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Mickus, Timothee, Timothée Bernard, and Denis Paperno. What Meaning-Form Correlation Has to Compose With: A Study of MFC on Artificial and Natural Language In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Barcelona, Spain (Online): International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2020.
Mazzocconi, Chiara, Ye Tian, and Jonathan Ginzburg. "What's your laughter doing there? A taxonomy of the pragmatic functions of laughter." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2020).
Pan, Victor Junnan, and Waltraud Paul. "What you see is what you get: Chinese sentence-final particles as head-final complementisers." In Discourse Particles – Formal Approaches to their Syntax and Semantics, 49-77. Josef Bayer and Volker Struckmeier ed. Linguistische Arbeiten. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016.
Tian, Ye, Chiara Mazzocconi, and Jonathan Ginzburg. When do we laugh? In 17th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2016). Los Angeles, USA, 2016.
Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, Emilia Ellsiepen, and Barbara Hemforth. Why are distributive readings dispreferred In Going Romance. Vol. Going Romance 2015., 2016.
Pan, Victor Junnan, and Waltraud Paul. "Why Chinese SFPs are neither optional nor disjunctors." Lingua 170 (2016): 23-34.PDF icon SFPs final version.pdf (239.22 Ko)
Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, and Ion Giurgea. "Weak Reference and Semantic Incorporation." In The Syntax and Semantics of Pseudo-Incorporation, edited by Olga Borik and Berit Gehrke. Vol. Syntax & Semantics 40. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
Fradin, Bernard. What lies at the bottom of morphological oceans? In Décembrettes 8. Université Jean Jaurès Toulouse, 2015.PDF icon Diapos-Decembrettes 2015 (Copie en conflit de Mac Book Air Bernard 2015-11-14).pdf (196.27 Ko)
Santiago Vargas, Fabián, and Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie. What motivates extra-rising patterns in L2 French: Acquisition factors or L1 Transfer ? In International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPHS). Glasgow, 2015.PDF icon ICPhS_2015_Santiago&Delais-Roussarie_L2_French.pdf (532.73 Ko)
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ and Information Structure in Chinese In "Workshop "What the topic is (not) about", 28th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics. CRLAO, INALCO, 2015.
Winterstein, Grégoire. "What but-sentences argue for: a modern argumentative analysis of 'but'." Lingua 122 (2012): 1864-1885.
Pan, Victor Junnan. When wh-questions interact with information structure In ‘Information Structure in Non-Assertive Speech Acts’, Workshop at the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), University of Frankfurt, Allemagne. Frankfurt, Allemagne, 7-9 March, 2012.
Word Structure 5.1: Stems in inflection and lexeme formation, Edited by Olivier Bonami. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.
Hanoka, Valérie, and Benoît Sagot. {Wordnet creation and extension made simple: A multilingual lexicon-based approach using wiki resources} In {LREC 2012 : 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-fronting in Chinese In The 17e conférence annuelle de l’Association Internationale de la Linguistique Chinoise (International Association of Chinese Linguistics), IACL-17, CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France, 2009.
Tovena, Lucia M., and Marta Donazzan. "On ways of repeating." Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 37 (2008): 85-112.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-in-situ et questions rhétorique en chinois mandarin In Journées d’études organisé par Le Groupe "Types de phrases - cartographie et typologie" (Fed. Typologie et universaux linguistiques, CNRS). Paris, France, 2008.
Bonami, Olivier, and Gilles Boyé. What is realized by realizational morphology? In Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain. Newcastle, 2006.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-topicalization and wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese In 20ème Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France, 2006.
Saillard, Claire. "Working out languages: An interactionist analysis of vitality issues for Taiwanese Austronesian languages." In Streams Converging into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul Jen-Kuei Li on His 70th Birthday. Vol. W5. Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2006.PDF icon Working out languages_Acrobat.pdf (232.2 Ko)
Pan, Victor Junnan, and Paul Boucher. Wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese : an alternative view In 13ème conférence annuelle de l’Association Internationale de la Linguistique Chinoise (IACL-13). l’Université de Leiden, Leiden, Pays bas., 2005.
Martin, Philippe. "WinPitch Corpus: Presentation and user’s manual ." In C-ORAL-ROM, Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages. London: benjamins, 2005.
Martin, Philippe. "WinPitch LTL, a Multimodal Pronunciation Software ." Revue de l’ALSIC 8, no. 2 (2005).
Martin, Philippe. "WinPitch LTL, un logiciel multimédia d'enseignement de la prosodie." Revue de l'ALSIC 8, no. No 2 (2005): 95-108.
Germain, Aline, and Philippe Martin. WinPitch Language Teaching, Easy Learning (LTEL) In Conférence virtuelle sur les applications des NTIC dans l'enseignement du FLE,., 1998.