LingLunch : Andrew Kehler
ODG – Salle du Conseil (533)
On QUD-based Licensing of Strict and Sloppy Ambiguities in Ellipsis
ODG – Salle du Conseil (533)
On QUD-based Licensing of Strict and Sloppy Ambiguities in Ellipsis
ODG – Salle du Conseil (533)
Strong vs. Weak lexical categories in Oneida and cross-linguistically
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
The grammar of code blending. What bimodal bilinguals can tell us on the architecture of grammar
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Double Negation in a Negative Concord Language
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Beyond Shallow Semantics
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Reflexivity in Meadow Mari: Binding and Agree
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
What is universal about the DP-layer?
ODG – Salle du Conseil (533)
New hope for the Proper Name Theory of Quotation
ODG – Salle du Conseil (533)
Les particules additives du Cantonais, le cas de "tim"
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Dimensions of Phonemic Contrast in Romance Vowels