Typologie et modélisation des systèmes morphologiques

Thursday 12 January 2017, 09:30 to 17:45
Olivier Bonami (LLF)

University of Chicago Center in Paris
6 rue Thomas Mann
Paris 13e
Métro/RER: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand

9h30-10h10 Sebastian Fedden (U. Paris 3 - Lacito, Sidney, Surrey)
Steps towards a typology of partial agreement systems

10h10-10h50 Enrique Palancar (Sedyl)
Measuring irregularity in Amuzgo verbal inflection

10h50-11h10 Pause café

11h10-11h50 Sacha Beniamine (U. Paris Diderot - LLF)
A computational approach to the abstraction of morphopholonogical alternations

11h50-12h30 Matías Guzmán Naranjo (U. Leipzig)
Analogy, types and paradigms. From Kasem to Tundra Nenets.

12h30-14h Déjeuner

14h-14h40 Aimée Lahaussois (HTL)
Ditransitives, applicatives and gaps in Thulung verb paradigms.

14h40-15h20 Flore Picard (U. Paris-Sorbonne) 
Modeling inflectional morphology in a diasystemic perspective : the Saami family

15h20-16h00 Berthold Crysmann (LLF)

15h-16h20 Pause café

16h20-17h Thomas Jügel (Labex EFL / MII) et Pollet Samvelian (U. Paris 3 - MII)
The evolution of verbal agreement markers in Iranian languages

17h-17h40 Tatiana Nikitina (Llacan)
Words, phrases, and compounds in Wan (Mande)