Ancien membre
Statut : Post-Doc Labex EFL
Adresse :
LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13
E-mail :
CV : Eunice Fernandes_fr.pdf (116 Ko)
My main interest is in language processing and cognition. During my PhD (Cognitive Science, University of Lisbon), I have investigated syntactic priming (i.e., facilitated processing of previously presented syntactic structures) in comprehension (self-paced reading and situated language understanding). Building on current theoretical proposals of the underlying mechanisms of structural priming (activation and implicit learning), I tested short and long-term effects during comprehension, i.e., both within-trial and along the experimental session. I have also investigated how working memory influences priming by correlating eye-movement measures during reading with individual scores of participants in visual, spatial and digit WM tasks.
I am now starting a new project at Labex EFL, in Axes 2 and 7: Experimental grammar from a crosslinguistic perspective (resp. A. Abeillé, LLF, Paris 7) and Experimental methods and epistemology (resp. B. Hemforth-LLF Paris 7)
The project will investigate cross-linguistic differences in pronoun resolution. In particular, we will use a visual-world paradigm to assess measures indicating how null and overt pronouns are processed by European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese speakers.
I am also interested in collaborating in other ongoing research projects.
Journal Publications
Submitted E. Fernandes, M. I. Coco, & H. P. Branigan: Sentence-by-sentence Surprisal Predicts Structural Priming in a Self-paced Reading Task.
In preparation E. Fernandes, M. I. Coco, & H. P. Branigan: Persistence and Inhibition: Evidence from Structural Priming.
In preparation E. Fernandes, P. Luegi, E. Correa Soares, I. de da Fuente, & B. Hemforth: How to Turn Brazilians into Europeans: Global and Local Exposure Effects on Co-Reference in European and Brazilian Portuguese.
Conference Proceedings
2015 Fernandes, E., Costa, A., & Coco, M. I. (2015). Bridging Mechanisms of Reading, Viewing and Working Memory during Attachment Resolution of Ambiguous Relative Clauses. In G. Airenti, B. G. Bara, & G. Sandini (Eds.), Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (EAP CogSci 2015),Torino, Italy. (pp. 264-269). (PDF) Retrieved from
Conference Presentations
2016 E. G. Fernandes, P. Luegi, E. Correa Soares, I. de la Fuente, & B. Hemforth: How to Turn Brazilians into Europeans: Global and Local Exposure Effects on Co-Reference in European and Brazilian Portuguese. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) XXII, Bilbao, Spain. (Poster)
2016 E. G. Fernandes, P. Luegi, E. Correa Soares, I. de la Fuente, & B. Hemforth: Relative Clause-attachment in European (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP): Effects of verb type, tense and variety. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) XXII, Bilbao, Spain. (Poster)
2014 E. G. Fernandes, M. I. Coco & H. P. Branigan: Saturating the anticipatory mechanisms of syntactic priming during situated language understanding, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) XX, Edinburgh, September 2014 (Poster).