Semantic similarity in grammar vs. sentence processing

Vendredi 06 Avril 2018, 14:00 to 16:00
Jean-Pierre Koenig (Université de Buffalo, invité Labex EFL)
Anne Abeillé (LLF)

ODG – Salle 533

Jean-Pierre Koenig (Université de Buffalo)
Semantic similarity in grammar vs. sentence processing

In this lecture, I will survey the dimensions of semantic similarity that matter for grammar (including lexical meaning) and sentence processing by comparing rules that map meaning onto syntax (alluded to in the second lecture) and various experiments that show how detailed knowledge of events or entropy affect predictions upcoming material. Possible explanations for these differences in the kind of semantic similarity that affects grammatical and processing behavior will be explored.

Diaporama (PDF, 1 Mo)


  • Boland, Julie, Michael Tanenhaus, Susan Garnsey & Greg Carlson. 1995. Verb argument structure in parsing and interpretation: Evidence from wh-questions. Journal of Memory and Language 34. 774-806.
  • Dery, Jeruen & Jean-Pierre Koenig. 2015. A narrative-expectation-based approach to temporal update in discourse comprehension. Discourse Processes 52. 559-584.
  • Koenig, Jean-Pierre, Douglas Roland, Hongoak Yun & Gail Manner. 2015. Which event properties matter for which cognitive task? In Roberto de Almeida & Christina Manouilidou (eds.), Cognitive science perspectives on verb representation and processing, 213-234. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Levy, Roger. 2008. Expectation-based syntactic comprehension. Cognition 106. 1126-1277.
  • Marvel, Aron & Jean-Pierre Koenig. 2015. Event categorization beyond verb senses. In Proceedings of the 11th workshop on multiword expressions (mwe 2015), Denver, CO: NACCL.
  • Matsuki, Kazunaga, Tracy Chow, Mary Hare, Je rey L. Elman, Christoph Scheepers & Ken McRae. 2011. Event-based plausibility immediately influences on-line language comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37. 913-934.
  • Roland, Douglas, Hongoak Yun, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Gail Mauner. 2012. Semantic similarity, predictability, and models of sentence processing. Cognition 122. 267-279.
  • Staub, Adrian, Margaret Grant, Lori Astheimer & Andrew Cohen. 2015. The in uence of cloze probability and item constraint on cloze task response time. Journal of Memory and Language 82. 1-17.

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