LingLunch : Márta Abrusán

Jeudi 02 Décembre 2021, 12:00 to 13:00
Karen De Clercq et Ira Noveck (LLF)

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Márta Abrusán (CNRS/ Institut Jean Nicod)
Types of perspective shift, protagonists, stereotypes

Natural languages allow us to describe the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. In this talk I examine different techniques that allow such perspective shift, including free indirect discourse and protagonist projection. After discussing some empirical and formal properties of these techniques, I address two outstanding questions: (a) In the absence of overt markers, how do we know that we need to shift the perspective in discourse and to whose perspective we should attend to? (b) Is there a clear demarcation line between real attitude/speech reports vs. stereotypical views/assertions we attribute to others?