Grammar of the Verbal Domain in Romanian and Beyond

Lundi 08 Juillet 2019, 14:00 to 17:30
Carmen Sorin (LLF)

LLF – Bât. ODG – 5e étage – Salle du conseil (533)

Amy Rose Deal
Agree, agreement and the Person Case Constraint (PCC)
Description: In this course I will introduce a theory of Agree that dispenses with the notion of uninterpretable/unvalued features as an impetus for feature transfer. I present an alternative model wherein probes are specified in two ways: in terms of their interaction features (features which they copy back to themselves from goals) and their satisfaction features (features which cause probing to stop). We will explore the ways in which this model can capture agreement patterns that prove challenging from a uF perspective, including various types of PCC patterns (e.g. weak, strong, me-first).