Séminaire doctoral animé par Anne Abeillé et Barbara Hemforth. À partir du 31 janvier, le vendredi, de 14h à 16h en salle 533.
La première partie du séminaire sera consacrée à l'utilisation des EEG pour la linguistique expérimentale
Andrea E. Martin (2018). Cue integration during sentence comprehension: Electrophysiological evidence from ellipsis
Andrea E. Martin, Mante S. Nieuwland, Manuel Carreiras: Agreement attraction during comprehension of grammatical sentences: ERP evidence from ellipsis
8 Mars: Barbara Hemforth
The meaning of ERP components
Osterhout, Lee & Mclaughlin, Judith & Kim, Albert & Greenwald, Ralf & , Introduction. (2004). Sentences in the Brain: Event-Related Potentials as Real-Time Reflections of Sentence Comprehension and Language Learning. The online study of sentence comprehension : eyetracking, ERP, and beyond.
Anna M. Beres (2017). Time is of the Essence: A Review of Electroencephalography (EEG) and Event-Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) in Language Research, Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2017) 42:247–255 DOI 10.1007/s10484-017-9371-3
S'il nous reste le temps:
D Friederici, Angela. (2002). Friederici, A. D. Towards a neural basis of auditory sentence processing. Trends Cogn. Sci. 6, 78-84. Trends in cognitive sciences. 6. 78-84. 10.1016/S1364-6613(00)01839-8.
Aussi intéressant: Kuperberg, G. R., Sitnikova, T., Caplan, D., & Holcomb, P. J. (2003). Electrophysiological distinctions in processing conceptual relationships within simple sentences. Cognitive Brain Research, 17, 117–129.
15 Mars: Elodie Winckel: Subjacency and long distance dependencies
Kluender, R. & Kutas, M. 1993. Subjacency as a processing phenomenon. Language and Cognitive Processes 8, 573–633.
Kluender. 1998. Bridging the gap: evidence from ERPs on the processing of long distance dependencies journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 5:2, pp. 196-214
22 Mars: Pia Rama, Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center (UMR 8002)
Language and Cognition Team
Developing brain and language acquisition: event-related potential (ERP) investigations in infants and young children
29 Mars: Pas de séminaire
5 Avril: Mara Breen, Department of Psychology and Education, Program in Neuroscience and Behavior, Mount Holyoke College
Hierarchical linguistic metric structure in speaking, listening, and reading
In this talk, I will describe results from three experiments exploring how hierarchical timing regularities in language are realized by speakers, listeners, and readers. First, using a corpus of productions of Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat—a highly metrically and phonologically regular children’s book, we show that speakers’ word durations and intensities are accurately predicted by models of linguistic and musical meter, respectively, demonstrating that listeners to these texts receive consistent acoustic cues to hierarchical metric structure. In a second experiment, we recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) as participants listened to an isochronous, non-intensity-varying text-to-speech rendition of The Cat in the Hat. Pilot ERP results reveal electrophysiological indices of metric processing, demonstrating top-down realization of metric structure even in the absence of explicit prosodic cues. In a third experiment, we recorded ERPs while participants silently read metrically regular rhyming couplets where the final word sometimes mismatched the metric or prosodic context. These mismatches elicited ERP patterns similar to neurocognitive responses observed in listening experiments. In sum, these results demonstrate similarities in perceived and simulated hierarchical timing processes in listening and reading and help explain the processes by which listeners use predictable metric structure to facilitate speech segmentation and comprehension.
12 Avril: tba
19 Avril: pas de séminaire
26 Avril: tba
3 Mai: pas de séminaire
10 Mai: Maud Pelissier: Mécanismes explicites et implicites d'acquisition d'une langue étrangère : une étude en potentiels évoqués de l'acquisition de la morphosyntaxe de l'anglais par des apprenants francophones.
17 Mai:
Gabriel Thiberge: Socially situated language and ERPs ?
1°/ van den Brink, D., van Berkum, J.J.A., Bastiaansen, M.C.M., Tesink, C.M.J.Y., Kos, M., Buitelaar, J.K. & Hagoort, P. (2012). Empathy matters: ERP evidence for inter-individual differences in social language processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7 (2), (pp. 173-182) (10 p.).
2°/ van Berkum, J.J.A., van den Brink, D., Tesink, C.M.J.Y., Kos, M. & Hagoort, P. (2008). The neural integration of speaker and message. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (4), (pp. 580-591) (12 p.).
24 Mai: tba