Ruihua Mao


Status : PhD student

Address :

LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université de Paris
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13

E-mail :

Domains :
  La phrase

Axis :
  Linguistique expérimentale


Advanced Experimental Syntax(Master Level, Co-teaching).Slides1 Slides2


Title : Meaning based approach to locality constraints: a comparative study

Supervision :
  Anne Abeillé
  Barbara Hemforth

Inscription : 2021 à University of Paris

Jury :

Gibson Edward (Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Chaves Rui(Associate Professor, SUNY University of Buffalo)


  1. Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson (2022). Acceptability of extraction out of English adjunct clauses: the role of topicalization. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing[Poster]. Slides
  2. Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2022). Extraction out of Mandarin and English if-adjunct clauses: the role of topicalization. Proceedings of the 28th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP)[Poster] Abstract poster
  3. Ruihua MAO (2022). Testing subject preference and subject island in Mandarin Chinese relative clauses[Oral Talk]. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2022.Slides
  4. Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2022). Topicalization out of English and Mandarin if-clauses and that-clauses. Proceedings of ExLing 2022 Paris conference.Poster
  5. Ruihua Mao, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2023). An empirical investigation of Mandarin subject island. The 29th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP)[Poster] Poster
  6. Ruihua Mao, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2023). Extraction out of Mandarin Clauses: Topic vs. Focus. AMLaP Asia. Abstract
  7. Ruihua Mao, Sihan Chen, Edward Gibson (2023). How do Mandarin Natives interpret implausible sentences. AMLap Asia. Abstract poster
  8. Ruihua Mao, Sihan Chen, Edward Gibson (2023). How do Mandarin Natives interpret implausible sentences. XL workshop(internal presentation). Slides