Caterina Donati


Caterina Donati


Statut : Professeure

Adresse :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Cité

Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

Téléphone : 01 57 27 57 51

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Présentation générale

Mes travaux se situent au centre de la recherche sur la syntaxe des langues naturelles, ainsi que sur ses relations avec la sémantique formelle et d’autres phénomènes d’interface. Le point de vue qui les guide est celui du programme génératif, mais mes travaux touchent, entre autres, à des problèmes d’un intérêt linguistique traditionnel, comme l’analyse des constituants en syntaxe, ou la typologie des phrases relatives. La plupart de mes travaux les plus récents peuvent être ramenés à cinq lignes de recherche principales.

1. Théorie de la syntaxe : je réfléchis sur le statut des dépendances à distance dans la syntaxe des langues naturelles, visant à en dériver les contraintes à partir de principes généraux touchant l’étiquetage des objets syntaxiques et la notion de motivation dérivationnelle.

2. Théorie et typologie des stratégies de relativisation : la réflexion ci-dessus est étroitement liée à l’analyse des phrases relatives (et comparatives), en perspective typologique, acquisitionelle, typologique et comparative. En plus de travailler sur les relatives réduites et participiales et sur les relatives libres, je dirige l’opération REL de l’axe 2 du Labex. Ceci me permet d’organiser des Journées des relatives et d’encadrer un certain nombre de thèses, mémoires de master 2 et postdocs sur des thématiques associées dans les langues des signes, le chinois mandarin et cantonais, le javanais, le wolof. 

3. Description grammaticale des langues des signes, surtout la Langue des signes italienne (LIS) et Langue des signes française (LSF) : après m’être impliquée dans un grand projet européen de lancement des lignes guide pour la description grammaticale des langues des signes, je me suis investie récemment dans la co-direction du Projet ERC H2020 Sign-Hub. En tant que responsable de l’Axe « Assessment », j’ai dirigé une équipe internationale pour l’élaboration de tests pour l’évaluation des compétences langagières des sourds signants en 5 langues des signes. Le fruit principal de ce projet est une panoplie de tests lexicaux, syntaxiques et morphologiques en 5 langues des signes, bientôt mise à disposition de chercheurs et soignants sur la plateforme Sign-Hub hébergée sur ORTOLANG.

4. Syntaxe expérimentale : ma recherche théorique sur les fondements de la syntaxe se couple d’un intérêt prononcé pour les questions d’ordre psycholinguistique. Je m'occupe ces derniers temps:

- du rôle des biais structuraux dans le traitement des énoncés ambigus

- de la détermination des effets du retard dans l’exposition au langage sur les compétences langagières chez l’adulte et l’enfant 

- des énoncés mixtilingues propres des bilingues bimodaux (langue parlée, langue des signes). 

5. L’histoire de la recherche en syntaxe et sa divulgation; depuis plusieurs années je m’intéresse à l’histoire de la réflexion linguistique et à la façon d’enseigner la syntaxe et la grammaire. Je travaille actuellement en collaboration avec G. Graffi à Generative Grammar. Ideas, history and models of analysis, à paraitre pour Cambridge University Press

Projets de recherche

- Movement and Labels in syntax

- Theory and typology of relativization strategies: language variation, acquisition, parsing, pathologies

- Grammatical description of sign languages

- Parsing of ambiguous structures: experimental and theoretical approach

- Bilingualism: formal properties of bimodal mixed utterances and their consequences for the architecture of language



on leave in 2023/24

UFR de linguistique

- Introduction à la syntaxe (M1); Theoretical syntax (M1),  1er semestre

- Théories syntaxiques (avec A. Abeillé) (L3), 2ème semestre

- Advanced theoretical syntax (M1,M2), 2ème semestre

- Synregro (Syntax reading group: M1, M2 doctorat), toute l'année. 


Direction de thèses

2015-2019    Ingrid Konrad, Quand la nominalisation envahit la subordination Le statut et le rôle de ‘ce’ dans les propositions subordonnées en français.

2015-2019    Jiaying Wang, Relative clauses in Cantonese: syntax and processing.

2016- 2019   Charlotte Hauser, Subordination in French Sign Language: nominal and sentential embedding. 

2017-19        Chiara Annucci, Outils d'évaluation des compétences langagières chez les enfants sourds signants. 

2019-            Angélique Jaber, Bimodal bilingualism. 

2020-            Peijia Su, Gapless relatives. A comparative approach

2022-            Ruoxuan Li, Towards a typology of wh-in situ strategies: theoretical and processing perspectives

2023-           Yimin Su, Chinese French bilinguals

2023-           Jessica Lettieri, Code blending (with C. Geraci)



Donati, C.  & G. Graffi. 2022. La grammatica generativa. Idee, storia e modelli di analisi. Roma, Carocci..

Quer, J. , C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, , C. Geraci, M. Kelepir,  R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (2018). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Cecchetto, C. & C. Donati. (2015). On (re)labelling. Linguistic Inquiry Monographs. Cambridge, Mass : The MIT Press.

Cardinaletti, C. Cecchetto & C. Donati (eds.). (2011). Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella  LIS, Milano: Franco Angeli. 

Donati, C. (2008). Sintassi. Regole e strutture. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Donati, C. (2002). Sintassi elementare. pp. 11-194, Roma: Carocci.

Donati, C.  (2000). La sintassi della comparazione, Padova: Unipress. Padova: Unipress.


En préparation/soumis

Reintges, C.  & C. Donati. The Typology of Participial Relative Clauses: Diagnosing Phase Boundaries. In preparation. 

Su, P. & C. Donati. Gapless relatives are not gapless in Mandarin Chinese.

Hauser, C. &C. Donati. From questions to Relatives: a view from sign languages.



2024. Viganò, M. , C. Donati, C. Cecchetto. As small as they seem? An experimental investigation on Italian bare participial sentences. Isogloss, 10:1.

2024. Giustolisi, B., *Jaber, A., *Branchini, C., Geraci, C., Donati, C. Processing code-blending beyond the lexical level: evidence for a double syntactic derivation? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–13. https:.

2023. *Su, P. and C. Donati. An Accessibility Hierarchy Pattern for Resumptive Pronouns in Spo- ken French. Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale, 57: 113-130. 1562/2023/11/005

2023. *Zorzi, G., V. *Aristodemo, C. Cecchetto, B. Giustolisi, C. *Hauser, C. Donati. Assessing lexical and syntactic comprehension in deaf signing adults. Journal of Deaf studies and Dead education, 28: 373–386.

2023. *Hauser, C. V. *Aristodemo, C. Donati. Subject advantage in covert dependencies: the case of wh-questions comprehension in French Sign Language. Syntax, 26 (3): 280-310.

2023. Donati, C. and C. Cecchetto. Labeling reduced sentences: when VPs are sentences? Linguistic Inquiry, 55: 1-37. a 00460

2022. Jaber, A., Geraci, C., C. Donati. On the properties of null subjects in Sign Languages: the case of French Sign Language (LSF). . The linguistic review.

2022. Hauser, C. V. Aristodemo, C. Donati. Subject advantage in covert dependencies: the case of wh-questions comprehension in French Sign Language. Accepted (letter from the editor). Syntax.

2022. Mertz, J. C. Annucci, V. Aristodemo, B. Giustolisi, D. Gras, G. Turco, C. Geraci, C. Donati. 2022. Measuring sign complexity: comparing a model driven and an error driven approach. Accepted (letter from the editor). Laboratory Phonology.

2022. Aristodemo, V. B. Giustolisi, C. Hauser, G. Zorzi, C. Donati & C. Cecchetto. Is role shift direct quotation? An argument coming from effects of age of first exposure to (sign) language. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.

Zorzi G., B. Giustolisi, V. Aristodemo, C. Cecchetto, C. Hauser, J. Sanchez, G., J. Quer, C. Donati. 2022. On the reliability of the notion of Native speaker, and its risks. Frontiers in Psychology, Special issue on the Notion of the native speaker put to the test: recent research advances. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.716554

Checchetto, A. C. Donati & C. Cecchetto 2021. Wh-features and exclamatives in LIS (Italian Sign Language). Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, Porto.

Hauser, Charlotte, Giorgia Zorzi, Valentina Aristodemo, Beatrice Giustolisi, Doriane Gras, Rita Sala, Jordina Sánchez Amat, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati (2021). Asymmetries in relative clause comprehension in three European sign languages. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 72. 1–36. DOI:

Armstrong G., K. Arregi, K. De Clercq, C. Donati, A. Fábregas, L. Rizzi, A. Saab, N. Schifano (2021). The Romance Inter-Views: Syntax. Isogloss 7/2: 1-11.

Konrad, I., M. Burattini, C. Cecchetto, F. Foppolo, A. Staub, C. Donati (2021). Avoiding gaps in Romance:  a processing foundation for the Merge over Move principle? Syntax 24 (2): 191-223.

Donati C., F. Foppolo, I. Konrad, C. Cecchetto (2020). Whatever his arguments, whatever relatives are headed relatives. A reply to Caponigro’s reply. Linguistic Inquiry 1-50

Cecchetto, C.  & C. Donati (2019).  Against the parallelism between the NP and the clause: Evidence from idioms. Linguistics 1-38.

Huang, J.  & C. Donati (2019). Subject object asymmetries in the production of relative clauses in Cantonese. Studies in Chinese linguistics 40; 168-202.

Staub, A., C. Donati. F. Foppolo, C. Cecchetto (2018.) Clause avoidance: evidence for a structural parsing principle. Journal of memory and language 98: 26-44. 

Branchini, C.  & C. Donati (2016). Assessing Lexicalism through bimodal eyes. Glossa, 1:48: 1-30.

Donati, C.  & C. Branchini (2016). The extent of language co-activation in bimodal bilinguals. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 6(6):763-767.

Vernice, M., C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, E. Moscati (2016). Relative clauses are not adjuncts: an experimental investigation of a corollary of the raising analysis . Linguistische Berichte 246 : 139-169.

Geraci, R. Bayley, Cardinaletti A., C. Cecchetto & C. Donati (2015). The Case of Wh-signs. Sign Language Linguistics 53: 125-151.

Branchini, C. , C. Cecchetto, A. Cardinaletti, C., C. Donati,, C. Geraci (2013). WH-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS).  Sign Language and Linguistics. 16 : pp. 157-188.

Geraci, C., K. Battaglia, A. Cardinaletti, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, S. Giudice, E. Mereghetti (2011).  The LIS corpus project. A discussion of sociolinguistic variation in the lexicon . Sign Language studies, 11 : pp. 528-574.

Donati, C., C. Cecchetto (2011). Relabeling Heads: A Unified Account for Relativization Structures. Linguistic Inquiry, 42 : pp. 519-560.

Cecchetto, C., C. Donati (2010). On Labeling. Principle C and Head Movement. Syntax, 13 : pp. 241-278.

Nespor, M., M. Shukla, R. van de Vijver, C. Avesani, H. Schraudolf, C. Donati (2008). Different phrasal prominence realizations in VO and OV languages. Lingue e linguaggio :  pp. 139-165.

Donati, C.,  M. Nespor (2003). From Focus to Syntax.  Lingua : pp. 821-845.

Moro, A., M. Tettamanti, C. Donati, D. Perani, S. Cappa, F. Fazio (2001). Syntax and the Brain: Disentangling Grammar by Selective Anomalies. Neuroimage.  13 : pp. 110-118.

Donati, C. (1997). Comparative clauses as free relatives: a raising analysis.  Probus 9 : pp. 145-166.

Donati, C. (2000). Negation in Comparison. Quaderni del dipartimento di linguistica. Università di Firenze : pp. 55-68.

Donati, C. (1999). Movimento e proiezione. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa : pp. 27-44.

Donati, C. (1998). Le comparative frasali in italiano: una postilla al dibattito Bresnan-Chomsky. Quaderni del dipartimento di linguistica. Università di Firenze. 8 : pp. 35-63.

Donati, C. , A. Tomaselli (1997). La sintassi del soggetto nel quadro minimalista. Lingua e Stile, 32 : pp. 223-245.

Donati, C. (1995). Il que relativo spagnolo. Lingua e Stile, 23 : pp. 565-595.

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Cecchetto C. & C. Donati (2020). Relative clauses in the Romance languages. Oxford Research Enclyclopedia of Linguistics.

Bonnet, M. C. Geraci, C. Donati. Evidence for early lexical integration of speech and gesture. Proceedings of NELS.

Cecchetto C. and C. Donati. 2022. Unprobed movement and labeling: tree trimming as a key to understand successive cyclicity. In Boneh, N. et al. (eds.). Building on Babel’s rubble, 377-394. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.

Donati, C. (2021). Bimodal bilingual grammars. Theoretical and empirical perspectives.  In Hermann, Pfau and Quer (eds.), Handbook of theoretical and experimental sign language research, Routledge, 614-635. 

Cecchetto C.  & C. Donati (2020). Relabeling participial Construction. In Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation – A Festschrift in Honour of M. Rita Manzini in occasion of her 60th birthday. Berlin, Mouton De Gruyter.

Donati C. (2020). A contrastive analysis of interrogative constructions in Romance: microvariation and theory. In M. Georgiafentis, G. Giannoulopoulou, M. Koliopoulou,A. Tsokoglou (eds.), Contrastive Studies in Morphology and Syntax. Bloomsbury.

Konrad I., Y. Haendler & C. Donati (2018). The acquisition of French ambiguous embedded structures introduce by ce que. In A.B. Bertolini and M.J. Kaplan (eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Boston University Conference on Language Development. MA: Cascadilla Press.

Donati C. & K. Antzakas (2017).  Declaratives. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau, M. Steinbach (eds). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages, 287-290. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C. & K. Antzakas (2017). Exclamatives. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir,  R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 315-321. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C. & C. Branchini (2017). Imperatives. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau, M. Steinbach. (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 304-315. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati, C. , K. Antzakas & J. Quer (2017). Negatives. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir,  R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (eds). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 321-332. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C., J. Jónsson & C. Cecchetto (2017). Grammatical functions. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, , C. Geraci, M. Kelepir,  R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach. 2018. The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 366-375. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C.  & C. Cecchetto (2017). Clausal Ellipsis.In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, , C. Geraci, M. Kelepir,  R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (eds). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 396-398. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C. & S. Özsoy (2017). Pronoun copying. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau, M. Steinbach (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 398-403. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C., S. Ozsoy & A. Göksel (2017). Argument clauses. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 427-442. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C. (2017). Comparative clauses. In  J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau,  M. Steinbach (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 486-491.Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C. & S. Özsoy (2017). The structure of adjectival phrase. In J. Quer, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau, M. Steinbach (eds.). The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. 523-527. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Donati C., G. Barbera, C. Branchini, C. Cecchetto, C. Geraci, J. Quer (2017). Searching for imperative in European sign languages. In Van Olmen, D. and S. Heinold (eds.). Imperatives and Other Directive Strategies, 111- 155. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Cecchetto C.  & C. Donati (2015). Relativization in Italian Sign Language (LIS): The missing link of relativization. In H. Hermann, R. Pfau and M. Steinbach (eds.), Complex sentences and beyond, 93-128. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Cecchetto C. & C. Donati (2015). Subject Intervention in free relatives. In E. Di Domenico, C. and S. Hamann Matteini (eds.). Structures, strategies and beyond, 369-392. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Cecchetto C. & C. Donati (2015). Please do not Move That remnant too much! . In Grewendorf (ed), Remnant Movement, 179-200. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Cecchetto, C. & C. Donati (2013). Nouns do not take complements: A theoretical claim and a psycholinguistic experiment. In Y. Otsu (ed.), The Proceedings of the 14th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, Tokyo, Hituzi Syobo Publishing: pp.1-16.

Cecchetto, C. & C. Donati. (2014). Subject intervention in free relatives. Soumis. In E. Di Domenico (ed. ).. Amsterdam : Benjamins.

Donati, C. , G. Barberà, C. Branchini, C. Cecchetto, C. Geraci, J. Quer, (2014b). Searching for imperatives in European sign languages. Soumis. In Heinold and van Olmen (eds), Imperatives and other directives. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Cecchetto, C. & C. Donati. (2014). Relativization in Italian Sign Language (LIS): The missing link of relativization. In press. In Herrmann, Pfau and Steinbach (eds.), Complex sentences and beyond. Berlin : De Gruyter.

Cecchetto, C.  & Caterina Donati (2014). Please do not move the remnant too much !. In press. In Grewendorf (ed.). On Remnant movement. Berlin : De Gruyter.

Donati, C. , C. Branchini (2012). Challenging linearization: simultaneous mixing in the production of bimodal bilinguals.  In: T. Biberauer; I. Roberts (ed.). Challenges to linearization. Berlin : Mouton De Gruyter,  pp. 93-128.

Battaglia, K., A. Cardinaletti, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Geraci, E. Merghetti (2012). La variazione nel lessico della Lingua dei Segni Italiana. In: Silvana Ferreri (ed.). Atti del Congresso SLI Università di Viterbo. Roma: Bulzoni, pp. 271-280.

Cecchetto, C. , C. Donati (2012). Perché  Rizzi is right. In: Bianchi, V. e C. Chesi (ed.). Enjoy linguistics! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday. CISCL Press, pp. 53-61.

Cardinaletti, A., C. Cecchetto, C. Donati (2011). Le ragioni di questo libro. In: 35. Milano : Franco Angeli, pp. 9-26.

Donati, C. & A. Tomaselli (2010). La nozione di accordo in grammatica generativa. Dalle strutture della sintassi al programma minimalista. In: P. Cotticelli Kurras E A. Tomaselli (ed.). La grammatica tra storia e teoria. Scritti in onore di Giorgio Graffi. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 27-66.

Branchini, C. & C. Donati (2009). Relatively different: Italian Sign Language relative clauses in a typological perspective. In:A. Liptak. (ed.) Correlatives crosslinguistically. Amsterdam : Benjamins, pp. 157-194.

Donati, C. , C. Pierantozzi, L. Bontempi, L. Gasperoni (2006). The puzzle of mixed agreement in early code mixing. In: A. Belletti (ed.). Language acquisition and development. Proceedings of GALA. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press/CSP, pp. 437-449.

Donati, C (2006). On WH head movement. In: L. Cheng; N. Corver (ed.). Wh- Movement moving on. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. 21-46.

Donati, C. (2003). Merge Copy.  In: K.  Schwabe et S.  Winkler (ed.) The Interfaces. Amsterdam : Benjamins, pp. 177-204.

Donati, C. & A. Tomaselli (1997). Language Types in Generative Grammar. In: Beerman; Leblanc; van Riemsdijk (ed.). Rightward Movement. Amsterdam : Benjamins, pp. 332-355.