Invitée par l'UFR de linguistique et le LLF du 10 au 28 juin 2024, Louise McNally, professeure de l'Université Pompeu Fabra à Barcelone, donnera une série de 4 conférences sur le thème Topics in the lexical semantics-morphosyntax interface.
Contemporary theories for composing meaning from morphemes to words, or words or phrases generally make highly idealized assumptions about the fine details of lexical semantics, or abstract away from it altogether. The goal of this course is to argue that it is important for linguistic theory to start looking more closely at those fine details alongside aspects of meaning that have traditionally concerned formal/referential semantics, by showing how they interact in nontrivial ways in semantic composition. We will look at selected phenomena -- for example, partially compositional idioms, modification and incorporation, and some cases of word formation -- which will allow us to explore facets of verb, noun, and adjective meaning and highlight the insights that polysemy and partial compositionality can offer into the semantics-morphosyntax interface.
Les conférences se tiendront à Olympe de Gouges en salle 153.