Semantic similarity and argument structure constructions

Lundi 26 Mars 2018, 16:00 to 18:00
Jean-Pierre Koenig (Université de Buffalo, invité Labex EFL)
Anne Abeillé (LLF)

ODG – Salle 357

Jean-Pierre Koenig (Université de Buffalo)
Semantic similarity and argument structure constructions

It has been claimed that verbs that occur in the same syntactic environments tend to have similar meanings and that one verb tends to characterize that meaning (e.g., give for the ditransitive construction in English). In this lecture, I will look at the relation between semantic similarity and syntactic similarity (in terms of frequency of occurrence in argument structure constructions) using both corpus studies and syntactic priming studies and will present corpus studies that explore whether all argument structure constructions behave the same way (they do not!).

Diaporama (PDF, 1,2 Mo)


  • Ambridge, Ben, Julian Pine, Caroline Rowland, Daniel Freudenthal & Franklin Chang. 2014. Avoiding dative overgeneralisation errors: semantics, statistics, or both? Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29. 218-243.
  • Bresnan, Joan, Anna Cueni, Tatiana Nikitina & Harald Baayen. 2007. Predicting the dative alternation. In Goss Bouma, I. Kraemer & Joos Zwarts (eds.), Cognitive foundations of interpretation, 69-94. Amstedam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Science.
  • Chang, Franklin, Gary Dell & Kathryn Bock. 2006. Becoming syntactic. Psychological Review 113. 234-272.
  • Cleland, Alexandra & Martin Pickering. 2003. The use of lexical and syntactic information in language production: Evidence from the priming of noun-phrase structure. Journal of Memory and Language 49. 214-230.
  • Goldberg, Adele, Devin Casenhiser & Nitya Sethuraman. 2004. Learning argument structure generalizations. Cognitive Linguistics 15. 289-316.
  • Grin, Zenzi & Justin Weinstein-Tull. 2003. Conceptual structure modulates structural priming in the production of complex sentences. Journal of Memory and Language 49. 537-555.
  • Reitter, David, Frank Keller & Johanna Moore. 2011. A computational cognitive model of syntactic priming. Cognitive Science 35. 587-637.
  • Schmid, Hans-Jorg & Helmut Kuchenho. 2013. Collostructional analysis and other ways of measuring lexicogrammatical attraction: Theoretical premises, practical problems and cognitive underpinnings. Cognitive Linguistics 24. 531-577.
  • Yi, Eunkyung & Jean-Pierre Koenig. 2016. Why verb meaning matters to syntax. In Jens Fleischhauer, Anja Latrouite & Rainer Osswald (eds.), Explorations of the Syntax-Semantics Interface, 57-76. Dusseldorf: Dusseldorf University Press.
  • Yi, Eunkyung, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Douglas Roland. 2018. Semantic similarity to high-frequency verbs a ects syntactic frame selection.

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