Title | Towards the score of communication |
Publication Type | Article dans des actes |
Année de la conférence | 2020 |
Authors | Lücking, Andy, and Jonathan Ginzburg |
Nom de la conférence | Proceedings of The 24th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue |
Series Title | SemDial/WatchDial |
Abstract | The exchange of verbal and non-verbal com- munication signals in face-to-face dialogue is complexly organised in several ways: each contribution is produced and processed incre- mentally, contributions may be consecutive (e.g. question-answer pairs) or overlapping (e.g. backchannelling), and the contributions themselves may be multimodal. Contributions nonetheless exhibit pairwise utterance coher- ence, and in two respects: across tiers and across discourse co-texts. For these reasons, we propose to distribute dialogue agents across different tiers and to ‘incrementalize’ the se- quential notion of turns according to the model of music-inspired communication scores |