Titre | A Reference Grammar of Romanian |
Publication Type | Chapitre d'ouvrage |
Année de publication | 2013 |
Authors | Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, and Ion Giurgea |
Book Title | Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today |
Series Volume | 207 |
Pagination | 900 |
Publisher | John Benjamins |
City | Amsterdam |
Abstract | Based on recent research in formal linguistics, this volume provides a thorough description of the whole system of Romanian Noun Phrases, understood in an extended sense, that is, in addition to nouns, pronouns and determiners, it examines all the adnominal phrases: genitive-marked DPs, adjectives, relative clauses, appositions, prepositional phrases, complement clauses and non-finite modifiers. The book focuses on syntax and the syntax-semantics interface but also includes a systematic morphological description of the language. The implicitly comparative description of Romanian contained in the book can serve as a starting point for the study of the syntax/semantics of Noun Phrases in other languages, regardless of whether or not they are typologically related to Romanian. This book will be of special interest to linguists working on Romanian, Romance languages, comparative linguistics and language typology, especially because Romanian is relevant for comparative linguistics not only as a Romance language, but also as part of the so-called Balkan Sprachbund. |
DOI | 10.1075/la.207 |