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Yingqin Hu


Statut : Doctorante

Adresse :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Cité
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail : lvatdvauh@tznvy.pbz

Domaines :
  Discours et dialogue

Axes de recherche :
  Linguistique computationnelle


Titre : The Laughing Infant : Semantics, Learning, and Social Agents

Directeur :
  Jonathan Ginzburg
  Catherine Pelachaud

Inscription : 2023 à University Paris Cité



  1. Yingqin Hu, Capucine Brillet, Bosko Rajkovic, Gauhar Rustamova, Chiara Mazzocconi, Catherine Pelachaud, Jonathan Ginzburg. (2024). Laughter in the cradle: a taxonomy of infant laughables. Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Trento, Italy. Full Paper 
  2. Aixiu An, Yingqin Hu and Anne Abeillé. (2023). A gradient model of LDD acceptability. Proceedings of the 12th International Quantitative Linguistics Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. Abstract
  3. Anne Abeillé, Aixiu An, and Yingqin Hu. (2022). L’accord de proximité en genre: quelques considérations diachroniques. Discours, 31. Full Paper


  1. Yingqin Hu, Capucine Brillet, Bosko Rajkovic, Gauhar Rustamova, Chiara Mazzocconi, Catherine Pelachaud, Jonathan Ginzburg. (2024). Laughter in the cradle: a taxonomy of infant laughables. Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Trento, Italy. slides
  2. Yingqin Hu and Jonathan Ginzburg. (2024). Baby laughables: building a dataset of the earliest laughter. Labex Symposium, Paris, France. slides