Status : PhD student
Address :
LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université de Paris
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13
E-mail :
Axis :
Linguistique expérimentale
Advanced Experimental Syntax(Master Level, Co-teaching).Slides1 Slides2
Title : Meaning based approach to locality constraints: a comparative study
Supervision :
Anne Abeillé
Barbara Hemforth
Inscription : 2021 à University of Paris
Jury :
Gibson Edward (Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Chaves Rui(Associate Professor, SUNY University of Buffalo)
- Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson (2022). Acceptability of extraction out of English adjunct clauses: the role of topicalization. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing[Poster]. Slides
- Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2022). Extraction out of Mandarin and English if-adjunct clauses: the role of topicalization. Proceedings of the 28th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP)[Poster] Abstract poster
- Ruihua MAO (2022). Testing subject preference and subject island in Mandarin Chinese relative clauses[Oral Talk]. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2022.Slides
- Ruihua Mao, Edward Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2022). Topicalization out of English and Mandarin if-clauses and that-clauses. Proceedings of ExLing 2022 Paris conference.Poster
- Ruihua Mao, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2023). An empirical investigation of Mandarin subject island. The 29th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP)[Poster] Poster
- Ruihua Mao, Barbara Hemforth, Anne Abeillé (2023). Extraction out of Mandarin Clauses: Topic vs. Focus. AMLaP Asia. Abstract
- Ruihua Mao, Sihan Chen, Edward Gibson (2023). How do Mandarin Natives interpret implausible sentences. AMLap Asia. Abstract poster
- Ruihua Mao, Sihan Chen, Edward Gibson (2023). How do Mandarin Natives interpret implausible sentences. XL workshop(internal presentation). Slides