LingLunch : Aimée Lahaussois

Jeudi 06 Juin 2019, 12:00 to 13:00
Pascal Amsili (LLF)

LLF – Bât. ODG – 5e étage – Salle du conseil (533)

Aimée Lahaussois (HTL)
Verbal derivation in Thulung: from serial verb constructions to derivational affixes

Thulung (Kiranti, Eastern Nepal) is characterized by complex verbal morphology, with indexation of up to 2 arguments, alternating verb stems, and a set of derivational suffixes used to encode valence changes, aspect, Aktionsart and associated motion. This talk will present the morphology of the derivational suffixes – which trigger multiple exponence and reflect dialectal variation – and touch upon their diachrony.