Result Stages and the Lexicon: The Proper Treatment of Event Structure

TitreResult Stages and the Lexicon: The Proper Treatment of Event Structure
Publication TypeArticle dans des actes
Année de la conférence1999
AuthorsCaudal, Patrick
Nom de la conférenceProceedings of the Ninth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Series Title{EACL} '99
PublisherAssociation for Computational Linguistics
Conference LocationStroudsburg, PA, USA

I will argue in this paper that the standard notions of affectedness, change-of-state and result state are too coarse-grained, and will revise and enrich substantially their content, increasing their role in a compositional aspect construal procedure. I will claim in particular that a proper theory of event structure requires that enriched result states should be lexically represented, and will base on them a computational treatment of event structure within a feature-structure-based lexicon.
