Membre associé
Status : Post-doctorante
Address :
LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13
E-mail :
Website :
I am a researcher in Sign Language linguistics and a professional interpreter of Italian Sign Language (LIS).
I am currently working within the European SIGN-HUB project (http://www.sign-hub. eu). The main goal of SIGN-HUB is to provide an innovative and inclusive web platform to a) document Deaf history and culture, b) describe the grammar of sign languages and c) create a series of sign language based assessment tests to evaluate proficiency in typical and atypical signing populations. I am working in the assessment track by contributing to the development of syntactic and semantic tests.
I received a Ph.D. in Linguistics from EHESS in December 2017, under the direction of Philippe Schlenker and Carlo Geraci. My dissertation investigated gradable constructions in Italian Sign Language (LIS) with particular attention to the semantic contribution of space and iconicity.
I have also done work on Syntax (sentential complementation and subordinate constructions) and Phonology. (Phonological complexity of LIS handshapes) and I have been involved in several collaborations including a project on pluractionals with Jeremy Kuhn and focus-marking with Philippe Schlenker.
Research interests:
Sign language linguistics, Semantics, Syntax, syntax-semantics interface, comparison gestures and signs
Papers in International Journals
Schlenker, P., Aristodemo, V., Ducasse, L., Lumberton, J. and Santoro M. 2016. The Unity of Focus: Evidence from Sign Language. Linguistic Inquiry. 47:2, 363-381.
Book Chapters
Aristodemo V., Panzeri, F. and Geraci, C. (2018). Comparison. In Quer, J., Cecchetto, C., Donati, C., Pfau, R., M. Steinbach, C. Geraci & M. Kelepir (eds.). SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing. Berlin: De Gruyer Mouton. 596-601
Geraci, C. and Aristodemo V. 2016. An in-depth tour into sentential complementation in Italian Sign Language. In Annika Herrmann, Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach (eds.), A Matter of Complexity: Subordination in Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 95–150.