LingLunch : Claire Saillard
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Positional variation of the adjective in Truku, a consequence of language contact ?
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Positional variation of the adjective in Truku, a consequence of language contact ?
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Blocking and anti-blocking effects at the lexicon/semantics interface: The case of French anticausatives
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Is Verner's Law stress-sensitive or edge-sensitive? a clue from CVCV
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Architectural implications of the dynamics of variation
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Frames of reference in discourse: Spatial descriptions in Bashkir (Turkic)
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Semantic spaces from typological and distributional perspectives
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Reconnaissance visuelle des mots transparents anglais chez les bilingues russes(L1)-anglais(L2)
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
The parametric syntax of participial modifiers
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
Russian children and their relatives
ODG – Salle du conseil (533)
An underspecification approach to Hausa resumption