Ancien doctorant
Statut : Doctorante Paris-Diderot
Adresse :
LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13
E-mail : puneybggr[cbvag]unhfre[ng]yvir[cbvag]se
CV :
Charlotte Hauser_fr.pdf
(157 Ko)
Site Web : https://sites.google.com/view/charlottehauser/accueil
Doctorante en 3ème année de thèse sous la co-direction de Caterina Donati (LLF) et de Carlo Geraci (IJN), j'étudie la complexité syntaxique de la langue des signes française au travers de l'analyse des structures subordonnées (propositions relatives, proposition subordonnée circonstancielle et completive, pseudoclefts).
Intérêts de Recherche: Syntaxe, LSF, Linguistique et Psycholinguistique.
Parcours: Master de Sciences Cognitives (ENS, EHESS, Paris Descartes), Licence de Sciences du Langage (Université de Nantes).
Enseignement:TD de Syntaxe Générative(M1), La description linguistique : du corpus à l'analyse (L1/L2), Langues dans le monde (L1/L2), Formation professionnelle ELAN.
Titre : Subordination in French Sign Language: nominal and sentential embedding
Date de soutenance : 2019-12-16
Inscription : 2016 à Paris-Diderot
Jury :
Résumé :
In this dissertation, we aim at investigating the syntactic complexity of LSF. We start with the Iwell studied (in other sign languages) case of relativization strategies, which instantiates both subordination and recursive embedding. These properties have repeatedly been argued to be at the heart of human languages; hence, relative clauses are the flag holder of every understudied language aiming at seeing its status recognized. Regarding LSF, we describe two manual markers that we analyze as d-like relative pronouns, as well as a non-manually marked alternative strategy, and we show that LSF has both internally and externally headed relative clauses. We show that, depending on the relative pronoun used, the relatives instantiates different semantic properties. We integrate our findings in a generative formal framework. We also investigate the processing of subject and object relative clauses in this language, through the adaptation of a well-known eye-tracking paradigm. Through this experimental study, we find the existence of a Subject advantage in LSF. In the second part of the dissertation, we investigate several complex sentences: temporal constructions, question-answer pairs and sentential complements. While we know from spoken languages researches that temporal constructions surface through a variety of syntactic strategies such as subordination, juxtaposition or coordination, finding their equivalent in sign languages is often a challenge due to the absence of overt complementizers and other function words such as coordinators. This dissertation explores temporal constructions in LSF and frames them within a broad typological perspective. We show that LSF temporal clauses are very different from those of LIS. In particular, LSF constructions use two coordinated clauses, and the temporal marker is part of the second conjunct. Regarding Question Answer Pairs (QAP), a growing literature has emerged on sign languages describing this particular construction, which looks like a question followed by its fragment answer, but which crucially is not interpreted as such. In Kimmelman and Vink (2017), the authors propose the existence of a grammaticalization process, starting with information-seeking questions and ending with a question-answer constituent, creating a bridge between two of the main analyses that have been proposed in the literature to account for these constructions across sign languages. We demonstrate, based on an extensive depiction of LSF QAP properties, that the grammaticalization scale proposed in Kimmelman and Vink (2017) has to be further developed to integrate free- relatives as its ending point. Finally, we provide a rather extensive investigation of sentential complements in LSF, showing that, in their vast majority, they are subordinated to the main predicate. We also show that LSF displays various types of complements, either finite, non-finite, or introduced by a complementizer.