Titre | How to turn Brazilians into Europeans: Global and local exposure effects on co-reference in European (EP) and Brazilian (BP) Portuguese |
Publication Type | Communication |
Année de publication | 2016 |
Authors | Fernandes, Eunice, Paula Luegi, Eduardo Correa Soares, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth |
Titre de la conférence | Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing |
Date de publication | 09/2016 |
Abstract | Co-reference is affected by the availability of pronominal forms in the language, but the interaction of language-based (global) exposure and (local) exposure, e.g., during experiments, is still unclear. We addressed this issue in questionnaires with Overt and Null pronouns in Portuguese sentences like The photographer greeted the journalist when he/Ø finished?, where he/Ø referred to either ?photographer? (Subject) or ?journalist? (Object). |