Roussarie, Laurent, and Patrick Caudal. Change-of-stage vs. change-of-individual: the Nyamal usitative In
9th International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality (Chronos 9). Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. Event Structure vs. Stage Structure and Abstract Aspectual Relations In
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Aspect (2000). Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2000.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. L’usitatif en Nyamal et la notion de méta-individu In
9h International Conference on Tense, Aspect & Modality (Chronos 9). Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, Laurent Roussarie, and Alan Dench. Panyjima Verb Formation In
2nd TAMEAL Workshop. University of Western Australia, Perth, 2010.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Laurent Roussarie. A semantic type-driven account of verb-formation patterns in Panyjima In
10th Australian Languages Workshop. Moreton Bay Research Station, University of Queensland, Stradbroke Island, 2011.