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Qiu, Yiqin. The Identity Problem of VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In 26ème Journée de Linguistique d'Asie Orientale. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation as diagnostic in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In the 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL). EHESS, Paris, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation as diagnostic in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In the 21th Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Université Normale Nationale de Taiwan, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese In Workshop of 'Parentheses and Ellipsis' in the 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Université de Potsdam, Germany, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Hierarchy of adjuncts in Mandarin VP ellipsis In Topics in the Typology of Elliptical Constructions (part II). Université Paris Diderot, 2012.
Qiu, Yiqin. Hierarchy of Adjuncts in V-Stranding VP-Ellipsis of Mandarin Chinese In 25ème Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale. CRLAO, EHESS, 2012.
Qiu, Yiqin. La reconstruction des adverbes dans ’V-Stranding VP-Ellipsis’ en chinois mandarin In 5ème Journée des Doctorants. Université Paris Diderot, 2012.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Reconstruction of Adjuncts in V-Stranding VP-Ellipsis of Mandarin Chinese In the 20th Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2012.