Hotel de Lauzun
17, Quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris
Nombre de places limité, l'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire ! Adressez un mail à alexandre.roulois@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr avant le 1er mars.
En coopération avec le 4e colloque européen HPSG, les 24 et 25 mars 2017 au centre parisien de l'université de Chicago (6 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris).
9:00 Anne Abeillé, Olivier Bonami
9:15 Annie Zaenen (Stanford)
Configurationality and subjecthood
9:45 Elisabet Engdahl (U Gothenburg)
Prepositional passives in Scandinavian – the role of affectedness
10:15 Coffee
10:45 François Mouret (Rennes 2, Nouméa)
Polarity mood and coordination In French: data and analysis
11:15 Gabriela Bilbîie (U Bucarest, LLF)
The Subjunctive in Romanian interrogatives
11:45 Jesse Tseng (CNRS, Toulouse)
Non-canonical arguments and past participle agreement
12:15 Denis Creissels (DDL, U Lyon 2)
Relativization and individual stage level distinction in the languages of Senegal
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Henriette de Swart (Utrecht)
Time in translation
14:30 Claire Beyssade (SFL, Paris 8)
Strong and Weak Definites in French
15:00 Francis Corblin (IJN, Paris Sorbonne)
« Pure » indexicals and others
15:30 Jean-Pierre Koenig, Karin Michelson (Buffalo SUNY)
Quantification in Iroquoian
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Alain Kihm (CNRS, LLF)
Haitian copula and types of predication
17:00 Ahmad Alotaibi, Robert Borsley (Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, U of Essex)
The copula in Modern Standard Arabic
17:30 Jacques Jayez, Mathilde Dargnat (ISC, ENS Lyon & Atilf, U de Lorraine)
Presuppositions, Discourse relations and QUD
18:00 Jonathan Ginzburg (U Paris Diderot, LLF, IUF)
HPSG and incrementality: why not?
18:30 Cocktail
Abstracts au format PDF, 153 Ko