Le professeur Christoph Sheepers de l'université de Glasgow est accueilli par le LabEx EFL dans le cadre de la chaire internationale 2018 pour une série de quatre séminaires sur le thème Generalized mixed effects models for the analysis of experimental data.
This course will introduce and explain state of the art techniques for the analysis of experimental data in psycholinguistics and psychology of language. The focus is on confirmatory analysis and how to perform experimental hypothesis tests in the most accurate and generalizable manner. The course will be problem-oriented in the sense of trying to provide best practises for the most common challenges in the analysis of experimental data. To this end, I will draw upon a range of representative examples (based on actual or simulated data), while keeping explanation of formal mathematical background to a tolerable minimum. The course will be based on packages for generalized linear mixed effects modelling in R (specifically, lme4 and ordinal) and there will be four two-hour sessions (see below). Appropriate readings will be provided as the course progresses.
Toutes les séances se dérouleront à l'université Paris-Diderot, en salle 204 du bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, de 16h à 18h :
Télécharger le matériel pédagogique (ZIP, 3,8 Mo)