International Ellipsis Workshop

Vendredi 25 Janvier 2019, 09:30 to 18:00
Anne Abeillé (LLF)

Paris Chicago Center – 6 rue Thomas Mann – 75013 Paris

Sponsored by Labex EFL, LLF and National Research Foundation of Korea


9h30-10h10 J. Runner (U Rochester)
Information Structure Effects on Embedded Verb Phrase Ellipsis
10h10-10h50 P. Miller (U Paris)
Verb Phrase Ellipsis: Inferred antecedents and discourse conditions

10h50-11h10 coffee break

11h10-11h50 Gabriela Bilbiie (U Bucarest), I. de la Fuente (U Lille), A. Abeillé (U Paris)
Embedding gapping in English: the role of verb semantics and the complementizer
11h50-12h30 Pegah Faghiri (U Koln)
Gapping in Persian : some experimental results

12h30-14h Lunch

14h-14h40 J. Ginzburg (U Paris)
Exclamative sluices
14h40-15h10 Joanna Nykiel (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Sluicing, massive pied-piping, and the processing principle of Minimize Forms

15h10-15h40 Coffee break

15h40-16h20 Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Parametric Differences in Answering Systems: A Direct Interpretation Approach
16h30 Project meeting