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Huyghe, Richard, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, and Delphine Tribout. {Underived event nouns in French} In {JENom6 - 6th Workshop on Nominalizations}. Verona, Italy, 2015.
Barque, Lucie, and Doriane Gras. A survey on semantic productivity In Workshop Expanding the lexicon. Trier, 2016.
Article de revue
Danlos, Laurence, Quentin Pradet, Lucie Barque, Takuya Nakamura, and Matthieu Constant. "Un Verbenet du français." {Traitement Automatique des Langues} 57 (2016): 25.
Barque, Lucie, and Alexis Nasr. "Un modèle formel de descriptions lexicales : formalisme BDéf et structures de traits typées." Traitement Automatique des Langues 50, no. 1 (2009): 11-34.
Huguin, Mathilde, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, and Delphine Tribout. "Typage sémantique des noms dans la ressource morphologique Démonette." Lexique 33 (2023): 41-56.
Huyghe, Richard, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, and Delphine Tribout. "The semantics of underived event nouns in French." Italian Journal of Linguistics 29 (2017): 117-149.
Barque, Lucie, and François-Régis Chaumartin. "Regular Polysemy in WordNet." Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 24 (2009): 5-18.
Lombard, Alisée, Richard Huyghe, Lucie Barque, and Dorianne Gras. "Regular polysemy and novel word-sense identification." The Mental Lexicon 18 (2023): 94-119.
Haas, Pauline, Lucie Barque, Richard Huyghe, and Delphine Tribout. "Pour une classification sémantique des noms en français appuyée sur des tests linguistiques." Journal of French Language Studies (2022): 1-30.
Barque, Lucie, and Richard Huyghe. "Polysémie régulière et néologie sémantique : constitution d'une ressource pour l'étude des sens nouveaux." Neologica : revue internationale de la néologie (2018).
Barque, Lucie, Pauline Haas, and Richard Huyghe. "Polysémie régulière et néologie sémantique : constitution d’une ressource pour l’étude des sens nouveaux." Neologica 12 (2018): 91-108.
Barque, Lucie. "Les noms relationnels de type humain." Langue française 1 (2015): 29-41.
Barque, Lucie, Antonio Fàbregas, and Rafael Marín. "Les noms d’état psychologique et leur “objet” : étude d’une alternance sémantique." Lexique 20 (2012): 21-41.
Balvet, Antonio, Lucie Barque, Marie Hélène Condette, Pauline Haas, Richard Huyghe, Rafael Marín, and Aurélie Merlo. "{La ressource Nomage. Confronter les attentes théoriques aux observations du comportement linguistique des nominalisations en corpus}." Ressources Linguistiques Libres 52 (2011): 129-152.
Barque, Lucie, and Pauline Haas. "La polysémie régulière : approches empiriques. Présentation." Lexique (2022): 5-25.
Barque, Lucie, Pauline Haas, and Richard Huyghe. "La polysémie nominale événement / objet : quels objets pour quels événements ?" Neophilologica (2014): 170-187.
Barque, Lucie, Marie Candito, and Richard Huyghe. "La classification des verbes réfléchis à l’épreuve d’une annotation en corpus." Langages 216, no. 4 (2019): 121-138.
Barque, Lucie, Richard Huyghe, and Martial Foegel. "Exploring lexical factors in semantic annotation: insights from the classification of nouns in French." Language Resources and Evaluation (2025).
Barque, Lucie, and Alain Polguère. "Enrichissement formel des définitions du Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé (TLFi) dans une perspective lexicographique." Lexique 21 (2013): 221-244.
Huyghe, Richard, Lucie Barque, François Delafontaine, and Justine Salvadori. "The ambiguous nature of complex semantic types: an experimental investigation." Language and Cognition (2024): 1-26.
Article dans des actes
Aloui, Cindy, Carlos Ramisch, Alexis Nasr, and Lucie Barque. SLICE: Supersense-based Lightweight Interpretable Contextual Embeddings In The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020). Barcelona (on line), Spain, 2020.
Danlos, Laurence, Matthieu Constant, and Lucie Barque. Improvement of VerbNet-like resources by frame typing In Workshop on Grammar and Lexicon: interactions and interfaces (GramLex). Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar and Lexicon: interactions and interfaces (GramLex). Osaka, Japan: The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 2016.
Barque, Lucie, Richard Huyghe, Delphine Tribout, Marie Candito, Benoît Crabbé, and Vincent Segonne. FrSemCor: Annotating a French Corpus with Supersenses In Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2020.
Seppälä, Selja, Lucie Barque, and Alexis Nasr. {Extracting a Semantic Lexicon of French Adjectives from a Large Lexicographic Dictionary} In {Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics}. Unknown, Unknown or Invalid Region, 2012.
Eckard, Emmanuel, Lucie Barque, Alexis Nasr, and Benoît Sagot. {Dictionary-Ontology Cross-Enrichment Using TLFi and WOLF to enrich one another} In {CogALex-III - 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon}, Edited by Michael Zock and Reinhard Rapp. Mumbai, India: {Curran Associates, Inc}, 2012.
Candito, Marie, Pascal Amsili, Lucie Barque, Farah Benamara, Gaël de Chalendar, Marianne Djemaa, Pauline Haas, Richard Huyghe, Yvette Yannick Mathieu, Philippe Muller et al. Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results In Proceedings of the Nineth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), poster session. Reykjavik, Iceland: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014.
Namer, Fiammetta, Lucie Barque, Olivier Bonami, Pauline Haas, Nabil Hathout, and Delphine Tribout. Demonette2 – A large scale derivational database for French: first results In TALN. Toulouse, France, 2019.
Tribout, Delphine, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, and Richard Huyghe. De la simplicité en morphologie In Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF 2014). Berlin, Germany, 2014.
Balvet, Antonio, Lucie Barque, and Rafael Marín. {Building a lexicon of French deverbal nouns from a semantically annotated corpus} In {LREC 2010}. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10). Valetta, Malta, 2010.
Angleraux, Nicolas, Lucie Barque, and Marie Candito. Annotating the French Wiktionary with supersenses for large scale lexical analysis: a use case to assess form-meaning relationships within the nominal lexicon In COLING 2025., 2025.