A contrastive analysis of interrogative constructions in Romance: microvariation and theory

TitreA contrastive analysis of interrogative constructions in Romance: microvariation and theory
Publication TypeChapitre d'ouvrage
Année de publication2020
AuthorsDonati, Caterina
Book TitleContrastive studies in morphology and syntax
Series VolumeBloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
ISBN 9781350079182

The article is a brief survey of what we know about wh-questions across languages, and an

introduction to the specific contribution of Romance languages within a contrastive analysis.

Wh-movement displays some crosslinguistically stable properties and some parameters of

variation, that we are briefly reviewed. As for Romance, the phenomenon of wh-in situ in

French, of the ungoing grammaticalization of special complementizers, and of the systematic

ambiguity of free relatives and light headed relatives are briefly addressed