Language in Alzheimer's dementia and the Primary Progressive Aphasias (PPA's)

Mardi 23 Mai 2017, 14:00 to 16:00
Loraine K.Obler (CUNY, invitée LabEx)
Barbara Hemforth (LLF)

ODG – Salle 137

Loraine K.Obler (CUNY)
Language in Alzheimer's dementia and the Primary Progressive Aphasias (PPA's)

Stages of language change in Alzheimer’s dementia. And the PPAs. Overlap with classic aphasia types (e.g., Wernicke’s and AD; agrammatism and non-fluent PPA, anomia and logopenic PPA). Brain-based explanations differentiating language changes in healthy aging and the dementias. Bilingualism effects.