Conceptual spaces and social spaces

Mercredi 20 Juillet 2022, 09:00 to 18:00
Lina Bendifallah, Julie Abbou, Heather Burnett (LLF)

Université Paris Cité – Bât. Sophie Germain – Salle 0009

9h00-9h30 Welcome & introduction

9h30-10h10 Peter Gärdenfors
How to construct a conceptual space
10h10-10h50 Hervé Gievarec
Social spaces as a theroy of society. Scientific arguments and consequences of a figuration

10h50-11h00 Coffee break

11h00-11h40 Matias Osta-Vélez
Local and global properties of concepts: a metacognitive perspective
11h40-12h20 Corina Strössner
Natural concepts and (probabilistic) conceptual spaces

12h20-14h00 Lunch break

14h00-14h40 Lina Bendifallah, Julie Abbou, Heather Burnett (LLF)
Conceptual spaces as social spaces: feminism as a case study
14h40-15h20 Igor Douven
Social concepts and the best systems analysis
15h20-16h00 Frank Zenker
Conceptual spaces, theory change and deep disagreement

16h00-16h15 Coffee break

16h15-16h55 Cyril Jayet
The importance of conceptual spaces for sociologists
16h55-17h35 Lieven Decock
Between subjectivism and objectivism: conceptual and social spaces

17h35-18h00 General discussion