A. Abeillé, D. Godard, 2009. Complex predicates in the Romance languages, in D. Godard (ed), Fundamental issues in the Romance languages, CSLI Publications, p. 107-170.
Anne Abeillé, R. Borsley. 2008. Comparative correlatives and parameters, Lingua 118, 1139-1157.
Anne Abeillé, Danièle Godard, Frédéric Sabio. 2009. The dramatic extraction construction in spoken French, Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 11-1, p. 135-148
Anne Abeillé, Danièle Godard, Frédéric Sabio. 2008. Two types of NP preposing in French, Actes 15e Conférence HPSG, pages
Anne Abeillé, Danièle Godard, Frédéric Sabio. 2008. Deux constructions à SN antéposé en français Actes CMLF, Paris. Version PDF
A. Kupsc, A. Abeillé, 2008. `Growing Treelex', in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent text processing, Lectures Notes in Computer science, Springer Verlag, p. 28-39. Version PDF
A. Kupsc, A. Abeillé, 2008. Treelex : a subcategorization lexicon automatically extracted from a French Treebank, Actes ICGL, E. de la Clergerie, P. Paroubek (eds) Workshop on syntactic annotations, Hong-Kong. Version PDF
F. Henri, A. Abeillé 2008, Verb form alternations in Mauritian, Proceedings 15th international HPSG conference https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00751124
F. Henri, A. Abeillé, 2007, The syntax of copular constructions in Mauritian, Proceedings 14th international HPSG conference https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00751122
A.Abeillé, A. Delaveau, D. Godard 2007. La Grande Grammaire du français : principes de construction, Revue roumaine de linguistique, 2007, LII, 4. p. 403-419. Version PDF
Anne Abeillé, R. Borsley. 2007. La syntaxe des comparatives corrélatives en francais et en anglais, Faits de langue 28, p. 21-34. Version PDF
Les grammaires d'unification. Hermès, Lavoisier, 2007.
Dictionnaire du Vélib Editions du Panama, 2007.
Abeillé, A. 2006. In defense of lexical coordination, O. Bonami, P. Cabredo (eds), Empricial issues in Syntax and Semantics. Version PDF
A. Abeillé, R. Borsley, M-T. Espinal, 2006. The syntax of Comparative Correlatives in French and Spanish, HPSG Conference, S. Muller (ed) CSLI on-line Publications.Table of contents
Anne Abeillé, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard et Jesse Tseng. 2006. The syntax of French à and de: an HPSG analysis. in P. Saint-Dizier (éd), Syntax and semantics of prepositions, p. 147-162. Dordrecht : Springer.
Anne Abeillé, Danièle Godard 2006, La légèreté comme déficience de mobilité en français, Lingvisticae Investigationes, 29-1, 11-24. Version PDF
Anne Abeillé, D. Godard 2006. Les relatives sans pronom relatif, in M Abecassis (ed) Le francais parlé au XXIe siècle, Oxford U Press. Version PDF
Anne Abeillé, 2005. Les syntagmes conjoints et leurs fonctions syntaxiques, Langages, 160. 42-66.
Anne Abeillé, O. Bonami, D. Godard et J. Tseng 2005. Les syntagmes nominaux français de la forme de-N'. Travaux de linguistique 50, 79-95.
Anne Abeillé, Olivier Bonami, Daniele Godard, Jesse Tseng, 2004. The syntax of French de-N' phrases, HPSG Conference, S Muller (eds), CSLI online publications.
A. Abeillé, D. Godard 2004. Les adjectifs invariables comme compléments légers en français, in J. François (éd), L'adjectif en français et à travers les langues, PUC, 209-224
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2004 De la légèrete en syntaxe, Bulletin de la société linguistique de Paris, tome XCIX/1, 69-106.
Abeillé, A. (ed). 2003. Treebanks, building and using parsed corpora, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2003. Les prédicats complexes, in D. Godard (Ed.) Les Langues Romanes : problèmes de la phrase simple, Paris, Editions du CNRS.
Abeillé, A., L. Clément, F. Toussenel. 2003. Building a treebank for French, in A. Abeillé (ed) Treebanks, Kluwer, Dordrecht. Version PDF
Abeillé, A, J. Doetjes, H. de Swart. 2003. Adverbs and quantification, in F. Corblin, H. de Swart (eds) Handbook of French semantics, CSLI, Stanford.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2003. The syntax of French adverbs without functional projections, in Martine Coene, Gretel De Cuyper, Yves D'hulst (eds) Current studies in Comparative Romance Linguistics, J. Benjamins.
Abeillé, A. and D. Godard 2003.`The Syntactic Flexibility of French degree adverbs', inProceedings of HPSG 2003, Stefan Müller (ed), Stanford:CSLI publications.
Abeillé, A. 2003. A lexicalist and construction based approach to coordination, in Proceedings of HPSG Conference, East Lansing, Michigan.
Abeillé, A. et D. Godard. 2002. The Syntactic Structure of French auxiliaries. Language, 78, 404-452.
Abeillé, A. 2002. Une grammaire électronique du français, CNRS Editions, Paris.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2001. A class of lite adverbs in French, in J. Camps, C. Wiltshire (eds) Romance syntax, semantics and their L2 acquisition, Amsterdam, J. Benjamins. Version PDF.
Abeillé, A., L. Clément, and F. Toussenel. 2001. A treebank for French: some experimental results, in Corpus Linguistics Conference, CL01, Lancaster.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2001. Deux types de prédicats complexes dans les langues romanes, LINX, 45. Version PDF
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2001. Two syntactic types of verbal periphrases, 27th conference on Romance languages, Munich.
Abeillé, A., D Godard. 2000. French word Order and lexical Weight, in R. Borsley (ed) The nature and function of Syntactic Categories, Syntax and Semantics 32, Academic Press, New York, p. 325-358. Version PDF.
Abeillé, A., M.-H. Candito. 2000. FTAG : a lexicalized Tree adjoining grammar for French, in A. Abeillé, O. Rambow (eds) Tree Adjoining Grammars, CSLI, Stanford. 305-330.
Abeillé, A., L. Clément, A. Kinyon. 2000. `Building a treebank for French', Proc 2d Conference on Linguistic Resources, LREC, Athènes.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 2000. Varieties of esse in Romance languages, Berkeley Formal Grammar conference, D. Flickinger, A. Kathol (eds), 2-22, CSLI. Version PDF
Abeillé, A., O. Rambow (eds). 2000, Tree adjoining grammars: formalism, linguistic analysis and processing, Stanford, CSLI.
Abeillé, A., P. Blache. 2000. Grammaires et analyseurs syntaxiques, in J.-M. Pierrel (éd.) Ingénierie des Langues, Paris, Hermès.
Abeillé, A., D. Godard. 1999. La place de l'adjectif épithète en français : le poids des mots, Recherches Linguistiques, 28, pp. 9-31. Version PDF.
Abeillé, A, D. Godard. 1999. A lexical approach to quantifier floating, in A. Kathol et al. (ed) Lexical and constructional aspect of linguistic explanation, Stanford: CSLI Publications, 81-96.
A. Abeillé, D. Godard, 1999, Some aspects of interrogative constructions in French, International HPSG conference, Edinburgh.
A.Abeillé, L. Clément, 1999. A reference tagged corpus for French", Proceedings LINC, T. Brants, H. Uszkoreit (eds), Proceedings EACL, Bergen. p. 17-24
Abeillé, A; D Godard ; I A. Sag, 1998. Two Kinds of Composition in French complex Predicates, in A. Kathol et al. (eds) Complex Predicates in non transformational Syntax, p. 1-41. New York : Academic Press.
A Abeillé, D. Godard, P. Miller, I. Sag, 1998. French bounded Dependencies, in S. Balari, et L. Dini (éds) Romance in HPSG, Stanford : CSLI. p. 1-54
A Abeillé, D. Godard, P. Miller, 1997. Les constructions causatives en français : un cas de compétition syntaxique, Langue française, 115, p. 62-74.
A. Abeillé, D. Godard, 1997. The syntax of French negative adverbs, in D. Forget et al. (eds), Negation and polarity, syntax and semantics, Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1-27.
Abeillé, A ; D Godard. 1996. La complémentation des auxiliaires français, Langages 122. p 32-60.
A.Abeillé, D. Godard, P. Miller, 1995. La double structure des causatifs et des verbes de perception, Actes 2d Colloque des lexiques-grammaires comparés, J. Labelle (ed), UQAM, Montréal, p. 129-150.