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Albar, Rachel, Lisa Brunetti, Lucia M. Tovena, and Hiyon Yoo. Prosodic cues for expressivity and questioning force in a French reason question In Workshop NCQ - Non-canonical questions in French, German, and beyond. Constance, Allemagne, 2019.PDF icon présentation-Konstanz-Brunettietal.pdf (2.31 MB)
Albar, Rachel, and Hiyon Yoo. Perceiving and producing clusters in French: the case of Japanese learners In Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE). Cologne, 2017.
Albar, Rachel, and Hiyon Yoo. Les apprenants japonophones distinguent-ils les niveaux prosodiques du français ? Le cas du niveau intermédiaire. In Journées d'études ReAL2., 2018.
Albar, Rachel, and Hiyon Yoo. How Japanese learners produce continuation in French? In New Sound 2019., 2019.
Albar, Rachel, and Hiyon Yoo. How Japanese learners perceive and produce clusters in French? In European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 27)., 2017.
Albar, Rachel, and Hiyon Yoo. Do Japanese learners distinguish prosodic levels in French? In HISPhonCog., 2019.
Albar, Rachel. Contours continuatifs aux frontières prosodiques du français : production et perception par les apprenants japonophones In Journée d’études : Prosodie : fonctions et interfaces, Inalco, Paris., 2019.
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Brunetti, Lisa, Hiyon Yoo, Lucia M. Tovena, and Rachel Albar. "French reason-comment (how) questions: a view from prosody." In Functional categories and expressive meaning. Oxford University Press, 2021.PDF icon BrunettiYooTovenaAlbar-July29-2020.pdf (356.82 KB)