Bayesian linear mixed-effects models as an alternative to Frequentist method

Mardi 09 Juin 2020, 11:00 to 16:00
Labex EFL

LLF – Bât. ODG – 5e étage – Salle du conseil (533)

Yair Haendler (LLF)
Bayesian linear mixed-effects models as an alternative to Frequentist method


  • What is Bayesian analysis.
  • Explanation of basic concepts (prior, likelihood, posterior).
  • Hypothesis testing with Bayesian models (estimating posteriors for model parameters).
  • Types of priors.
  • Fitting models with brms.
  • Choosing the appropriate model for the data.
  • Drawing inference from the posteriors.

Requisites: Extensive theoretical knowledge of, and experience working with, linear mixed-effects models; participation in the workshop Linear mixed-effects models in R – Frequentist method (lme4 package).