The syntax-discourse divide

Mardi 01 Juillet 2014, 16:00 to 18:00
Lyn Frazier (Université de Amherst, invitée LabEx)
Labex EFL

Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
Salle 163
Paris-Diderot (angle rue Albert Einstein – boulevard du Général Jean Simon, entrée côté rue Albert Einstein)

Lyn Frazier (Université de Amherst)
The syntax-discourse divide

This lecture will focus on the approach Frazier and Clifton have taken to mismatch ellipsis, where an antecedent does not match the ellipsis site syntactically. Their approach entails that mismatch ellipsis is ungrammatical but at times acceptable. Much of the lecture will be devoted to showing that the assumption that technically ungrammatical sentences can be acceptable under certain circumstances is required generally, not just for ellipsis.