Heather Burnett

Chercheur CNRS

Heather Burnett

Status : Directrice de Recherches

Address :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail : urngure.fhfna.oheargg@tznvy.pbz

Resume : Heather Burnett_en.pdf (159 Ko)

Website : https://sites.google.com/site/heathersusanburnett/

General presentation

My main research areas are formal semantics, formal syntax and language variation and change; however, my research also makes contributions to the fields of morphology, pragmatics, the philosophy of language, natural logic, dialectology, historical linguistics and variationist sociolinguistics.  

Although I have worked on a variety of languages from the Germanic, Romance and Austronesian families, a large portion of my research focuses on the description and analysis of languages and dialects from the Gallo-Romance family: varieties of French spoken in Canada (particularly, Québec French, Acadian French and Franco-Ontarien), historical varieties of French (particularly, Old, Middle and Classical French), and endangered non-French Gallo-Romance languages (both Oïl dialects (such as Picard) and Occitan dialects (particularly Languedocien and Gascon)).