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Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. Processing subject and object relative clauses in French and Mandarin Chinese In CUNY. Los Angeles, 2015.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. Processing Mandarin relative clauses In AMLaP. Malta, 2015.
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. French object relatives: evidence against DLT but not entirely explained by frequency In 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. Mandarin relative clause processing or the joy of replication. In 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. "Acquisition des pronoms objets en français langue seconde." Discours (2016).
Pozniak, Celine, Jiaying Huang, and Barbara Hemforth. Competition of linear and structural distance in relative clause processing - Evidence from Mandarin and Cantonese Visual World experiments In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. French object relatives: all is good when the context is right In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, Jiaying Huang, and Barbara Hemforth. Relative clause processing, structural and linear distance matter - Evidence from Mandarin, Cantonese and English Visual World experiments In The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston , 2017.PDF icon poster_CUNY_2017_HemforthHuangPozniak.pdf (779.55 Ko)
Pozniak, Celine, and Christoph Scheepers. Cross-domain priming from mathematics to relative-clause attachment: A visual-world study in French In The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 2017.PDF icon poster_CUNY_2017_ScheepersPozniak.pdf (839.78 Ko)
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. It’s all about the head: Implicit causality effects on subject and object RCs In AMLaP ., 2017.
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, Yair Haendler, Andrea Santi, and Nino Grillo. "Seeing events vs. entities: The processing advantage of Pseudo Relatives over Relative Clauses." Journal of Memory and Language, no. 107 (2019): 128-151.PDF icon Pozniak__Hemforth__Haendler__Santi_and_Grillo_2018manuscript.pdf (3.87 Mo)
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, and Christoph Scheepers. "Cross-Domain Priming From Mathematics to Relative-Clause Attachment: A Visual-World Study in French." Frontiers in Psychology, no. Nov. 2018 (2018).
Pozniak, Celine, and Heather Burnett. "Failures of Gricean reasoning and the role of stereotypes in the production of gender marking in French." Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2021-...) 6 (2021).