Status : Doctorante
Address :
LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110
Université Paris Cité
Case 7031 – 5, rue Thomas Mann,
75205 Paris cedex 13
E-mail :
General presentation
2020-2022: MSc in Natural Language Processing, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.
2016-2020: BA in Fundamental and Applied Linguistics, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Previous Experience:
March 2022 - August 2022: Intern, SMarT team, LORIA, Nancy, France
April 2019 - September 2022: Middle Data Scientist, Data Monsters, Palo Alto, USA (remotely)
May 2019 - December 2019: Junior Python developer, Institute of computational technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
July 2018 - August 2018: Senior research assistant, Laboratory of neural networks and deep learning, MIPT, Moscow, Russia
Title : Semi-supervised word sense and frame induction
Supervision :
Marie Candito
Carlos Ramisch
Inscription : 2022 à University Paris Cité
Mosolova, A., Candito, M., Ramisch, C. (2024). Injecting Wiktionary to improve token-level contextual representations using contrastive learning. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Mosolova, A., Smaili, K. (2022). The last chance to understand: machine translation for low-resource languages of Eurasia. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (COLING)
- Mosolova A. (2020). Algorithm of Automatic Accentuation with Respect to the Speaking Norm of а Given Author. Supplementary Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains.
- Mosolova A. V., Kutuzov A. B. (2020). Reconstruction of historical word forms using Deep Learning. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Annual International Conference “Dialogue”, Student session
- Mosolova A. V., Bondarenko I. Yu., Gusev P. A., Malysheva A. D., Vodolazsky D. I., Borovikova M. N. (2019). Component-Based Approach to Automatic Poetry Generation. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Annual International Conference “Dialogue”, Supplementary volume
- Mosolova A.V., Borovikova M.N., Vodolazsky D.I. (2019). An automated poet for Russian language. Proceedings of 57th International scientific student conference ISSC-2019: Applied Linguistics
- Pauls A.E., Mosolova A.V., Stroganov M.S., Timasova E.K., Shugalevskaya N.B. (2019). A benchmark for estimating the quality of sentence embeddings for Russian language. Proceedings of 57th International scientific student conference ISSC-2019: Informational technologies
- Mosolova A., Bondarenko I., Fomin V. (2018). Conditional Random Fields for Metaphor Detection 2018. Proceedings of the Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, NAACL
- Mosolova A., Bondarenko I., Fomin V. (2018). Text Augmentation for Neural Networks. Supplementary Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts