Negation and the Functional Sequence." Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37 (2019): 425-460.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Negative intervention in Dutch evauative adverbs." Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 41 (2019).


De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Adjectives and Negation: deriving Contrariety from Contradiction." Papers of the Linguistic Society of Belgium 12 (2018): 1-19.

Exploring Nanosyntax In Exploring Nanosyntax, Edited by Lena Baunaz, Karen De Clercq, Liliane Haegeman and Eric Lander. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Gelukkige Verjaardag!" In The Unpublished Manuscript, edited by Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd, 39-50. Lingbuzz, 2018.

De Clercq, Karen. "Quantifiers in Malayalam: a tribute to Dany and Operators in the lexicon." In A Coat of Many Colours. Vriendenboek voor Dany Jaspers naar aanleiding van zijn zestigste verjaardag, edited by Jan Ceupens, Hans Smessaert, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Brussels: CRISSP, 2018.

De Clercq, Karen. "Syncretisms and the morphosyntax of negation." In Exploring Nanosyntax, edited by Lena Baunaz, Karen De Clercq, Liliane Haegeman and Eric Lander, 180-204. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

De Clercq, Karen, and Liliane Haegeman. "The typology of V2 and the distribution of pleonastic DIE in the Ghent dialect." Frontiers in Psychology (2018).

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Unmerging Analytic Comparatives." Jezikoslovlje 19 (2018): 341-363.

The Unpublished Manuscript. A collection of Lingbuzz papers to celebrate Michal Starke's 50th birthday, Edited by Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Lingbuzz, 2018.


De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "*ABA revisited: evidence from Czech and Latin degree morphology." Glossa 2 (2017): 69: 1-32.

De Clercq, Karen. "The internal syntax of Q-words." Linguistics in the Netherlands 34 (2017): 31-46.

De Clercq, Karen, Liliane Haegeman, and Terje Lohndal. "Medial adjunct PPs in English: Implications for the syntax of sentential negation." In Formal Grammar. Theory and Variation across English and Norwegian, edited by Terje Lohndal, 265-286. Routledge, 2017.

De Clercq, Karen. "The Nanosyntax of French Negation." In Studies on Negation: syntax, semantics, and variation, edited by Silvio Cruschina, Katharina Hartmann and Eva-Maria Remberger, 49-80. Vienna University Press, 2017.

De Clercq, Karen. "Prosody as an argument for a layered left periphery." Nederlandse Taalkunde 22 (2017): 31-39.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Splitting up the comparative: evidence from Czech." Papers of the Linguistic Society of Belgium 11 (2017): 1-18.

De Clercq, Karen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. "Why Affixal Negation is Syntactic." In Proceedings of WCCFL 34, edited by Aaron Kaplan, Abby Kaplan, Miranda McCarvel and Edward Rubin, 151-158. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2017.



Brasoveanu, Adrian, Karen De Clercq, Donka Farkas, and Floris Roelofsen. "Question Tags and Sentential Negativity." Lingua 145 (2014): 173-193.


Breitbarth, Anne, Karen De Clercq, and Liliane Haegeman. "The syntax of polarity emphasis." Lingua 128 (2013): 1-8.

De Clercq, Karen. A Unified Syntax of Negation. PhD. Ghent: Ghent University, 2013.


De Clercq, Karen, Liliane Haegeman, and Terje Lohndal. "Medial adjunct PPs in English: Implications for the syntax of sentential negation." Nordic Journal of Linguistics 35 (2012): 5-26.


De Clercq, Karen. "Squat, zero and no/nothing: syntactic negation vs. Semantic negation." Linguistics in the Netherlands 28 (2011): 14-24.


De Clercq, Karen. "Neg-shift in English. Evidence from PP-adjuncts." In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Generative Grammar. Movement in Minimalism, edited by Duk-Ho An and Soo Yeon Kim, 231-251. South Korea: Hankuk Publishing Company, 2010.


De Clercq, Karen. "Fonologische deletie in ja-neevraagfragmenten." Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis 62 (2009): 5-14.


De Clercq, Karen. "Proper Names Used as Common Nouns in Belgian Dutch and German." Linguistics in the Netherlands 25 (2008): 63-74.