Bâtiment Sophie Germain
Amphithéâtre Alan Turing
Format : 30 mn talk + 10 mn discussion
8.30-9.00 Welcome/Coffee
9.00-9.40 Anne Abeillé (LLF), Philip Miller (ED 132, Sciences du Langage), Claire Saillard (UFRL)
9.40-10.10 Pierre Encrevé (EHESS)
Jean Lowenstamm : présentation
10.10-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-11.10 Mohand Guerssel (Université du Québec à Montréal)
The organization of the derivational patterns of the Classical Arabic Verb
11.10-11.50 Georges Bohas, (ICAR / ENS Lyon)
Aspects of the submorphemic Organisation of the Arabic lexicon
11.50-13.45 Lunch break
13.45-14.25 Ur Shlonsky (Université de Genève)
Suffixes and negation in Modern South Arabian
14.25-15.05 Jamal Ouhalla (University College Dublin)
Root lexicalizations
15.05-15.45 Hagit Borer (Queen Mary University London)
Beyond roots
15.45-16.05 Coffee break
16.05-16.45 Marijke de Belder (KU Leuven campus Brussels / FWO / CRISSP)
Vowel lengthening in Dutch diminutives, again, but in more detail
16.45-17.25 Patty Garet, LLF / Paris 7
A Neoconstructionist view of French negative prefixes
17.25-18.05 Olivier Bonami & Gilles Boyé, LLF / Paris 7 & CLLE-ERSS / Bordeaux 3
Gender in French: inflection or flexibility
18.05-18.45 Sandro Capochichi, LLF / Paris 7
Notes on some nominal affixes in Fon
8.30-9.00 Welcome/Coffee
9.00-9.40 Jonathan Kaye
The trouble with phonology -- there's nothing wrong with being wrong
9.40-10.20 Jean-Pierre Angoujard (LLING / Université de Nantes)
"No Rule Component", trente ans après
10.20-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-11.20 Alain Kihm (LLF / Paris 7)
Where are templates?
11.20-12.00 Sabrina Bendjaballah & Philippe Ségéral (LLF / Paris 7)
The Semitic verb template: a view from the Mehri language of Oman (Modern South Arabian)
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.40 Noam Faust & Outi Bat-El (Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv University)
Optimal Government Phonology: the typology of biradical verbs in Semitic
14.40-15.20 Radwa Fathi (LLF / Paris 7)
The architecture of Mehri Plurals (Modern South Arabian)
15.20-16.00 Mohamed Lahrouchi & Nicola Lampitelli (SFL / Paris 8 & LLL / Université de Tours)
On plurals, noun phrase and num(ber) in Moroccan Arabic and Djibouti Somali
16.00-16.40 Mamadou Keita
La nature profonde de la théorie "CV as the only syllable type". Les conséquences et effets sur la recherche linguistique contemporaine
16.40-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-17.40 Pierre Encrevé & Bernard Laks (EHESS & MoDyCo / Paris 10)
17.40-18.20 Jean-François Prunet & Ali Idrissi (Kuwait University & United Arab Emirates University)
External evidence for the structure of personal proper names in Arabic
18.20-19.00 Monik Charette (SOAS, University of London)
Le chiac mon p’tit Johnny c’est right la fun
9.00-9.30 Welcome/Coffee
9.30-10.10 Tobias Scheer & Noam Faust (BCL / Université Nice Sophia Antipolis & Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Guttural ghosts, synchronic Sandhi and the parameters of impenetrability
10.10-10.50 Sophie Wauquier (SFL / Paris 8)
Templates and representations in Phonology: from Semitic to Child Language
10.50-11.10 Coffee break
11.10-11.50 Gabriel Bergounioux (LLL / Université d’Orléans)
Reading Boas, from ‘On Alternating Sounds’ to ‘Race, Language and Culture’ : is phonology a social science ?
11.50-12.30 Philippe Martin (LLF / Paris 7)
The incremental prosodic structure in Romance languages: Combinatorial analysis
12.30-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.40 Guillaume Enguehard (LLF / Paris 7)
The /o/~/a/ alternation of Russian verbs ending with -yvat': metaphony or 'infixation'?
14.40-15.20 Solange Pawou Molu (LLF / Paris 7)
The Initial CV in Bamun, a (not so) hypothetical language of strictly decreasing sonority
15.20-16.00 Andrew Nevins (University College London)
Maxakali Consonant Lenition and Ethnosociophonology
16.00-16.40 Harry van der Hulst (University of Connecticut)
But Mr. Lowenstamm, it's CVs all the way down