Plugging a neural phoneme recognizer into a simple language model: a workflow for low-resource settings

TitlePlugging a neural phoneme recognizer into a simple language model: a workflow for low-resource settings
Publication TypeArticle dans des actes
Année de la conférence2022
AuthorsGuillaume, Séverine, Guillaume Wisniewski, Benjamin Galliot, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, Maxime Fily, Guillaume Jacques, and Alexis Michaud
Nom de la conférenceInterspeech 2022 - 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
Series TitleProceedings of Interspeech 2022
Conference LocationIncheon, South Korea
KeywordsComputational Language Documentation, Documentation computationnelle des langues, human-computer interaction, Interaction homme-machine, Interdisciplinarité, Reconnaissance automatique de la parole, Speech recognition