Ancien doctorant
Statut : Teaching Fellow
Adresse :
Department of Linguistics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
E-mail : abnzsnhfgvfabg@tznvy.pbz
Site Web :
I'm a linguist. Welcome to my web page. I was born in Jerusalem in 1978, and have continued breathing ever since. This web page will present the consequences of that brave - albeit effortless - decision on my part.
I graduated in November 2011. In the academic year of 2012-13, I will be teaching Morphology and Phonology in the Hebrew Uiversity of Jerusalem, where I started studying linguistics. My fields of interst are phonology, morphology and their interface with syntax.
When I was growing up, my father always told me I had to say :
ten li et ha - mélax
give dat1sg acc def salt 'give me the salt'
and not :
tavi li et ha - mélax
bring dat1sg acc def salt 'bring me the salt'
claiming that one should respect the difference between bringing and giving, because it is only the former which requires significant movement on behalf of the giver/bringer.
It was probably this type of petty bickering that made me feel great freedom when, In the linguistics department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, they told me that as a native speaker, anything I say is right.
I have been a linguist ever since, to the dismay of many.
Marrying a French girl brought me to Paris, and eventually to meet my directeur de thèse, Jean Lowenstamm. That was a good thing.